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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Unlike us, there is a mob out Glenferrie way that collects them.
  2. Well I like the final word Norm but I agree there is more bullshite on this thread than even I and Biffen can muster up Danger playing for us FMD!!!!!
  3. Yes and no! Even I am wary of the ones who find a toothbrush growing between my toes erotic I need to speak to Lothario!
  4. Please note! We of Romsey's polite society will not be drawn into any puerile discussion of toilet or personal hygiene habits. Although, for those who have a genuine interest, I will note that the chronic fungal issue appears to be under control.
  5. Serious question dc! What diet is best to keep you in the blue rinser saddle? I realize the 80 plus group probably tire easily but what about the 60 year old " young uns" . Do you go paleo or load up on the carbs ( plus Biffs additives) . Is the MICA team on standby?
  6. No Earl Hood just wanted to give one of my delightful cousins her 15 minutes of fame. BTW are you enjoying a spot of Royal Tennis?
  7. BTW Biff is not racist - he simply pays the asian girls less - he tells them it is going into a war widows fund. If that doesn't work he uses the old "some of my best friends are vietnamese" line!!
  8. FFS don't mention racism, or sanctimonious Stuie will be all over it and bore us all shite less!
  9. Yes the lad certainly has muscle where you want to have it.
  10. The report I heard didn't elaborate but there's a whiff. Fried Garlick?
  11. Sounds like a sordid affair - still class always comes through.
  12. Moses always played well in the wet. Left the opposition for dead.
  13. Is today "love bloody dairy farmers day"? I've been to more than one pub and club and never heard Alpaca farmers whingeing about work loads.
  14. We "real farmers" always considered dairy farmers as bits of hobbyists and soft to boot!
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