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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Is that site on your favourites list DC?
  2. Suggestion. Innuendo. Smut. It doesn't take long for a conversation to go downhill on this site. I think this is what the Good Samaritans referred to as an "occasion of sin". I'm out of here before, as a penance, I have to give myself a good flogging
  3. I must confess. It does become a habit.
  4. There's a plum job coming up in Rome.
  5. What happens if you have no friends? Do you send yourself messages?
  6. This thread needs to get back on topic. PS. to Biffen. Who needs Pfizer?
  7. DC your cosseted and cozy suburban life has left you unaware and out of touch with the real world. Sheep- are sooo country. We, of the polite landed gentry only keep alpacas.
  8. You can be very selfish and shallow Biffen! . Of course bladders, especially leaky ones, are a valid and important subject of discussion. Need I remind you that this is a footy forum. Where would our great game be without bladders? Now you need to take a firm hold of yourself and reflect on the importance of bladders.
  9. I am currently reflecting on the aging process so I must ask - Is that 'spills" of the incontinence variety OD?
  10. Ahh Biffo. I'm truly blushing. Such deft praise from a sensitive, caring and urbane gutter crawler like yourself quite gives me the vapours.
  11. You got me again DC. Now it's all the way with LBJ.
  12. More like twin intake valve - but I wont continue the analogy.
  13. Yes. er there have been some questions in that regard .... but all in the past.
  14. No comment on yours DC. You know the rule - never follow children or animals.
  15. There has never really been any question about my sanity.
  16. This is dreadful doggerel verse I'll admit, but I offer it as a warning to you sicko born again banana evangelists. Banana Poem A long time ago, when the world was young Someone put some food on their tongue They tasted the food, and thought it was nice Most fruit liked it - but banana's thought twice. They held a meeting at quarter past eight Whilst the human's were getting home late They decided they didn't want to be eaten they said "No way, we're not going to be beaten" So time went by, and human's got old Banana's got ready, for their prophets had told That soon shall come the dawn of war. Where humans will rule the earth no more. The humans knew not of the evil banana's plans They made their cars, guitars and aluminum cans And the banana's began to take over the east While humans knew not, and kept having their feast. But time has run out, no more hiding there can be Or else the banana's will kill George, you and me We must take up arms, and fight to the end Because, believe it or not, a banana is not a friend.
  17. You're all over me on that one DC. Try a water cannon.
  18. I know my view will be unpopular. But my sense of civic responsibility comes before all else. It's just the type of bloke i am. Anyway you just have to look at my avatar to know I'm a health freak.
  19. BTW. All you smoothie health freaks should check page 15 of today's Herald Sin. I can't do the link (Luddite) but it's titled " Smoothies rough on diets". It seems this thread is encouraging obesity and, therefore, in the interests of public health, should be closed
  20. Good work DC! Now get yourself a 12 gauge and go and blast some protected species. A banana smoothie will tast great afterwards .
  21. Watching tennis! Jeez! Why don't you go for a drive and run over some cats?
  22. Maybe. I'll have to take advice from Biffen on these dietary/health/clean living matters.
  23. Such modesty. I hope you're blushing.
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