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Everything posted by Arrow

  1. Stereotyping is always the best form of wit. I don't agree with what Mono originally had to say, he has also retracted his thoughts but it had some small amount of merit. My concern is not with specifically Relton Roberts, Liam Jurrah or Wona; or with any future player who has an issue/issues with his community or family. And it also doesn't have anything to do with payments- my concern is slowly but surely a precedent is set. I am unequivocal in my feeling that they are for good and solid reasons but does it open up every time a player heads home in a time of need. Were these boys who were allowed extra leeway responsible for players now using their want to go home against their clubs in trade week like we are now seeing?.... Clark, Caddy, Gaff, Boak, Dangerfield now have leverage on their clubs citing no other reason than a desperation to go home. This is very rarely an issue in other sports.. LeBron James even recently left his hometown to chase glory... Pity 4th quarters exist. But on the main point I may be looking far too into this topic- it is a super interesting one and one which the debate preceding me has been great viewing, I just feel with every club folding to the demands of the player is it opening the door where the players are becoming bigger than the club. Last year's events of HWSNBN made me realise how vulnerable we looked as we begged on our scabbed knees for a 20 year old to stay and with continuing to let players call the shots and fall to their demands we may one day be run by those big egos. In closing, I do stress I'm sure everything is 100% above board I have no issues with Liam going home etc etc it is just a topic of debate I thought i'd throw up as my mind runs 100m/h at 11.31 at night.
  2. I'm basing my best 22 on who I think should be our best players come Round 11. Trengove is a walk-up. I expect Sylvia to play more on the wing/middle this year to bulk us up which will leave the HFF requiring a marking strong body. Therefore a see a definite requirement for a Tapscott type player. McKenzie is interesting- always been a walk up for his game style for mine but this year could be difficult. We have drafted a magnitude of players similar to his style in Magner & Couch and both so far seem to have better kicking skills (concern) but Neeld would love him therefore should find a spot. Finally, in the debate of Strauss vs. Bennell I am so over the top on the Strauss will end up a convincingly better player bangwagon that I could be the driver. Strauss' defending was far better last year and developed beautiful before injury, and IMO has a much larger upside in kicking ability and potential drive than Bennell who although has flair and speed is undisciplined and poor at inconvenient times. Like you said it is completely personal opinion so I'd love to hear your thoughts/ differences to mine!
  3. It's one of the things I really like about UF because last year can't remember the poor bugger who got Lenny Hayes but after the Grand Final Norm Smith and a good year he was a top 10 pick. 4 weeks in he was nothing. So excited for Round 1. Thank god I don't have any Brisbane players because I often find myself barracking for the individual but god I want that win Round 1.
  4. JA I stress that is just a suggestion and I am biased because I did miss the draft thus my lower picks aren't desirable however is it possible to organise so you can make as many player changes as you want before round 1? Alot of water can go under the bridge until Round 1 just think is abit brutal to use some off your minimal 30 trades when it hasn't started.... Anyone agree/disagree?
  5. 2-1 and on the top half of the ladder is something unusual for Melbourne but its where we lie after half the NAB Cup. This week against the hottest team the following gems we welcome back in: Tapscott, Strauss, Jetta, McKenzie and Trengrove. In my opinion that's close to 4 players in our best 22. Are the we a chance and what's your team for this round?
  6. It's in the name instead of 2 categories for both frees for and frees against this year there will simply be one category called frees differential. So if your team incurs 8 FF and 4 FA your differential will be +4 etc etc and therefore if your opponent had 5 FF and 11 FA his diff is -6 and you comprehensively win that category and point..understand it?
  7. Just went and checked half expecting to see you offering Michael Newton for my top pick but I think it's an excellent offer Robbo and have accepted hoping it benefits both of us. Let me get back to you on Priddis he was my best player last year so I have an attraction to him but I'll keep you posted!
  8. I have unfortunately learnt the brutal truth of pre-ranked picks. Terrible team no depth with multiple injuries. Wish me luck!
  9. Someone in the room let me know who I picked up this shitty 21st has killed me and the website doesn't update your team until the end of the draft!!!! Please and thanks!!!
  10. False this is my 3rd reviewing of the game and his application is fine. He broke open two packs with force and was dishing reasonable handbills in traffic. Watts was playing on one of the best marking rebounding defenders in the AFL there's every possibility Neeld said to him at stages, neutralize Reid and help out your teammates doing so. That is more for the team than being hard but watching every ball fly back out of the 50 each time
  11. Disappointed about the lack of discussion re. trading for the draft. So here goes nothing. Looking to consolidate the middle of the draft so I'm after a pick around 160-170 and offering both 202 and 231. A hell of a lot of class on both those picks with Sam Reid and Melksham potentials around 200 and Rhys Palmer, Stephen Hill and Salopek all around 231. Negiotiations are welcome.
  12. He played 15 games for us and polled the equal most brownlow votes with Davey who won the award suggesting had the body held up he had an equal year to our best. Sylvia's unlucky downfall is he is an attractive player to watch both in the looks sense of being enormous and a good looking player and classy when he turns it on. For these 2 reasons it creates hype and when the hype isn't matched weekly he is railroaded. He is a genuine walk up best 18 player on any line of our midfield or forward line, but people must taper expectations for someone for the last 2 years has just played 30 games.
  13. I'm happy to be on Team Thomo here. Fantastic Port also don't have a FOJ sponsor that's puts us in elite company. I'm sure their CEO is saying the same thing- "Currently we have numerous companies knocking down our door to be the major sponsor of Port Adelaide Football Club. We're very close to a deal it's just hard because there's so many interested parties". There is a reason Port and us are last and it is because we have the stigma of being the least professional and least desirable and the longer we wait for this years deal the more we're keeping up this stigma for future years and deals. We're doing an amazing amount of right things on and off the field, but the 2012 Team picture displayed all year without a sponsor on the breast will be an avid reminder of how far we still have to go to be where we as supporters think we are.
  14. Think it's fantastic used in moderation. Couldn't think of anything more professional than seeing all the boys arrive to the game wearing their blazers; getting off the buses for interstate trips etc. Tracksuits look so unprofessional when I played footy at school it was an honour to arrive to the game wearing our blazer before kitting up. This could be really good relying how they approach it.
  15. Yeah all makes good and reasonable sense I'm happy with all of that. Just realised I have a 21st on Sunday evening so I'm dreadfully going to be relying on the pre draft rankings which is terrible Hopefully I can leave early to save myself some later picks and fix it up!
  16. As long as the same rules apply to both mods and normal members I agree. However, I dont agree if mods can bully and members can not. When it comes to RR who really cares? I don't think I've seen him actually post on a football thread its all politics and bickering. Ignore and enjoy the rest of the comments
  17. The difference is most of these players converted. Everyone did it in Lyon and Neitz day so its stupid to compare whereas Farmer actually kicked the goals unlike your love child. Robbo only played as many games late in his career because of our terrible list and was moved on because of this reason. Selfish acts. Look forward to talking to you at the end of the year Bossdog. Will be fun
  18. Hope he's so good just so you can really shove it up him WYL!
  19. Adding to the above points he's also probably the most selfish footballer I've ever seen. The amount of U-turns and kicks around the body at goal make me so frustrated. As all have mentioned it may have been acceptable in years gone by but not under this regime. Goodbye Lynden
  20. Not sure I quite agree with your first comment there at all. Why would him being a chemist mean he knew what was going on? He's their coach you cant sit in their front yard watching day to day chores only thing you can judge is their time at the club and i doubt theyd be using there. Are you suggesting he was helping to supply them... I don't quite follow the personal attack WYL?
  21. I'd be happy with 4 wins and absolutely stoked if we could get 5. We are similar to North Melbourne in that we in the past have not been able to even compete with the top teams contrary to a Richmond who has at least had an upset in the past. If you look at last year and say our best win was Essendons it's pretty [censored] poor. In short give me 4-7 at the half way point and I'll be absolutely content we'll finish off like a house on fire.
  22. I questioned whether I'd give away any of my draft secrets but for fairness I'll let you all know I'll be selecting Matthew Bate with pick 15 in the draft. Cheers.
  23. Haha thats exactly the thing we all desperately want Jack to do well. It was such a refreshing feeling shoving it up all those doubters midway through the year, I just hope he can back to that sort of form! Sorry again, certainly wasn't a personal attack on my behalf.
  24. Jumbo certainly wasn't aimed at you more the generalization that after one NAB Cup game he's soft and won't be anything more than a Utility type player. I'm not impressed by his game last night but there was probably 4-6 players who could hold their head up truly high and after what we saw at the middle of last year just find it funny that we're back on the Natanui talk in February
  25. Hope he plays against the Pies #7 left the door wide open for a spot if he wants it and all reports suggests running well and looking strong. Could be a comeback story that all would admire after what 6ish months since the break
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