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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Agree wholeheartedly. I have no tatts myself but do appreciate them as works of art... I have numerous books on tattooing from Japanese full body to the American "Spider" Webb's work - all of it superb.
  2. That's what started the whole ban in the first place :-)
  3. Yes, it's the literary equivalent to having quick lime thrown into your eyes (see Flannery's "Wise Blood")
  4. But you do realise that you'll never be able to attend a public bathhouse in Japan ;-)
  5. OD, I have no issue with the humourous posts being made speculating on the imagery (I too think DemonWA may have nailed it)... I do however have an issue with CanPlay's motives for starting the thread in the first place and his unwarranted attack on satyriconathome.
  6. Jeeeeeesus!!!! It has come to this. I noticed you mentioned something about deep seated insecurities to satyriconathome? I would say that anyone who is so hung up about a person's desire to have a tattoo (sleeve or otherwise) as to generate an entire topic on it and to use it as further evidence that Schwab must go, is probably the one with the insecurity issues. Unbelievable!
  7. I was waiting for the punch line as I read (must be my inner cynic)... ... but as it turns out, nice little anecdote... thanks for sharing.
  8. you're doing a great job mate... and love that Gil Scott Heron reference.
  9. Well, it would appear that in spite of what you say, you DO consider them bigger than the club and hence your borderline psychopathic obsession with having them removed. If you reduce the membership levels to a point where the club is really struggling financially, then regardless of what happens to the board, so much faith will have been lost that we will genuinely struggle to get that lost membership back any time soon. A direct consequence of that will be that we will once again be down the financial toilet and forced into a position where the club is begging for financial assistance from its member base. It's harebrained ideas like this that leave me wondering whether you really are a supporter RR or simply a white ant in search of an army.
  10. Sorry, that went right over my head; care to elaborate?
  11. Yeah and I bet when you have a bad week at work, you lay low all weekend because you feel so ashamed of yourself. Has anyone thought that maybe they were sent by the club (or were invited by Storm) to see how a truly professional bunch of guys perform on the park?
  12. Just to take preemptive action, we'll have no jokes about facelifts if you don't mind!
  13. I agree entirely... constructive help is definitely something worth pursuing. However, dismantling the entire football and administration departments as some (well, one in particular) are currently suggesting, would be counter productive at this point as it would only put us further around the S-bend than we currently are.
  14. Yes, more than likely; and equally likely to take just as long to recover than if we stuck to our guns.
  15. RR is using the clenched fist to signify his call to arms for a revolution at the club...unfortunately the one thing that seems to have been overlooked is that a "revolution" is a 360 degree rotation, which, if he had his way, would see us dump our entire admin and (possibly) coaching staff etc, with the result that we then end up precisely where we began when he commenced his coup.
  16. I was dead set against this when discussed last year, but the first change I would make for this game would be to appoint Nathan Jones as Captain with Grimes as his deputy. We need an inspirational leader with the requisite level of aggression to their play... Nathan ticks the boxes.
  17. 148 points is not a sound beating?
  18. Couldn't agree more... if tipping against the club you support is a crime, then I think most of us here failing our club. I did a tour of the facilities on the Sunday morning prior to the Port game and was talking to Russell Robertson (he hosted much of the tour)... he talked about the captaincy and inspirational figures at the club, and mentioned that Lyon was the most inspirational (and frightening) captain/player he encountered during his time playing with the club. He mentioned that Lyon was the kind of person you would be prepared to put your body on the line for (if he said jump you would ask how high? was how I think he put it). Perhaps we need to employ the inspirational talents of one G Lyon to give the playing group a solid pre-game rev up as opposed to Mark Neeld's fireside chat that we witnessed on Saturday?
  19. Read my comments again, I was talking about the game against Port (the spitting incidents were mentioned by the commentators during the Essendon game, but in reference to the Port game).
  20. No offence PSD, but you did keep the entire quote in your initial post including the offending text. I do agree that the post that upset you was a very unreasonable post, by the way.
  21. I don't know if it happened this week, but I heard it mentioned in last night's game coverage that Dees supporters were not only booing and shouting abuse at the players as they entered the race, but were also spitting on them! I was always under the impression that this one precisely one of the reasons so many despised the Essendon and Richmond ferals... It is bad enough that we have sunk so low as a team, but to sink so low as supporters is plain heartbreaking!
  22. I had thought maybe Benson was the likely candidate :-)
  23. If we were to offer up songs that would express the club's supporter's feelings at the moment, I would dig into the 60's catalogue and drag out: Over, Under, Sideways, Down - by the Yardbirds Dazed and Confused - by Led Zeppelin and for the Casey fans: Crosstown Traffic by Jimi Hendrix
  24. I was just about to make the same suggestion (Loser) when I saw this!
  25. Quite seriously, I can't recall the last time Frawley had a good game... yes, he has had his moments, but I really cannot remember when he last played a game that could be described as good. To say he is in our top 5 at the moment is pretty damning of where we are at as a team, sadly.
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