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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Nothing to do with it... a challenge to find a worse period was put up and so I took it up. No one believes Neeld is doing a good job, but some of us believe he should be given the opportunity to complete his rebuild (end of this year). No doubt people like Ben Her, yourself and a few others would have been leading the charge to have Bomber Thompson sacked had you been Geelong supporters at that time.
  2. Ok, if percentage is the significant factor, then: 1919 42.96% (but it should be noted... this is an end of season percentage and you are isolating a percentage mid-season that is more likely to increase than decrease I would think).
  3. No problem with that at all... at least you have the choice unlike we interstate members. Do we know if Ben Her is a member?... I for one get the feeling that he/she is probably holding out on a purchase conditional on Neeld's departure.
  4. Love the selective quoting. And just because we aren't as prone as yourself to throwing a hissy-fit, that doesn't necessarily mean we are 100% behind Neeld. It means we support the players and we support the club.
  5. 1919... didn't win a game and it took them until 1925 to make it to finals football. 1981 was the next when they one a single game. I have been following them since the late 1950's and have never wavered in my support... unfortunately, living interstate means I cannot afford to attend on a regular basis, something I certainly did when I lived in Melbourne.
  6. It's a double edged sword in as far as poor crowds will result in less enthusiasm from the players and poor performances will result in smaller crowds. To stay away because you don't agree with the club's (and Jackson's) choice to stick with Neeld for the time being just shows you ARE a fair-weather supporter, and a petulant one at that. Who cares if you sat through 1981... I doubt you were the only one. (I typed this without once opening my mouth)
  7. I would have thought that the Kennett for "president" thing would have been roughly 50/50 on these forums. As for not attending the games, "fair-weather friend" might be a more apt description rather than a bandwagon jumper. Oh, and looking at your avatar, I would say that it's probably not a drum you're beating.
  8. I did a quick search of YouTube and couldn't find it... so I would be interested in finding out as well.
  9. I will be at the GWS game at Skoda in August...but unfortunately I cannot afford to travel to Melbourne at will and the next time I have to be down there is the weekend we are playing at TIO Stadium :-(
  10. He doesn't necessarily need the avatars.
  11. Serious change is needed, yet you are happy to see someone who compares the GWS experiment to Gallipoli come in and run the club? We as a club have been suffering far too much ridicule in the press of late (yes, mostly deserved), so we bring in a loose canon who will continue to keep us in the spotlight quite possibly for all of the wrong reasons. Look at what happened when he was calling for Clarkson's head... do you really think we as a club want someone who likes the sound of his own voice so much that he wants everybody else to hear it as well? Even David Schwarz is speaking out against the idea: ''I don't think so, he barracks for Hawthorn. You want someone who will roll up their sleeves for your club don't you?'' Schwarz said on SEN, when asked whether Kennett was the right person to be president. ''I have no idea why Jeff would want to be in charge of the Melbourne Football Club. That was puzzling, but Jeff is puzzling at times. The people I'm speaking to haven't spoken to Jeff, so that has come out of the blue.'' Serious change?... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQvVTPXZuBo
  12. I will start by saying that I'm happy he has taken on the CEO role, but what exactly has he done in the last 5 weeks that leads you to make that comment? He has introduced Watts to Watson (great initiative by the way) and he has helped the board achieve a stay of execution for Mark Neeld (while I am very happy with that, I would have thought that would have not sat well with you). Apart from those two acts, what else has he actually achieved? He has been in the process of identifying weaknesses in the current system and he has, I assume, been piecing together a report as a result...but those are things anyone being brought into a club that is struggling, would be expected to do; and we are yet to hear the results and what actions will be taken. Once he starts acting on his assessments and once he starts bringing in the sponsors (something Schwab did well considering the poor performances the club was producing), then I will start to judge his performance.
  13. Maybe we could go the way of Port Adelaide and bring in TV celebrities? Steve Vizard on a ticket along with Con the Fruiterer as VP.
  14. Who might that be? Ben Hur, Range Rover, Rhino Richards, and...? ;-)
  15. One other thing...there is so little detail and we all know that Kennett is a publicity hound. He states that he has been approached by Melbourne members, but who are they? Is he talking about grass roots supporters/members? Is he talking about members with direct influence? Or is this Jeff simply trying to place himself back in the limelight? he comes out with this and at the same time makes some comments that could be considered "controversial" regarding GWS's continued existence... so really, how seriously can we take this?
  16. Let's not forget this is the ex Hawthorn Club President who was publicly calling for Clarkson to be sacked after losing to Geelong... not a great look in anyones' book. And furthermore, let's not forget this is the person who bears the Kennett Curse... can we afford to carry that on top of the weight of the Norm Smith Curse?
  17. Honestly, Demonlanders can be far too precious! It was a flippant off the cuff remark... really, who cares?? On the Aus v Japan things... if considered in relation to the significance of the world cup on the world stage (largest viewing audience of any sporting event including the olympics), then in terms of importance, he might well be right. Regardless, it was certainly one of the best games of football I've seen for some time.
  18. Yeah, just like "Bomber" Thompson couldn't coach.
  19. No, that was Warumpi Band who were another great indigenous group also responsible for My Island Home, Jail Song (Jailanguru Pakarnu) and Bread Line.
  20. Yes, really sad news to have to wake up to this morning. Vale. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00w_JYSpc1Y
  21. No, the small minority maintain the tautology reference library.
  22. Just found a nice little piece from 2006 that seems quite relevant to a lot of the discussion going on around here.
  23. Morgan Freeman? He's better as god.
  24. What a great contributor you are... not one single positive post. Time to change your name to Glumpse.
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