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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. I would argue that racial discrimination has far more sinister undertones than calling a fit person fat.
  2. I think you'll find there is a bit of a difference... that is sledging. Unacceptable maybe, but hardly on the same level as racially motivated comments (and I doubt you will see an AFL player who is genuinely overweight these days - so it was obvious that is was a taunt and it certainly was not a public statement heard by thousands).
  3. And here I was thinking that the term "ranga" was initially a reference to the colour of someones pubic hair, based on the colour of that of the orangutan. That you could find racist overtones in that beggars belief.
  4. Not being prudish at all... kids read this site as well as adults (my 11y.o often reads over my shoulder), and there are probably others including females on this site who find that offensive. So, what was the point of the image anyway? If it was supposed to be funny, in my opinion it failed miserably.
  5. Apart from unnecessary use of an expletive, just what is your point?
  6. With posts like his opener, is it an accident that Wayne chose to write his name as ENYAW? http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=enyaw
  7. If So has a bro, let's go the old So and So.
  8. You have to understand that WAYNE's a little backward.
  9. Thought I would post a couple of my favourite "minimalist" film clips - feel free to post more on this theme. The first one, Elvis Costello's "I Wanna be Loved" was actually filmed as one continuous shot in a photo booth at Flinders Street Station by a local production company Rich Kids. The second was, I think, produced by Godley and Creme themselves... superb:
  10. Not meaning to sound ageist (I'm not far behind them), but Pagan and Sheedy were both born in 1947 and are probably past their use by date as serious coaching contenders (exemplified by Sheedy's work at GWS). Methinks the game has probably left them behind and if we are going to chase a new coach, it needs to be someone who is currently involved at the top level (other than Sheeds who I doubt is really involved anyway).
  11. No one has forgotten anything I think you will find. Most thought he was a reasonable VFL player who was never going to make it at the AFL level - most wanted him gone and I can't think of any poster who was critical of the fact that he went. I really don't know where you are getting this Jack Watts/Cale Morton thing from (unless you are confusing Morton with Naitanui). It would appear that you are the one who may have memory issues.
  12. What on earth did the guy ever do to you to warrant the attack you have launched at him? He always came across as a reasonable person who was just not the footballer we all hoped that he would be. [censored]? [censored]? How does he warrant that... is this a case of seeing our own faults in others?
  13. I went and saw the Fukuoka Softbank Hawks play a few years ago (when they were known as the Daiei Hawks) in Fukuoka and spent 80% of the game propped up at the bar... god I find baseball boring. Love Fukuoka though; great city with the best ramen in Japan (Hakata Ramen - white soup) and being in Kyushu, the home of mentaiko spaghetti and the rocket fuel known as shōchū.
  14. Not overkill at all... it's just plain laughable.
  15. Gee another HATE thread... what a surprise!!
  16. Aussie Digital if you have internet radio or an app like Tune-In Radio... but be warned, the commentary is terrible.
  17. I disagree... there have been a few on these forums who have denigrated both Pedersen and Fitzpatrick (among others, including Spencer) as not being footballers full stop, let alone AFL footballers (but in less kind terms).
  18. That's great news... but I imagine there are a few on here who would be very disappointed to read that.
  19. Yes, it's wonderful... we all have the right to repeat ourselves over and over and over and over and over and to jump into every topic and ruin it with commentary on the coach even when the topic has nothing to do with the coach (Barry thread, even the Dogs Win thread and countless others). Actually< i'm not really sure what democracy has to do with it, other than to provide some sort of an excuse for a lack of originality and sheepish behaviour.
  20. hardtack


    Oh come on... open your eyes!!! It was 2 possessions ;-)
  21. Yes and we have 114 pages of the same comments repeated over and over again, ad infinitum; and not only here... they are repeated at every opportunity in any post regardless of the topic. It's repetitive, it's boring and it has absolutely zero impact on any decision that is likely to be made concerning Neeld's future.
  22. No one is assuming. The girl handed the rug (or jacket?) to the person next to her, so it seemed pretty obvious there was a connection.
  23. Yes, she was obviously complimenting Adam Goodes on his game, judging by the way he reacted. I get the feeling you were just out for an argument.
  24. I could be wrong, but assuming that was her mother she dropped the rug over as she left, it was pretty awful that she didn't accompany her. Yes, that girl was incredibly stupid, but she was obviously very scared and visibly upset when they took her away.
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