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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Give him a break... he's done a few good things already including nicely rounding up Burgoyne just now.
  2. As there was no game day thread yet, thought I may as well give us a space to vent. daemon (/ˈdeɪmən/ or /ˈdiːmən/)[1] - a computer program (AFL team) that runs as a background process, rather than being under the direct control of an interactive user (coach).
  3. Maybe we need Nanny McPhee.
  4. The Suns' forward pressure is unbelievable.
  5. I'm loving this game... GCS up by 2 goals!
  6. You tell us you are half aboriginal... in the this space known as the internet, it doesn't necessarily mean that you are.
  7. Really? Where is this flood? I know my 11 year old son berates me for threatening to give up... I get the feeling these parents you talk of (if they exist - I haven't noticed too many) are projecting their own emotional state onto their children.
  8. I really don't care about that... he has earned his spot by repeated good performances at Casey and so deserves the opportunity. At this time and with the players available to us, can you name any that would be expected to do better against their backs?
  9. Do you oppose just for the sake of opposing? Certainly seems that way. jazza gave you three reasonable answers (particularly the point re mids v forwards) and you arrogantly dismiss it out of hand. We have Jackson installed at the club with a mandate to clean up the entire operation and to do it as he sees fit... are you opposed to that as well or are you prepared to let him go about his work and accept the outcome... or if those outcomes don't suit your agenda, are you just going to keep on bleating out the same old now extremely tired "sack the coach" routine? If it's all too hard for you, why not go and follow a successful club? I'm sure you will be happy until you find a reason to oppose the direction they are taking..and then no doubt you will be even happier.
  10. Don't worry Deanox, I was just making a joke... I was happy with the two Jacks getting the captaincy, but this year I have been one to say that maybe Jones is a better fit - hopefully young JT having Jones as his co-captain until JG is back on board, is a good thing as it should relieve a lot of the pressure he has been under and may also help instill some good leadership qualities..
  11. I used to think that as well and made a similar comment last year on these forums only to be told he is actually quite vocal. Despite that fact that there is the odd poster who claims he isn't the brightest spark on the team (not sure how these views are formulated), each time I have talked to him in person (just a couple of times through limited opportunities as I live in Sydney) he has come across as a very grounded, well thought and genuinely friendly person. This was confirmed to me when he phoned my 11 year old son the other week when they were calling junior members - we had a short casual chat about nothing in particular and then he spoke to my son for at least 5 minutes (after he had interrupted my son's footy training). I have never seen my son looking so happy and he went on to put in his best training session to date :-)
  12. Actually, not true... Jones had already made giant strides over the two years prior to Neeld arriving at the club and people were already suggesting at that he was captain material.
  13. Was it that, or was it that they all passed as no-one wanted to drink from the "poisoned chalice"? ;-)
  14. Someone once accused me of looking like Salvador Dali... I accused them of surrealism.
  15. I think you will find that they actually WON'T fill the MCG.
  16. Unfortunately I think it's a double edged sword in that regard... if you ignore it, it will not go away, and if you name and shame it, it becomes a divisive issue... but when it comes down to it, nothing will change if it is swept under the carpet.
  17. My god, is this all true!!!??? Where did you get this information from and why haven't we heard this before??? Now I understand why you felt the need to start a new thread... because none of us have heard any of this before!! Who are you really... you must be an insider.
  18. Another sack Mark Neeld thread... gee, who woulda thunk it. Could the mods please just merge it in with the 120 "groundhog day" pages of the "Time to Go Mark Neeld" thread.
  19. That article was written a week ago and by one of our greatest detractors. I am saying that at the time we were being lauded for our decision to sign up Neeld and the supporters were for the most part, in raptures.
  20. The joke may be shitty, but what would be more likely to make the likes of Jesse Hogan, Jack Viney, Jack Watts and Chip Frawley to not want to stay at the club, would be if they visit these forums and see what gets written about them by their own, and I use this term in the loosest possible way, "supporters".
  21. Thanks OD... frankly, these attempts to cut down Neeld in almost every thread on these forums is to say the least, getting very very tiresome. As an interstate member, it is always nice to get some insight as to how players are pulling up and and bit of a guide to individual players skills. On a side note, Neeld stated in today's presser that they will wait to see how McDonald pulls up before making a decision and that Fitzpatrick will definitely being playing and playing forward. He also said they will make a few changes this week and that there are 4 or 5 guys at Casey who have been consistently good.
  22. Tweeted by MFC from Neeld's press conf: "Jack Fitzpatrick will play this week and will play forward."
  23. What everyone seems to be forgetting is that at the time, Mark Neeld was considered to be one of, if not the best of what was available. When the MFC got his signature, it was generally considered by most media pundits and many (obviously not all) here, to be a bit of a coup.
  24. I know that it is very unlikely (from both a club and Mark Neeld view), but I really wish there was some way that if we are to go down the track of employing a new and more experienced coach, we could keep Neeld on board as the mid-field coach. I know it probably can't and won't happen, but I would see that as a real plus.
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