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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Yep, working now for me... I'll let you know what I think once I get a chance to take a proper look. It's a given that I will Join :-)
  2. If he is picked, possibly Pedersen... purely because of his experience playing in the back line.
  3. Even Malthouse has waded into the debate... http://www.smh.com.au/afl/afl-news/carlton-coach-mick-malthouse-says--afl-is-at-risk-of-being-hijacked-by-essendon-20150212-13cljs.html
  4. I thought Thomas was derailed after the MFC episode.
  5. Does this mean we must all change our forum names to include a prefix of Gumby?
  6. Haha, yes it's very possible our paths did cross in that case. I was there in 1972 and did spend an inordinate amount of time in the caf. I used to hang around with the likes of Steve Cummings, a guy named John Smith (yes, real name) who was an excellent harmonica player, Brendan Ryan who was from Bendigo (may have been a general studies student) and another guy named Brad (can't recall any other name) who may have been an engineering student who was a bit of a space cadet. I also worked a lot on SCRAG (Swinburne College Rag) doing illustrations... it was edited by a person named Kelvin Gedyes who the last time I ran into him, was sound mixing for Circus Oz. At that time half of Madder Lake were studying there as well as people like Greg McAinsch (sp?) of Skyhooks fame (they were Film & TV students who were the next rung up the "ladder of importance". That was when I joined my first band (the bass player was in my class) called Poltergeist who were based in Altona/Yarraville... we did a whole bunch of originals as well as covers of songs by bands like Atomic Rooster, Edgar Broughton Band and so on. They were good times... in fact, for the first semester of 1972, my Psychology of Perception teacher was David Williamson... he left after that time because his play The Removalists had just won some big award in New York and so he decided to go full time with his writing.
  7. Oh, I see... you meant "furer"! Now I get it.
  8. Yep, I'm hanging out for karmagedon.
  9. Hey, I'm into my 60's and still occasionally sport the old man-bun.
  10. There's a recording of an interview with him here: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-02-06/from-rock-start-to-busker-daddy-cool-guitarist-new-music/6073132 I'm pretty sure he mentioned the fact that he needed the money... obviously he enjoys what he's doing and may have other options, but I suppose this is one way he is guaranteed a regular income.
  11. Now here's someone who should be heritage listed as a recognised national treasure... Mr Ross Hannaford; ex of Daddy Cool and Billy-T and now busking the streets of Melbourne to make ends meet.
  12. You can purchase the DVD from that website... I'm not 100% certain, but I believe a percentage of the proceeds go to SANE Australia. I saw it on TV when it first aired and it is a very worthwhile watch.
  13. Yeah, I used to frequent the Londern Tavern in Hawthorn Rd Sth Caulfield, the Kingston Hotel in West Richmond, The Crystal Ballroom in Fitzroy St, Tiger Room in Richmond, the Station Hotel in Prahran, Bananas Night Club in the Esplanade and on the list goes.
  14. I think you could almost be guaranteed that the flack directed at Watts would be a fraction of what it is on this site if his leads had been honored more regularly.
  15. Yes KK, I remember the stickers in my son's junior member pack, but just don't recall the bumper stickers in mine... I will have to go back through my pile of half read mail I suppose ;-)
  16. Yes, have seen Vika and Linda a few times with the Black Sorrows and even (again at Bluesfest) on Rockwiz live. Don't know anything about Ash Naylor. My only contact with Paul Kelly was playing cricket with him a couple of decades back here in Sydney... there was a team I played a handful of games with that comprised local musicians in a cobbled together weekend competition. Was a lot of fun and PK was actually a very handy spin bowler.
  17. I don't recall getting the bummer, err I mean bumper stickers for a while... are they no longer an item for out of state members? The only bumper sticker I have is for the Newtown Swans (who my son plays for) and that can be a little embarrassing as from a distance it looks just like a Sydney Swans bumper sticker.
  18. Ah yes, our conversation is coming back to me now
  19. I have to admit that I never used to be... but after seeing him doing his solo show with Shane O'Mara at Bluesfest last year, I'm happy to admit I'm a convert. He's a very witty guy with a great "eye" for detail in his observations. He reminds me of a letter day Dave Warner or Paul Madigan... or even Slim Whittle (the Whittle Family were one of my all time favourite Melbourne acts in the 70's).
  20. Was Billy Miller originally with The Ferrets? I only ever got to see them once, at the Tiger Room in Richmond (owned by Francis Bourke if my memory serves me well). They were very good. Rebecca Barnard I remember seeing a few times providing backing vocals for Steve Cummings in his early days as a solo artist (with Shane O'Mara on guitar). The music scene is one of the things I miss most about Melbourne. That Kilbey produced album was the one with The Blue Hour and When Love Comes Back to Haunt You? Great album. I also loved the Rebecca's Empire track "There's Always Something There to Remind Me" on the "To Hal and Bacharach" covers album.
  21. Thanks NB. It's funny actually, after reading the earlier comment that mentioned teh Angels, I had another listen and could understand that some or the "extra" guitar fills in there did have a similar ring to them. I do like the Church comparison, although the actual song predates the Church by a few years..and no, I certainly don't have Kilbey's ego; if I had, then maybe we could have been successful ;-) As for the slide, I'm not sure that Steve (the guitarist) would have borrowed that bottle from Chris Cheney, but I am sure that teh old beer bottle slide goes way way back... hence the term "bottleneck guitar". Steve is an interesting piece of fruit by the way... check out what he does for a (kind of) real living... http://www.steveralphs.com/
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