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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. As usual, thanks Saty... if I can be arsed, I'll see if I can post a review of tomorrow evening's Newtown Swans Under 13's first fitness/skills training session of the year
  2. I get the feeling it's like those "predictions" threads... people can look back at the end of the year and get kudos for the number of delistings/trades they correctly predicted.
  3. Savour it like it is a fine meal OD... for in a little over a month we are back on the baked beans and toast and cup 'o noodles.
  4. Yes, but I'm sure the club had its reasons for not having it at Gosch's (which probably would have suited them more as well, logistically speaking). As Wiseblood said, they had given plenty of notice, so surely that meant that supporters had plenty of time to make some sort of arrangements to be there (those fanatical enough to go to a practice match, that is)?Anyway, I'm probably the last person you should try to convince that it should be held at a time and place that suited more supporters...I'm bitter and twisted over the fact that if I want to see them perform live this year, it must be a great personal expense to myself.
  5. I would be interested to see just how many memberships the Saints sold as a result. Sorry WB, but I have to disagree. We might have sold a couple of additional memberships but really, the only way we are going to make any significant inroads into both winning the hearts and minds of the public and selling memberships is by starting the season with a few hard fought wins.
  6. Perhaps the club were giving the Melbourne based supporters a taste of what it's like during the season for us interstate/country based supporters? If my son and I want to see their away game against GWS, it's a mere 280km drive from Sydney's Inner West where we live (the game being in Canberra).The week before that game we visit Melbourne for round 1 as we have no other options if we want to attend a game... so all I can say is "harden the [censored] up princesses" :-)
  7. Someone spoke to Soon or too Soon? http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/22/us/ties-to-corporate-cash-for-climate-change-researcher-Wei-Hock-Soon.html?_r=0
  8. That just puts us on their level. It doesn't matter how many of the jihadists that you kill, they become martyrs and a whole new generation of martyrs rises... this is exactly what resulted from Bush's war on terrorism following the Sept 11 attack. I don't know what the answer is (no-one does), but as far as I'm concerned, the old biblical approach of an eye for an eye will change nothing for the better and will surely make things worse for all concerned.
  9. Apparently the all stars have just 2 players over 190cm... so they are at a major disadvantage when it comes to height. Haven't heard Nev mentioned a lot, but Lewis Jetta is getting quite a bit of it.
  10. A friend of mine, Louiza Zervos, was one of those killed in the Bali bombing... she would have been one of the last people to call for the death penalty.
  11. I would have thought that as it is appearing on a page headed Comment, it is probably an editorial opinion piece... in which case, the Chief Sports Editor (whoever that is) may have penned it?
  12. I would not be in the least bit surprised to see a small spike in our memberships over the next week or so, following all of the press that Hogan and Garlett's efforts in the Intra Club match got.
  13. It's footy when there's not much else happening footy-wise... I'll always be interested :-)
  14. Who's that with the dreads? Looks like he's wearing #22? One of the Casey inclusions?
  15. Actually, I would have thought that what is acceptable and what is not could be controlled by the user/administrator... that is, there would be an editable file containing words and "D ick" would be in there by default.
  16. Cruel and unusual? or... a blessing in disguise?
  17. I'm having a Foxtel connected 55" LED TV (with a Foxtel Sports subscription) buried with me OD. No way I'm going to miss it when it finally happens.
  18. Mecca lecca high mecca hiney ho, Hird and his boys are bound to go
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