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Everything posted by Rogue

  1. There are so many points in the OP I could pick up on, like the fact that this form isn't for free speech, the fact the thread hasn't even been deleted and the fact that the moderator who locked the thread posted in the thread with a reason for locking it. Since some of this has already been covered, I figure I'll just make a comment on this idea of free speech on forums, since it comes up on every messageboard sooner or later. This forum isn't for free speech - it's a privately 'owned' message board and whoever owns it can do whatever they want. If whoever owns this board decided we could only post about chocolate ice-cream you'd have no recourse. As citizens in Australia we don't even have a right to free speech (and even if you want to argue that we have an implied right to free speech you'll acknowledge it's limited). Yes, a pretty ironic set of circumstances. However, I think it's coherent to argue for 'free speech' as a citizen while arguing against the publication of certain types of speech on a Twitter account when you're representing an organisation and have your tweets published on that organisation's website. (Since people don't tend to read posts too closely at times, I feel the need to point out that in this post I am neither advocating or objecting to the aforementioned view).
  2. If you want a reply from someone in particular you might want to try the PM function. Team selection is not the panacea for our ills. Fwiw, I think our selections have been decent. You might quibble, but you're essentially arguing about who our 21st or 22nd (fit) players are.
  3. Good to hear. Barring any new injuries, we should almost be at full strength within a couple of weeks.
  4. McDonald laid some. I agree. When playing football I at times found myself on the wrong side of some very one-sided games; I'm sure it looked as if my team wasn't trying.
  5. Pretty typical of how players are damned if they do and damned if they don't. The stock cliches are boring but if they share too much of themselves and their views we need to read them the riot act. This comment is a bit ridiculous.
  6. Thanks for the report! Good to see guys like Warnock and Newton playing well, but I'm pretty interested in Evans and Nicholson; anyone else want to share their views on those two?
  7. Do you think he was telling them to tackle last season but told them to stop doing it this season?
  8. I've done the same sort of thing Absolutely.
  9. CB wrote his comment in July 2010, so it is very obvious he hadn't seen last Friday's game when he posted his comment
  10. Newton would be a better choice than Spencer.
  11. If you just changed your signature to 'Sack the Coach' you'd save yourself having to write a variation on the same thing for every post you make in this thread.
  12. Why should we be in front of more than half the other teams? Good post. I don't want my Club wasting its money personally responding to every supporter who gets so emotional about a poor match they a) feel the need to rant at the club (perhaps adding their enlightened suggestions as to football tactics) and B) require validation in the form of a lengthy personal response.
  13. Davey won't give you the type of chop-out marking prowess that Grimes has. TU's suggestion is interesting.
  14. Just wanted to point out that I didn't start this thread, I've just commented on it. As for Thursday's game being a fair step backwards, I think the entire season has been poor. (I said this before the WCE game). We may have won 2.5, but we've played very poorly.
  15. Okay, you got me. I un-friended the Brad Green fanclub.
  16. I wouldn't have (not even with hindsight).
  17. Too much rage for that! (I did un-friend him on Facebook though).
  18. Did you hear Quartermain preparing the noose for Tapscott?
  19. So we lose versus Adelaide, then win all of our remaining matches and DB is gone?
  20. Judd's Grandmother told me the same thing and I was so angry I snapped my keyboard in half.
  21. Yes. Whether you want to use 'good' and 'bad' or some other descriptions, there are shades of grey. The loss versus WCE on Thursday night was worse than the loss versus Collingwood last year by one point. Are you saying that there's no qualitative difference between losses, and that all are equally as bad? (If you say yes, note that you also seem logically compelled to say that all wins are the same, whether it's against Gold Coast or Collingwood, home or away, etc).
  22. It doesn't mean I wouldn't make changes, but I agree with the gist of this. Making X team selection isn't our panacea.
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