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Keyser Söze

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Everything posted by Keyser Söze

  1. Ridiculous. Bate doesn't even have a 'hot spot' - he only has a little soreness and they are resting him slightly to prevent even that. We have the luxury of being able to do so, having started preseason earlier. This is exactly the sort of prevention you are begging for and you are mistaking it for an injury. Johnson and Spencer never had stress fractures either - a 'foot inury' can mean many things. hamstring strains are a concern? 2 from the entire group? Really??And its not even like they are bad tears and are unable to train - they are just training lightly to manage a minor injury. This is incorrect. Stress injuries occur due to 'unusual or repeated' stress. Often the cause is poor running technique or muscle fatigue (when the runner is tired and the muscles are no longer being used to fully cushion the impact). This is why we see so many of our players being forced to join the rehab group for a session and give their bodies a rest, in spite of feeling full of beans. To say that the warmup has anything to do with it is wrong. Pure speculation. OP is now much better understood throughout the industry and standard practices are in place for prevention and management. You barely hear of it at any club now.That is mostly because it is caught early and managed and if players need time off they miss with a 'groin strain' so as to avoid the fear merchants who jump out at the sound of OP. Once again, Bate has not been injured. Garland, Jamar and Meesen are the only 3 who have had stress fractures, and they, like some of our other players who had offseason surgery, are still in rehab. Nothing strange about that. Injuries happen at a football club. Always have and always will. It is common for players to have cleanouts and niggles fixed by surgery as soon as the season finishes, and hence, still be in rehab now. Limiting the severity, frequency and the recurrence of these injuries is the important thing. It seems injury management and prevention is being mistaken for new injuries here.
  2. Jones said Scully actually won by a level. After just finishing rehab from a fractured patella. He's a freak.
  3. It was a windfall of abuse, and its still well deserved. Even moreso because now you think you have been proven correct.
  4. You're talking about our Strength and Conditioning Coach Valeri Stoimenov - he had to teach some of the players the correct technique when lifting weights. Vastly different things.
  5. So so soooooo many ridiculously uneducated views on this thread. Quite a few of you should hang your collective heads in shame. Brad Miller, whilst not a champion has carved out quite a respectable career in spite of his rather obvious limitations. He's not trying to pass himself off as a champion of the game - merely continuing to stick his head down and work his guts out to achieve the best he is capable of. How is it his fault that we have always asked more of him than he is able to give? With severely limited support he has played out of position and filled a role where no others were fit to do so. His time with the club may be soon coming to an end, but he'll always be able to hold his high and I will always show him the due respect. If it does come to an end, it will only be because the club is fortunate enough to have young KPP who will compete at a higher level.
  6. Viney and Stretch have been the names floating around for the last year. Jack Viney is talked up a fair bit as a certain gun, but who can tell at that age? I know he did play in the Prince Alfred College team that won the flag, which included his future teammates Trengove and Tapscott - Viney was apparently the first year 9 kid to play in the firsts in all its 138 years. Not sure if that is right or if it even means anything, but he is one to watch closely. Still 2 years away from draft-age, I believe.
  7. Yeah, 45 I was all dressed up with no place to go, too. Certainly sucked me in to reading the thread.
  8. STAND YOUR GROUND. It would've significantly infringed on our brand and I'm glad they've taken this stance. Nice work Dees.
  9. Yeah, i don't see it as specifically and exclusively those 3 players getting a pay rise, but rather a long term view into list management. Maybe it will have little effect in 3 years' time, but possibly in 5 or 7 years' time, in conjunction with expiring players' contracts from the past and even short-term future, it will or could make a difference. I get what you're saying and I clumsily tried to say the same or a similar thing. edit: spelling
  10. I just think TH might be evening up the numbers a bit in terms of which year players come out of contract, considering we likely won't take as many players in the 2010 draft.
  11. I know its only the Hun, but they claim at the bottom of this article that http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/kang...o-1225823873279
  12. This thread is based on THAT thread? Its two meaningless sentences long!
  13. I think the club is more than willing to give both Trengove and Tapscott 3 years to prove they belong on the list. I think the reasoning for the 3 year deal is possibly not so much to prevent raids from interstate clubs, rather it is a benefit of Tim Harrington's foresight as List Manager. When our group of highly-rated early draft picks from 2009 come out of contract it is likely all of them will be deserving of decent increases in pay, due to exposed form. Having that many players on that calibre incurring those pay increases at once may prove difficult in terms of salary cap management. There is always the chance that with too many players coming out of contract, that some will be squeezed out due to salary cap space. Not necessarily now, or in 3 years' time, but in the future. With 2 year contracts being standard, not just for young players, it seems to me these 2 players have been put in line to take the place of a couple that will likely be delisted at the end of this year. Basically just balancing out the numbers so we don't have an inordinate amount of players out of contract at once, because that makes it harder for us with contract negotiations and easier for rival clubs to come swooping.
  14. Yeah, Miller does better playing up the field and taking those marks, but Bate plays that role more than him now, and probably does it more effectively. I think Miller's game suffers as a result of playing a role for the team that goes largely unnoticed / underapppreciated.
  15. 2010 Ladder position and record: 12th- Win/Loss: 7-15 B & F Winner: Colin Sylvia Most Brownlow Votes: Colin Sylvia Most Rising Star Votes: Tom Scully Most Improved: Nev Jetta Our 5 most important players at the end of the season will be: Jurrah, Davey, Grimes, Sylvia, Warnock 2010 Premier: St Kilda Wooden Spoon: Port Brownlow: Judd Coleman: Franklin
  16. Hope he doesn't take as long as Col! But you're right about him being underage -- if you looked at Watts as being a first year draftee right now he looks a little advanced on where most other KPP prospects would be.
  17. I can imagine this game significantly lining our pockets... no? Mind you, I doubt much money was made from the games I attended in London. (interestingly Geelong and Port played in the offseason before they met in the Grand Final, so I'm not sure you can say this sort of thing has a detrimental effect on the preparation leading into a season...)
  18. Surprised no one has mentioned Neita as a backman - he did make AA
  19. And Gysberts, like Grimes, was highly rated by us compared to the general consensus (apparently we rated Gys the 4th best midfielder). I remember CAC saying we would've taken Grimes at 4 if Morton and Cotchin were both gone. Fingers crossed.
  20. Well... it was the bit I disagreed with. You can't expect people to ignore flaws in your argument.
  21. I'm gonna take a different tact on this -- I don't think punishment is necessarily the way to deal with these indiscretions, or at least its not the most important part. I don't care how severe the punishments are, the club will be doomed to experience the fallout from similar mistakes time and again... until an ongoing education program is initiated for the entire organisation and framework is put in place to prevent these outcomes. What is currently in place (or what was in place) is obviously insufficient. And that is what needs to change to prevent a repeat. Edit: I know this doesn't necessarily apply to Judd alone, but if you're honest this is just a thread to sling mud, based on his part in the incident/s.
  22. Any chance of a recap for those of us that didn't hear it.
  23. I don't think these things are mutually exclusive.
  24. Personally, I think their top targets would be Frawley, Tayte Pears and Dale Morris. Maybe a few others like Sam Gilbert, Nathan Brown... But we definitely won't be immune.
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