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Keyser Söze

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Everything posted by Keyser Söze

  1. Is it not obvious that Mike Sheahan has a vested interest..? I'm surprised so many people are so easily fooled.
  2. How do you know our gameplan sucks? I'm not sure that we've ever seen it properly implemented. Considering over the past 2 years that Bailey has been attempting to use it, we've had players executing it that were, for the most part, either kids or sub-standard senior players. Still people refuse to realize how much time must be given to a coach in Bailey's position. Last year we saw marginal improvement on the previous year; this year we will see the same.
  3. Too true. Glad someone made a thread to provide solace from the hysteria. Great to see most have been civilized and stuck to the theme too!
  4. Your read on this is very different to mine and, i think, simplistic.
  5. It seems people with your attitude want improvement from the club with no concept of where this improvement will come from. You're looking at the bottom line, but you need to look into the finer detail and see that, in spite of what you WANT, some things just aren't exactly possible or reasonable at this stage. Sure, over the course of a season, the team should show improvement in a number of areas, and if they don't something needs to change. But we can't expect the team to burst out of the gates and win the first 6 games convincingly. It just won't happen.
  6. I see it as bagging the notion that Lyon would be better than Bailey. Nothing wrong with that, because it is an absurdly stupid notion.
  7. You are aware that every other club had the same chance..? Not sure what makes us special in this case, besides the fact we were told he was the goods by a relative, which must happen a thousand times on each of these trips.
  8. Scully - at times looked a few steps ahead of his teammates and was caught because they weren't where he expected/needed them to be. The improvement will not come from him, but from his teammates learning what he can do for them.
  9. hahaha so wrong that I couldn't even guess it! Wow. Valenti..? Really??
  10. C or S are both acceptable nowadays. I think it's reactionary and wrong to think the problem is chest marking, or to say that we 'do it badly' after a few missed marks. No cause for concern. I'd even put it down to first-game-back jitters.
  11. Marketing NAB Cup matches comes secondary to development of the team. I posted last night, on the 'sack Bailey' thread that was deleted, a list of our players from the match and the senior games played by each of them. That in itself should be an eye opener for you.
  12. Yeah yeah yeah.. I put the extra 'r' in the wrong spot by mistake. You need help with your quoting. Makes no difference to the sentiment of my post - it's silly to contend that we need to practiCe more chest marks at training.
  13. There's your problem. Its a NAB Cup match being treated as though it was Rnd 1
  14. No reason for concern; only fodder for the exciteable types.
  15. hahaha Butcher? Yep, cos we surely wouldn't want Trengove or Scully instead!
  16. Merely an aberration. I hardly think there's a need for us to practice more chest marks at training. edit: spelling
  17. Robbo... Don't get me started on Robbo. We won't miss him.
  18. Depends on your definition of huge.
  19. Cos they were not as good as the other players on the board. We took the best available.
  20. Yeah, reading it again I did miss that. But we still would only get pick 4! Scary thought for Richmond.
  21. No, we'd only get pick 4 for finishing last even if we get zero wins. But you won't have to worry - we won't have a pick in the top 10 in 2010.
  22. Not even slightly concerned. A lot of supporters need to take a step back and reassess. More realistic expectations needed. Looking forward to a huge 2010!!
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