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Keyser Söze

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Everything posted by Keyser Söze

  1. So that Bailey can throw away all the hard work he has put in at the club and start again somewhere else? He will be OUR Sheedy.
  2. Can't agree with that logic. He has been building a list from scratch - you think if it doesn't work after next year he'll just wash his hands of it and scarper? I doubt it. Maybe the club would lose patience with him, but I doubt it would be his decision.
  3. Marcus Ashcroft says GC17 is targeting Tall Defenders - surely that would have to include Frawley and Garland, maybe Warnock, Rivers or McNamara at a massive stretch. http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tab...35/default.aspx
  4. I think Brock was being played out of position by Bailey. To test his versatility. It became blatantly clear that Brock was useless in any other position than the middle and that won't cut it in this team going forward. He was exposed as a result and consequently made to feel like he'd been exposed and it didn't sit well with him, I'm sure. He wanted to go, but I think at the same time Bailey was glad he made the decision for him and that he was able to get over-the-odds compensation.
  5. Depends on where you think the list is at. Supporters have a propensity to get well ahead of themselves.
  6. I don't care how long it is for, as long as Bailey gets extended. A 1 year extension in the next few weeks as the media has reported would be ideal.
  7. I think you miss that I was poking fun at his stupid argument and the use of "everyone" and "every opposition supporter" which happens far too frequently. I agree that Frawley is a beast and he is one of my top 3 fav at the club.
  8. Not really. It was just a flippant suggestion, not meant to be taken seriously. Slow time of year...
  9. I think he understands the concept, but its just not that impressive if you've done it yourself. I also did it in juniors and I would be surprised if they DIDN'T have some form of fitness-related team punishment for mistakes.
  10. I think most people miss the fact that a 1 year extension is potentially a good thing from Bailey's perspective. Obviously the guy has confidence in his ability and should he show he has the goods in the space of that extra year he can get a significant pay upgrade, instead of being locked into a lower scale of pay for an extra year. Security is an issue, but I doubt he'd go into it with a defensive and defeatist attitude re: his contract terms. If he did, I doubt he'd prevail. Same goes for Miller and Jamar on their 1 year contracts.
  11. Herald Sun now has an article on it - http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/dean...o-1225818579886
  12. Yeah, fair call I guess. Johnstone wasn't too hard a decision though, and neither was McLean once you put yourself in his position. I thing "aggressive list management to secure Trengove" is tripe. I was thinking more in terms of Robertson, Yze, White, Wheatley, Whelan -- these were all fairly straight forward decisions in my book.
  13. Harsh decisions? Which ones?? I think he's only made glaringly obvious ones so far. In terms of list management, that is.
  14. Scott Thompson in the PSD? Scott Thompson for Mcnamara or Bell? (you know, cos they're from SA) yes please
  15. Not sure about McNamara and Cheney just yet, and I know Maric is being groomed for a midfield spot, but he was drafted as a FP.
  16. But what has that got to do with the press? Surely, as soon as they start their career they are advised to not read the papers, and pay them no mind. Add to that the fact he fully understands his won situation, that of being younger than most draftees and an underdeveloped KPP, and I doubt he'd let it get him down. Moreso, I think he'd find it frustrating and be determined to get his body right and prove the doubters wrong. Either way, I think some of us see the media as having more power over players than it does in reality.
  17. Do you really think the press is that much of an issue? I still pay the 'bad press' of last year no mind. I think supporters feel it more acutely than either the club or Watts himself.
  18. Cheers for that, fantastic little report at this time of year. Makes me want to get down there myself - maybe next week.
  19. Uh... no, you said He's on our rookie list - he needs to be upgraded to play AFL. Kicking 4 or 5 is definitely possible for him in the VFL - in the AFL it is highly unlikely. Either way, I don't care. I've expect anything more from Newton now - if he manages to put in any more worthwhile appearances for MFC in the future it is only icing on the cake.
  20. I thought about that, then decided it was un-wise, because he is on the rookie list and even if he shows good form, he still needs to be elevated to play at AFL level. He'd have to perform pretty damn well and our other forwards would have to be underperforming for that to happen, in my opinion. Unlikely at this stage.
  21. I agree, I think Jetta is great the way he takes a mark, plays on and immediately finds a target further ahead before the defense gets a chance to react. Much like a Bob Murphy. Definitely underrated for mine, but I just worry he won't get enough opportunity with all the players returning from injury that compete for the same spots. I'll stick my neck out - big improvement to come from Strauss, Maric, Jetta, Dunn, Bennell, Grimes, Morton, Watts, Frawley, Garland, Wonaeamirri, Jurrah, Bate and Blease. We have a lot of kids ready to explode. I really think we'll have a season like Essendon in 2009 where we are on the kinfe's edge of the 8.
  22. Tingay for me... I was just dying to see him finally get his body right again, and then to see Sydney give him a shot meant (to me) that his body must've still had something in it worth persevering... I was crushed. In the end he didn't play, but at the time I wasn't to know that. How is he not a fitness coach at the club??
  23. Yeah, its gotta be hard for a forward pocket when the ball is hardly down there, and when it is the disposal is ordinary. His development will come from playing further up the ground and from playing deep in the forward-line whilst we are competitive. Makes good decisions this kid, I think it has only been a matter of getting the body up to speed.
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