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Keyser Söze

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Everything posted by Keyser Söze

  1. Everyone knows that not every non-dees supporter would laugh at this. Every time. Everyone.
  2. I think from memory Essendon tried to do exactly that to us and the doggies with the mission deal.
  3. Not sure about caution or negativity, but the quality of Essendon's more senior players was much greater last season. I loved Whelan, but I'd never put him, Wheatley or Robertson in the same league as Lloyd or Fletcher, or even Lucas. We were also cruelled by injuries, so yeah, I think we're a good chance to scrape into the 8. So much so that I've put some money on it, considering the favourable odds on offer. Edit: and I think Essendon supporters greatly overestimate their list. Their midfield is second rate at best, in my opinion.
  4. Geelong and St Kilda did make prelims years earlier and only just failed to make it through, much like the doggies the last couple of seasons.
  5. "Now or never" is a bit rich. Roll out the clichés...
  6. The fact no other team even pretended to have a look at him, might just have been the kick in the head he needed. We can only hope.
  7. Good report, but you sure Trengove's nickname isn't JT..? Edit: What Big Kev said.
  8. Not worried. Just that it becomes ridiculously more boring when a thread degenerates into those back-and-forth posts. AND... having read the Herald Sun it seems my post was very close to the truth. But it was Jones' grandfather rather than father.
  9. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/kid-...o-1225817138930 Looks like Brad Green thinks a few of our new kids are ready to play.
  10. Not if he donated $10K and they wanted to cut his pay by $50K.
  11. uhh.... yeah, I get it. It not an adequate simulation of the running required in a game... but still, to not only keep pace with an athlete like Chris Judd, but to beat him, over 3km, shows a certain ability. Its only one of many indicators, and I agree the fartlek is much more apt, but this one result shows he is not exactly the slowest guy going around in the AFL.
  12. Yeah, thanks for the unnecessary post yourself captain obvious. Its a forum - you could say the same thing of about 90% of the posts on here. Like yours. Like Max Bob's "thanks for the link". But I am bored of being patronised by cretins who've never brought anything worthwhile to the table themselves. I'm gonna sit this one out for a while. ps. I know Lily Allen and you are not her.
  13. I'm bored and its the offseason. Can't say I disagree, but I could say the same about a lot of other people's posts... Edit: And I don't see how my last post was "boring and predictable".
  14. That's just it. It depends on who you choose to believe. I believe no one!
  15. Its not an absolute measure, but it does indicate he can keep pace with Chris Judd, even if it is over a long distance. You may be aware that AFL players cover distances in excess of 3km over the course of a match..?
  16. Even still, people tell lies to their best friends every single day, in the name of saving face... Unfortunately, I doubt we will ever truly know.
  17. Might be my imagination, but to me it looks like a picture of his old man...
  18. If the AFL can get sued, then why the hell would they want to dig through the details and draw WorkSafe's attention to it? Find out what actually happened, no doubt, but surely they'd be doing their best to put this episode to bed, deliver a significant warning and then move on.
  19. Really? I just can't see why the AFL would pursue this. Its hardly in their best interests and it seems a stretch to go down the WorkCover route.
  20. ??? How is any of what I said either wrong or inpolite..?
  21. hahaha more opinions and propaganda presented as fact... Edit: You realise that I could go to the Herald Sun, tell them Collingwood promised to draft me, but didn't because I told them I wanted to play for MFC and they could print it... but it doesn't mean any of it is true. Merely that it is the story I wanted to put out there for appearances.
  22. Isn't it about time you spewed a torrent of abuse, got banned and then came back with a screen name even more stupid than the last..?
  23. Hahaha you don't work for the HeraldSun by any chance, do you...?
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