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Keyser Söze

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Everything posted by Keyser Söze

  1. Jay Clark IS the worst football journalist getting around. Shouldn't be a surprise.
  2. I LOVE this story. I made sure I hunted him down and shook his hand congratulating him when I was at a club function with the new 2008 draftees. Real humble country kid, could go far.
  3. I'm not sure he had the required fitness to play straight away - had he not had the hip injury he may have developed the fitness by now, but we'll never know. In summation, I'm content with this outcome. We're building a team and developing these kids to win a flag in a few years' time - not to win a few meaningless games now. I'd rather Tapscott gets his cut-up now and gets the problem fixed. There are plenty of talented kids to play in the spot he may have taken up. Nothing is really lost.
  4. I think its possibly because since 1996 we've pretty much been at opposite ends of the ladder each season.
  5. I know I should leave well enough alone, but... Pray tell jayceebee, what exactly will the consequences of failing to win this match be..? You know, the ones that make this match 'critical'.
  6. HAS it been confirmed? I still don't see a link to an article or any concrete info...
  7. precious much? I think the players will call their teammates whatever is easiest to call out loudly and quickly whilst on the ground. What they call each other should not necessarily have any bearing on what we as supporters refer to them as. Feel free to continue calling Trengove 'Noah'. 'JT' works just fine for me as long as people don't insist on calling him 'Trenny' - it sounds both unoriginal and unsophisticated. Edit: grammar.
  8. I meant he'll play the same role that Ben Holland filled. At least at this stage. Mind you, he fluffed a few kicks in the practice match and Jack's turning circle itself is better than Holland's, but not that great.
  9. just the same way that winning 5 games last season would have developed a winning culture and turned this club around. WHEN WILL PEOPLE LEARN>??!?!?
  10. After the carnival I had Trengove firmly at 2, but Morabito was an enigma. He still has the physical tools to be the best player from this draft, just like another freo player who famously went at number 4...
  11. Stats are lying cheating bastards that should not be trusted. I wouldn't leave a stat alone with my girlfriend.
  12. Doesn't worry me. I don't lie awake at night wondering how my life would be if i'd been born a girl. Its done. All the best to Naitanui in his career.
  13. I don't recall CC saying that Watts would be prevented from playing and wrapped in cotton wool; only that Watts will take 3 years to get to the position of being a premier player in the AFL. There was no mention of restraint, only careful management. Just like what happened with Franklin and Kreuzer and Riewoldt. But, we only remember that they played and showed something. As Jack will. Give it a rest.
  14. I'm more confused by how similar the GC17 colours are to those of the Brisbane Lions. They are also exactly the same as Fitzroy's were, not to mention the Adelaide Crows. Surely the AFL should have ensure they chose a drastically different colour scheme to any others already in existence..? Not sure what your gripe about Freo is. Their mess of a jumper looks nothing like ours.
  15. I think its relevant because of the length of a game - the 2nd half (more importantly, the moments in which the result of the game is decided) needs to be close enough to that 8:30pm timeslot.
  16. If our last meeting late last season is anything to go by...
  17. haha couldn't have said it better myself
  18. At the intra-club practice match I only noticed Bell was playing because I looked for him. He may as well have been wearing camouflage. Not a good game for a player going into a career season.
  19. I think he already has - when was the last time he was dropped..?
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