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Keyser Söze

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Everything posted by Keyser Söze

  1. I think he is great at leading by example because in most aspects of his football he performs to the height of professionalism. However, I'd maybe question his abilities at being a leader of men without regard to football. He has always struck me as a guy who enjoys being a bit different from the norm and a little bit aloof, which might alienate his teammates slightly. The guy drives a hybrid car and prides himself on his slighlty off-beat extracurricular interests (I remember this from an article about Judd when he first went to Carlton).
  2. A very very long bow. I wasn't serious about that, although I do like the idea of sticking my boot in while they are down.
  3. In fact, Chris Judd has a habit about being around clubs that have this sort of culture... maybe behind scenes he isn't the great leader he is portrayed to be.
  4. Maybe. Tambling has finally come on - why can't JON?
  5. Petterd may spend some time in the backline, but definitely will not settle there.
  6. Its all relative. 59 could be a good score considering the amount of time he dedicated to his studies, due to all the time he invested in footy. We've all heard the stories about him training on his own, kicking hundreds of shots at goal on the run on his right, because he missed a few at training -- doesn't leave much time for algebra homework.
  7. Sorry, but PettErd won't settle as a backman. He'll be a true utility but spend more time in the forward line and on a wing.
  8. Have to agree with that one.
  9. At the expense of tagging Judd, Gibbs or Murphy? I think not.
  10. Surprised he didn't give it a plug in his retirement speech...
  11. I think he is playing as a backman to get a feel for the game and to see what the best forwards do. His kicking can look a little awkward but it is fairly effective. I've not seen him make many mistakes. As with any player new to the game, he will take time, but I think he has definitely shown he has the ability to make it as a solid player, if he hasn't already.
  12. We were driving south, but we managed to turn off and now we're heading east. Hopefully there's enough in the tank to get us to the next intersection and we can head north... and find somewhere to fill the tank...
  13. hahahaha... right.. Look, whatever helps you sleep at night. Deeluded would be a better screen name for you, if it wasn't already taken.
  14. I found the bigpond video kept crashing on my macbook, so here is the youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SoafyhvEf0
  15. Robbo was great when he wasn't sitting on his backside watching his opponent run the ball out of defence.
  16. Can I ask if there is anyone out there that thinks McLean won't be good for the blues next season? I think HT has said it all.
  17. Ottens was a good choice too. Such a good choice I can't even remember his first name.
  18. Haha can you smell what the blues are cookin'? Fev wasn't the only rotten egg by a long shot Although I'm loathe to throw stones. I have a lot of confidence in our boys at the moment, all seem like good kids, but its inevitable they'll slip up at some time...
  19. Yeah, you're right. Everyone keeps saying Scott Thompson was rubbish, but I don't think its true. ps. I think you'll find a lot of people turned on Brock well before he asked for a trade.
  20. I imagine so did he, until he saw the sales figures for his record...
  21. I used to eat them a bit in London a couple of years ago, but haven't seen them here, though its not like I looked. They did make me feel pretty good, but weren't cheap and tasted like what I imagine to be dry dog food.
  22. Your point is flawed because it also at the expense of our reputation for keeping our word when dealing with player contracts. It would undo a lot of the good work done in recent years. I hardly think Grimes or any other player taken as a rookie is worth that much. "No player is bigger than the club."
  23. I wouldn't expect too much different from a kid dedicated to a career as an athlete. A lot of it comes from the particular units you study and associated bonuses.
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