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Keyser Söze

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Everything posted by Keyser Söze

  1. I think this is a bit unfair to Woey. He was a very good player for a lot of his career, just not the superstar a lot of people wanted and expected him to be. To be overawed and outplayed by someone of Simon Black's calibre is nothing to be ashamed of. I dare say he would've done a lot better if pitted against a lesser player... but that was not Woey's lot.
  2. We really should have collectively seen this coming - the slight build didn't stop Jamie Bennell in round 1 last season. I predict: Gysberts to debut round 4.
  3. haha definitely. Just helping it along a little.
  4. I think you'll find acceleration is his problem. Not the smartest thing to say when he has just beaten Judd in a 3 km time trial.
  5. Crap crap crap noise noise noise if there's going be a pissing contest over who can be more stupid, then I want to be involved too ... crap crap noise
  6. He came equal 2nd in the Draft Camp Kicking Test for a start. I think he's still quite a good kick even without that credential. You don't "hear" this off Big Footy or the like, do you?
  7. Isn't this a bit of an overreaction though?? Not the punishments, but the reactions that they should be far more severe? The individual players should be punished for the negative publicity, sure, but isn't there just a lot of media hysteria and little substance to most of these claims? - Houlihan and Walker had an argument in a hotel lobby, maybe a little scuffle. No footage or eye-witness accounts, only vague snippets from the media. So what? - Levi Casboult "handcuffed or tied" (how vague do you want to be?) to a senior player and forced to drink with him. This is sketchy at best and even the senior player cannot be named. The "fact" he was "barely conscious" was an emotional reaction from his dad, and even then we don't have a soundbite (or at least, I've not heard it). - Eddie Betts being arrested drunk. This is the worst incident by far, but its not even half as bad as what has been alleged at Lovett over at St Kilda. If this happened at MFC, sure I'd want much tougher penalties... if we had some decent evidence of what occurred rather than a lot of vague media reports. The real issue is an event where the players were drinking excessively with no framework put in place to prevent these types of outcomes and the bad publicity they bring to the club. I like Brad Scott's take on this sort of behaviour, as quoted in the Age (http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/a-whole-new-ball-game-20091231-lkx6.html) If it happened at Melbourne I'd want to see prompt and decisive action... But it hasn't. It happened at Carlton. In the end, I'm happy it did and I couldn't care less how they deal with it. (the poorer their response, the better, in my book...)
  8. The 'debuted in 2000' thing stumped me a bit and I was surprised how many names I couldn't remember under the pressure. Only got 72.
  9. I'm guessing that any new player whose number hasn't already been made official (trengove, scully) is likely to have a high number that will change in the not-too-distant future...
  10. Even though I understand why, its still interesting to see Trengove isn't even mentioned in the entire thread.
  11. Does anyone ever bump these threads at the end of a season so we can see how we all fared? 1. St Kilda 2. Adelaide 3. Bulldogs 4. Geelong 5. Hawthorn 6. Collingwood 7. Essendon 8. North 9. Carlton 10. MELBOURNE 11. West Coast 12. Brisbane 13. Freo 14. Sydney 15. Port Adelaide 16. Richmond
  12. If Zohan develops a bit more he'll be one of the best second-string ruckmen in the league. Now we just need to work on that first choice ruckman...
  13. I think we missed the player that Powell had been, but not the one he was to be, following his departure (not for 3 years at least)
  14. He caused me more pain than anything, but I'd expect your type of reaction from a casual ignorant supporter.
  15. Its not my fault you made a thread when there already was one. I merely pointed it out. I've no idea what your petty comeback was as its been removed, but I think you'll find the moderator actually made my post irrelevant because they fixed your error and subsequent carry on. Little do I care. Re: Griffen I think Griffen is a good enough kick, good penetration, but there is more to it than just kicking long and he's not always the most adept at picking out the correct option. Hopefully Blease is even better. My point was not about Griffen's kicking, moreso that I hope Blease is better than Griffen, better, even, than Ablett. BUT at the moment we have very little to go on, so I'll be happy to let him do a preseason and assess when I see him play some games.
  16. I think he's good enough, but could be better. His kicking for goal on the run is often superb.
  17. I think he's criticized by people like myself, but that we are in the minority. Some seem to think he can do no wrong, and in my eyes his flaws are glaringly obvious to the point where I sometimes think he's a liability.
  18. I'd agree. I don't think he offers the club all that much, but that's just me and I accept that the club probably sees a lot of things in him that I don't. Either way, I think he is over-rated and he's been a source of frustration the past 3 seasons. Maybe I expect too much of him.
  19. I hope he can kick better than Griffen and I hope he'll turn out to be a much better player... but its all hope at this stage. I'll let the kid get a preseason under his belt first.
  20. I think a critical element has been left out of this statement. But even still, I think he'll be more like Ryan Griffen.
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