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Everything posted by dees189227

  1. How did Jurrah get 8 votes? Didn't he only play one game in the 100 point loss to Sydney? Wow Moloney went from winner to 21st. Sums it up really.
  2. Well from what I saw I think the news was that the carlton assistants have got lawyers onto Carlton about there terminated contracts. No big deal from our point of view. Oh and also in Christi malthouses new book there is one interesting chapter you cant miss. Anyway it wasnt us and thats the main thing.
  3. Where did Howe come and did anyone speak to Moloney and what mood was he in? Did Neeld give one of his speeches that pumps you right up and did Don speak? Just wondering was Jim's named mentioned in any speeches at all?
  4. That is so stupid how they pick there best and fairest. Dont even call it the best and fairest. You cant sit down at the end of the season and just rate each player. It now makes sense how Scully came 4th.
  5. Congrats to Jones. Standout player all year. It looks like from the twitter picture he is wearing the famous blazer. Are all the players wearing them or just Jones because he won it. Surprised Jordie came 4th. But rapt for Grimes who put in a full season and what a whole season can do for him.
  6. Why would it not be a surprise if it is us. Would make it an interesting night at the B&F. I just want this year to be over. In saying that they said it was a big melbourne club. I would like to think we are big but I hope we arent that big. Im sick of hearing stories about how the players and coach dont get on. It would be nice for another club to be in the news for other reasons. Lets hope its essendon.
  7. Go away GC. Havent you learnt from Josh Caddy who wants to come home. Jack wants to play for the club his dad played and captained at and also the club he grew up barracking for. Jack has been training with the boys and is settled in melbourne where his family and mates are. For the 1st time we will actually be able to pick up a decent father/son. Dont wreck this for us. We know Jack is ready to play senior football. But he wouldnt want to play for you. Leave him alone.
  8. I figured there would be one anyway so I thought Id get it started. For anyone attending can they please answer some questions for me. 1) Was Moloney there and were there other players missing 2) Speeches. I presume Don and Mark will speak. What did they say 3) Im assuming Jones will win. What did he have to say. And was there any other important news. It would be great if someone could report these back.
  9. I reckon round 2 friday night 2013. Carlton v Collingwood. Mick v Bucks. Eddie v Sticks and maybe Travis Cloke against his old team.
  10. Flash was just so exciting to watch when he first started. I was hoping necxt season he could go back to the crumbing foward position because he still is a good kick. But I know his pace has dropped off heaps and he has been disappointing the last few seasons. Interesting to see what he will do. But he is a player that opposition players know if they target him they can put him off his game so easily and he just loses focus. I just hope these so called players that are being reported in the news as wanting out isnt because of Neelds tough stance. Its a shame that some of these players arent as head strong as Jones, Howe or even Jamar who re-signed with us and thrive on neelds coaching.
  11. Ross and Freo had secretly agreed to the deal. Remember this is the coach who didnt even tell his manager what he was doing. So dont blame Garry. He tried but Ross was the Freo coach already. No one knew about it yet. Seriously move on.
  12. Will there be anyone at our best and fairest. Should be an interesting night. It seems its a curse to win the b&f. Hopefully it wont hit Jones next year. From the outside it looks like Moloney has cracked it with the club because he got kicked out of the leadership group, he got dropped and maybe he just didnt get neelds game plan. But remember this is a guy who in front of Stynes was aked what his goal was he said to play NFL footy. Anyway I guess that speech he gave at the b&f years ago is forgotten about now. This is more reason we need to get Jack Viney in. Thanks Brent for the games you played. But when you struggle even agianst GWS and cant get the ball then I guess that sums up your year. Its a shame you chose not to stick it out.
  13. I feel a little angry inside and im not sure why. I get he needs to be closer to his family and his partner is due to give birth and its better for him to be in adelaide and he has all these other issue but I still feel a bit let down. Maybe im a little annoyed because instead of looking after his wrist he was out on the drink which got him into this mess. It would be nice if Jurrah could help us out and do a trade so we get something rather than just walk out and into a SA club. he is out of contract. We have done a lot to help him and I reckon we just say well we have taken you as far as we can. We shouldnt support him at his court case and should get back to focusing on this club and getting it right.
  14. I actually hate essendon more than collingwood. I have just laughed how there season has gone downhill so fast. They were in the top 2 and have been in the 8 for basically the whole season. They were even mentioned as premiership contenders. Watching them last night I just laughed. They were terrible. Jobe is the only player I like and I feel for him because he has been carrying that team on his shoulders all season. It also shows that Hird isnt Mr perfect afterall and this Hird/Thompson double act has failed again. As for the weapon well that is just funny.
  15. I bought it on wednesday then my mum took it with her on her holiday. I flicked through bits of it. Its interesting to read it and how he went through each operation and his recovery and trying to deal with club issues. From what ive read of it there is only a bit on Tom. Lets just say Sam Stynes is a person who can obviously read body language well. But the thing that got me and I put it in another thread was how the players cancelled a time trial run when dean was coach. Sheesh no wonder our fitness levels wernt up to srtach and Mission said we were way behind. never ever would the team have the guts to do it to Neeldy and i could just imagine the response if they tried. I htought a certain amount off profit would go to REACH. It doesnt seem to be the case.
  16. I actually bought the book today. Its interesting and not much has been left out. It all honest and its a shame it took Jim to get cancer to reliase just how important here relationship really was. On a side not I just read abit of the book and mentions when Jim talks about Dean and even though he got on great with the players Jim felt he would let them walk over him. The players cancelled there time trial. Can you imagine the playing group doing that to Mark Neeld. Saying we are cancelling it. I dont think so and you wouldnt even be game to do it.
  17. My only frustration with Blease is he can put on the pace when he is going for goal but cant do the same when chasing an opponent. However I know he has been working on this and interesting to hear Neeld say he spoke to Sam about his defensive side of things after the first few rounds and Sam just looked at him like he had no idea what Neeld was on about. I know Blease missed a bit of footy with his leg but wouldnt the previous coaches helped Blease with this and taught him to be defensive. Anyway I was rapt for Blease yesterday and hope we can see him play good consistent footy and build on it into 2013.
  18. We cannot afford to lose Rivers. He is our general down back. I know he has been playing foward and he has shown to be ok there as well. He is an experienced player who we need and I will be filthy if we lose him. Interesting that Mortons name isnt there. I always said Lynden Dunn would be more famous for his moustache than his football.
  19. Well it looks like the AFL have spoken to Bailey again and also some club officials. Im getting a little worried that we will be used as an example of tanking and somthing will happen. It would just be typical of the year we have had. Although I cant see anyone coming out and actually saying yes we did tank. But interesting that in Jim autobiography released in 2 weeks that he covers the issue of tanking and notes the priority pick was a big carrot. Anyway happy to read that Andrew D still believes it doesnt exist.
  20. When I read the age this morning I thought great Brad got pushed and had this horrible image of Brad running around in GWS colours next year. But if a club that will win a flag in the next season or 2 speak to him then I can understand if he does play because his point of retiring was to leat a kid have a spot on the list. But reading the herald sun article it sounds like it was brads decision and he will officially retire after round 23. Anyway I reckon he would be a good development coach at an AFL club.
  21. I think by Brad's speech this was his decision. He realises that he isnt going to win a premiership with the club and doesnt want to be hanging around. It shows the signs of a great clubman when he realises its best to let a youngster have a go. It also explains why he carried on like he did on the weekend, I guess his mind was made up then. Well its now time for the second tier players to step up and take charge. It will be weird not seeing Brad running around next year in the red and blue. I will always remember the 200 QF aginst Carlton where he got us back int he game. I noticed Fev tweeted about it to today. I reckon he made those comments about getting on board because he actually wants to see this club get somewhere and see his team mates have some success.
  22. Its not a bad effort from someone who was aiming for Rio in 2016 but then ran the qualifying time. Just wish the commentators would call her Trengove not Trengrove. Love how Jack is getting a mention as well when they mention Jess. Well on the radio they did anyway. Bid day for the Trengove family. Although I think Jess running at the olympics probably trumps Jack winning today.
  23. I just feel confident when the ball is kicked to him. I cannot remember the last time he has dropped a mark. I just expect a hanger from him every week. This is why I want him in the foward line so he is a foward target just like today.
  24. Well it was a relief to win because its a week where we wont be in the media for losing. It would have been diasterous if we lost. It was nice to hear the song after the game and it was a nice sight to see people on the G having kick to kick. The game was finished off with a nice Howe mark and goal and so happy for brad green to kick the goals again. Would like to see him back it up next week.
  25. Great news. So much for the players not being on board with neeld and his game plan and relationships have gone sour. Thats now Jamar, Howe and Jones re-signed. Players who are easily in our top 10. Well done.
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