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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. He'd make a better winger though. We may have to try out Newton again and if he does not succeed,take a punt and go with Fevola.
  2. I support your points raised- he either would be interested in coaching us or believes we have a bright future is my opinion. In having a look at our list- no wonder he would or indeed any other budding coaches.
  3. Bennell or Jones would be my choice for next week's sub.
  4. If it was next Round-I'd agree however it is not till round 8 and anything can happen between now & then.And it is at Grave Stadium.(ETIHAD)
  5. Give him back his V/c IMO. NOW.
  6. Whilst I genrerally agree with you my friend- I cannot agree on this one- I think we have many players on our list that are agreesive,they are: Bartram, Dunn, Frawley,Jamar, Jones, McKenzie, Moloney, Rivers, Sylvia, Tapscott and Trengove all fit into my best 22 and are all hard at the pill.
  7. Agree mostly. One change may be considered- Newton for Dunn. We need a strong body player in the team IMO. Give Newton a go early on.Another consideration is our forgotten forward-Bater.
  8. CRAP-will be there by Round 12- Queens birthday against magpies.
  9. I concur- great position to be in. McKenzie and Scully are the only two mentioned that I believe are in our best 22. Blease-an unknown at this stage, would really need to star- to gain an entry into our current top 22.Petterd will get a go- when we get either an injury or form loss. Dunn & Bennell likely to make way.Bartram will not be replaced IMO. He is becoming a very important and key player for us in the backline.However Strauss would be the likely backline replacement if he went down.Tapscott in the back pocket- Strauss off half back flank.Or you never know- with Garland not performing well- Strauss may come in to replace him.
  10. Disagree- I would play Newton instead at this time. Petterd is not in scintilating form at this time.
  11. He just hasn't hit his straps yet. Like others whom have got alot of improvement in them. When we do- watch out.
  13. Neita would also make a great choice IMO.
  14. Great to see the team doing so well- Casey will be there when it counts this year.
  15. We will make the finals- we will WIN at least 11 games. No sweet about that.Just like me moving up the ladder in the Ultimate foot comp.Old Man River have a look at the results after this week.
  16. I agree and so does R.R- Russell Robertson.All though I think we haven't hit our straps yet I feel we really do need to invest heavily in our football department similar to Essendon has just done. We need to look at every avenue at the end of 2011.But changes definately need to be made.
  17. You would have to be kidding compared to the year before and the year after.
  18. But they usually only take one with them interstate.And name the team two days before therefore the final team will be announced roughly by 5pm tommorrow.
  19. We have Neita whom is fully employed at the club- one would think we could involve him to assist these young players in particular Watts & Cook.As my mates at the footy keep telling me Mahoney can't coach.
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