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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. More important than me, Todd knows him,due to his time in SA, whilst I did watch him last year and his first match this year. He did not play last week.Not only talented but a good leader, willing to learn and grow. Like many, the type that would suit us.Also plays senior football already.
  2. MFC will pick up outstanding players this year. We have put on many resources in our recruitment area, headed by Viney. The list is being vetted to see whom can stand up to a vigorous training regime over the next few years. We lack speed,stamina whilst I feel we have the grunt already on the list. Whitfield will go too early for us,as I feel we will have to pick up JV with our first pick.Hrovat, would be my first pick, however, very small, SMART, quick, got stamina?, good kicker as well. We have been quite brilliant in picking mid to late picks in recent years however, not so good in early ones. This year is critical and the club realises this, looking at all areas.Now Clark has joined us and has been a success, opens the doors of gaining other experienced players which we could not gain previously.We will be very active in the free trade area, VFL & other leagues( what a pick up Magner has been), however Neeld & Craig will place their faith in developing further our current list.I expect most probably about 7 changes.With Viney at the head, we will pick up ,not just talented players but dedicated hard working ones that will be able to stand up to the rigors of the changing requirements of AFL football. A player like Stanton or Thomas whom gains the ball, has speed, stamina ,great kicks to a Clark, Jurrah ,Howe forward line I feel would be a priority as well as a seasoned young defender like Lockwood from Williamstown would be another great asset if he could stand up to what is required.This game against the Giants will show us if we have the talent on our list to develop, if not we will trade, or get rid of more than the 7 , I expect to go at year end.
  3. It is most important that he gets his body right, he has genuine talent, a good track worker now put in ice. He'll make it, either as a mid or small back line player.Could even become a strong forward pocket player.
  4. Sad this has happened but able to cover him like I have done so far.Like other coaches covering their list, I have had to cover the loss of Hille, Round 2, Ball, Rd 3, Gray only played 1 game before hurt, whilst 3 of my list have not played a game this year at all.Hille has played 1 game and 10 minutes so far.Varcoe, may not get into my best 22,anyhow.HT,whom do you want to trade for him as he will be very fresh and is a true big game player around finals time.Similar to Embley. However I may consider Sidebottom for Varcoe ? Sorry changed my mind re Sidey, rang Balmy and he told me don't worry he will be back in 6/7 weeks and they are taking out the metal and replacing it with dynamite so he can explode in the finals.
  5. I have always respected your posts - however this one doesn't make the grade,Watched him in both his matches for the Tigers- too slow and inflexible for AFL footy IMO.
  6. Firstly congrats on marriage however don't become hen pecked, do as you wanto do, if you are not happy, you cannot make partner happy I was wondering why you were so quiet. I believe we will look at the VFL once again, Tuck at Werribee, Dwyer @ Port, Lockwood @ Willie, are on the rada.Lockwood played under Neeld at Western Jets and has had a great year.He is the smokie, I can guarantee you that.
  7. Correct weight regarding Sidebottom, plus Shuey Is injured.And I hear another of Wreckers trades-has got injury concerns, namely Schultz.Shuey may not even get a game final times- when Embley returns. Maybe Gaff or Shuey may be the Sub.And furthermore loosing Blease for Smith whom Adelaide dropped this round seems either dumb or you have been conned by the other mod.Anyhow, you have come out the looser big time- possibly wrecking your final 8 aspirations and giving HT all hope now of making the 8.Does one call this Tanking? And being outsmarted by the cunning fox ( last years winner D/L 7, by giving up Watts for Wells( especially when Wells did not have a pre season and most likely will run out of puff by years end) was not a smart move either IMO.However, we will all see at years end. This now leaves the insane pair of Mad Melb & Wacko to fight it out for the premiership and don't rule out Dappa or OMR whom I expect a big finish from.But the Wrecker has wrecked it IMO. And the AFL have just released it's mid All Australian team with Sidebottom in it -NO SHUEY I now rest my case.
  8. Thanks for your appreciation , I was talking to John Turnbull at the games and he made comments similar to Emma, the depth is not there,I also agree- and I have been watching this comp for over 20 years now. No where near the depth of last year IMO.
  9. We will not take the risk on Cloke, but I also think we will go for a other tall somewhere early. However with Davis, Cook, Sheahan doing so well at Casey, we may just go for quality smalls- mids, forward and another small back to add to our list.
  10. Good one WJ, sorry typo on IPad, Herbert,a North Ballarat, Sth Warnambool, bullet, fast & smart, reads the play very well.(186,70kls,27 June94) can play ,will be picked up.Another player- international - a chance to be picked up, similar to be Jong last year's long shot- picked up by Bulldogs is Q'lands -Aliir Aliir , 193, utility whom can play anywhere, ruck, wing,CHB, CHF,(193,82, born Sept,94)- got potential, development in a year short of talls.
  11. Thank God that you have expressed the above, that is, your desire of NO MORE MID DECISIONS/CHANGES,
  12. I went and watched the two games at Visy Park, thought the top players in particular Whitfield was very well- but worried about the depth.Saw a beauty in Jarks , a195 cm utility tall-( can play either back ot forward , played forward and kicked 6, great hands and a rolls Royce kicking action.Looked the goods.A smokie in the name of Herbert felon Vic Country very much impressed me. Not. As much depth as I expected and very short of many good talls or rucks.
  13. Have a great break- I thougth you had been in Europe also.
  14. If fairness is for one and all- you too will have to read the 660 Odd posts to get your answer also.
  15. Couldn't have put it better than the above.Exceptional news with Gawn hopefully over the injuries, a great future ahead.Needed his experience and wisdom.Need to keep him in the leadership group as well . Need now a small forward, and two fast running midfielders and we are made for a sound rewarding future IMO.And maybe a CHF like a Cloke would be handy.
  16. Thanks for the support- just hope we change the 4 musketeer group also next year.Wecneed to have many things changed for next year and not during any said year. This is a complete joke IMO.
  17. Thanks but I would sincerely like Range Rover to stay not for just this year but also beyond. Before next season, OMR ,please explain to me, what the hell this keepers league is all about.Do we retain four players then pick two young one's born in 1992, and what happens if we all want the same players?
  18. Thanks for update but please notice I have been away for 10 weeks, no mention ( or at least little mention) on our message section of our league on Ultimate footy.This is the forum for us to discuss matters like this.Thanks for updating me,this situation re Keepers league is just crap.Please ,please give it up till at least end of season. Just let us get this season over with then discuss what we all want at years end. ,
  19. I can assure you I am not going to read 655 posts of crap- Also, I think it is a compete joke in doing anything till at least end of season.We have kept changing the rules from one year to the next..why change at all. I think it is becoming bloody ridiculous. is enough is enough.If you want me out as well- just let me know. We brought in new draft picks last year which I believe we're fair and reasonable.Why don't we just do as the AFL does, drop of at east 3 picks and go from there.Or at least wait till end of season, then let us all have our thoughts and work out what we all want.
  20. Hi All, as stated in an earlier post, I do not understand what the hell is going on re a keepers league. Why in hell do we need change and NOW.One of the greatest challenges and skills required is being a great draft picker.Why don't we do the same as this year.If not please JA explain what is what you propos and why? I cannot agree or disagree until I know what the JC is going on. Please advise- Many thanks & I also want to say RR ,you have been with us from the start ,hang in there. Don't do a JCB-( dummy spit, just yet,please don't disrupt te league, you are above that. and furthermore,why o why do we need to make decisions now.We are not even half way into this season. This [censored] is really hurting a good thing.Please all as OMR stated,let's keep our shirts on ,cool down and let's put up possible changes at year end.Then who decides to stay in, or goes then they can decide their plight.
  21. Play Garland on a wing, That is his right position. Watts at back, is a great learning curve which will only teach him which the experience will give him great confidence.Grimes, totally needed inthe guts and we all have forgotten about LJ, what a difference he'll make when available?Agree re Gys & Strauss.A making of a good team, need to get a top CHF , two quick outfield mids(wingers), a small forward and we are there..
  22. What is a keeper's league, does it mean we keep our existing players? Please advise? Don't we even get some picks. JA ,please advise what is proposed. Many thanks. JCB
  23. I tend to agree, unless convinced otherwise do the same as this year.
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