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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. Wrong again-- he was being taken to Hungry Jack's--
  2. A young footballer in the mould of JW would be ideal- around the 194 mark, athletic, take no nonsense approach, play back or forward is what I have been saying we need for several years now. I am sure our FD will draft someone similar this draft.Pleny of good young colts playing tomorrow-come and watch them along at Visy Park with our FD in attendance..
  3. Totally agree- why couldn't we have a near all red or near all blue? We are not the Bulldogs with 3 colours.We are the RED & the BLUE-Demons for God sake..
  4. Great news- re Ricky training already - running the tan and weights and also having lunch with JV...wonder if Todd is around as well.
  5. Thanks for informing me. I thought this was so- however was not sure.It will be very interesting what the FD does.They will upgrade Jordie McKenzie. Don't know about Spencer..do they either have to upgrade him or delist him or can they retain him as a rookie?. please advise. thanks in anticipation.
  6. Yes- he played for Norwood football club in Ringwood ,Victoria--http://football.norwood.org.au/-same club that Brett Ratten went to after leaving the MFC.
  7. Your points are valid but do you wish he leaves or the club offers himas a trade? I surely don't especially this draft.. I would be very surprised if we have any more than 4 picks outside rookie picks.The talent could still take a few years to fully mature.Your comments please.
  8. Thanks for that qualification.
  9. Thank you for your contribution.I understand what you are saying-time will heal everything.However he seems very frustrated as well- I hope he regains his confidence in his body and then let's his skills show..the track could be still a long winding road..
  10. I haven't read that Meeson has been delisted as yet---- please confirm
  11. Yiu cannot build muscle in 5 minutes- unfortunately it takes time- usually 3/4 seasons before one reaaly build up- refer to Chip.
  12. Maybe so-- however a premiership team is made up of many types. Not ALL champion players. Jones may never be a champion..but..he is one that always does his best for the team..and we need types like him..a dead set goer.
  13. Thanks -all I was doing was re stating it.
  14. AGAIN- YOU are wrong-Bohdan Babiczuk has not been our Strength and Conditioning coach. He WAS our fitness coach until 2 years ago.He is now our Athletic Development Coach-He will be the one to get Blease up & running again when fit. list as follows: Joel Hocking – Fitness Manager - Adam Paulo – Assistant Fitness Coach - Valeri Stoimenov – Strength and Conditioning Coach - Bohdan Babijczuk – Athletic Development Coach
  15. For once in my life- I have to agree with you on all counts.But you are still a *blank*.
  16. Definately not a SWINGER--look what happens to them.No- I am not Northey but I played and coached against Swooper..And Enforcer -I do nor want to pursue your goal of becoming CEO of the MFC..
  17. No English is my third..I speak Australian first, American second and English third-- you absolute *blank*.
  18. No--- I am saying he has the ability BUT his injury will have to improve drammatically.He could hardly run..I hope he does improve drammatically and if not WILL NOT MAKE IT-IT IS AS SIMPLE AS THAT..
  19. A good choice if we thought he was our best pick but agree with Deeluded -we have priorities this draft.
  20. Your just playing with words.He will have to improve heaps to make it..note-I am not saying he will not make it..but by gee I saw him play nearly every match and gee he was really feeling his leg. I rated Sam as the best prospect at the club before his injury.He has the ability..however like Egan's injury he'll have to improve drammatically
  21. However, you would have to admit- he'd have to improve drammatically to make it.
  23. Agreed- good by Fev.One loose cannon there.
  24. Good prospect most likely will head to GC.
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