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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. Brad Green not named .Very disappointing.
  2. Yes--Why not? And Chips- well and truly deserved.Congrats And I think we will have 2 more within the last four picks.
  3. Keep no doubt -22 and 92 games already played he is a key to the development of Scully, Trengove etc..
  4. That makes more sense re his current salary. I still would not take him- need talls.
  5. Sometimes we differ with our opinion.
  6. A contracted required player- needs to develop more pace and penetrating kicking. Still can make it as a key position player..
  7. I think that is obvious that we will just have to wait and see.
  8. Then we pick Darling up first, then a tall versatile then a small running defender.Do you agree now ?.
  9. Have you heard about a word called tradition.This is what we as a club is built on..listen to Cam on W.W.. I am not scared of change-however as stated easrlier,there is NO white in our normal guernsey so WHY do we need to add it to our alternative.Does not make sense to me..I understand the reasons we have had white- but to me not acceptable reasons.
  10. Ricky Petterd for one is training- ran the tan last week.
  11. Stupidity --will not happen.
  12. He started off like a top 15 pick but faded like a pricked ballon yesterday. May become a champion but would need a few pre seasons to achieve best results. Even further behind than Jack Watts was before drafting him is my opinion after really studying him against the Cannons.Watson really cleaned him up after going onto him in the last half of the game. Another teammate Elton also faded.Todd Elton is a bottom aged ruckman whom will be a poosible GWS draft if not a leading draftee next year.Talls are not as scarse as the last few years ,so we should be able to pick up a class draftee.
  13. Rivetting stuff- great motivation peice for US ALL.
  14. Gippsland whom did not have the so - called star players in them exepting Heppell, whom as stated will be a low pick up AFL draftee, played as a team and showed great spirit.It will be very interesting to see how this spirit matches up against the star quality players of the Cannons in the Grand final.The Cannons will have named players as the Maddens,Talia.Hunters,Watson,Prestia,Mitchell,Daniher, Wallis.Liberatore,will be matched against a great team.Go Gippy Go.
  15. As I intimated earlier a younger J.Waite is what we need.An athltic player whom is versatile .
  16. Yep - Dandenong started like a train and got belted in the last half-stopped to a walk. They looked extremely tired. As a Dandy fan because of Yeata - very disappointing.
  17. If I had of suggested Judd- I would have.No- I think Gibbs would suit us better -I think he would make a very good winger.However,I do not really want Warnock to go- if one of our talls gets injured we need a back up. How about letting people have their say wiyhout you reading something else in it.
  18. No doubt she will be sitting on the Dees table.DB's eyes will explode.
  19. What rubbish- Jones has got a hell of alot of developing etc.. Junior only really came good when he was 27, Green has just won his first B&F @29.. You would have to be totally joking re Jones has reached his full development and maturity. Actually to have a 22 year old whom has played over 90 games already and be a sturdy influence for Scully,Trengove, Gysberts,Tapscott,Blease etc.. is really a HUGE bonus.We ,or most of us are talking up Grimes as a leader of the club and he his only 8 months younger than Jones and played only 26 games in total- compared with Jones(92).Jones has probably got another 9 years of football in him..I rest my case for now..and some posters (supporters) wanted to get rid of Green etc.. years ago too.
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