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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. Even if this is correct- he can run.Able to do pre work.Jurrah was back on the track after 6 weeks.
  2. MANY,MANY THANKS for the DECENCY of letting me know...well what about the crap we went on with the thread asking who would wim the b&f, best first year player and MOST IMPROVED. The MO wss the most improved anyway. Just needs thickening next year.
  3. Will love to see a truly injury free Jurrah- he will become a match winner.
  4. Great points that you raise.However. life moves on.Ding Dong & Mills have truly been great servants and deserve whole hearted thanks.
  5. Yep- he is the tall forward I mentoned several weeks ago as a likely type.
  6. You tell em D.D- say hello to JDG for me.Viney is a shoe in to stay..
  7. Still awaiting notification of whom won the most improved player of the year? thanks
  8. And sincere thanks for your coverage.Congratulations to all winners and the rest - best wishes for next year,try hard it could be you.
  9. Jaded Who won the most improved??? Jordie McKenzie??
  10. Yes-GWS could indeed keep him or offer him around to the best package. Viney could or would become trade bait.If he doesn't want to come then stiff.
  11. Seconded and if anyone had told me that he would replace Bate as a key forward -I would have told them they were on drugs or dreamin.Also picked the same winners as stated above.
  12. Jack Darling is currently in hospital following an attack last Sunday night-refer to http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/208/newsid/101835/default.aspx for full information.He suffered bruising to his brain and a fracture to his skull after being attacked leaving a Subiaco hotel.
  13. The MO could be classified as a tickler by the young gals.Keep it on forever if you kick 5 goals every week.
  14. Would be a great asset - a leader and player.We would nearly win a premiership with him next year.imo-a better asset than McNamee's want of J.Brown.
  15. Interesting thread- but IMO-Watts is acertainty foe CHF role.And Dunn being a vastly improved player -a certainty in the top 22.
  16. Accept your points however if this is the case we should get rid of Strauss, Maric, etc..- in HR terms- their is room for development, continuous improvement and IMO-McNamara has heaps. A great back up for Garland, Grimes,or as already stated an ideal winger.
  17. Looks promising- can play as a tall both back & forward but IMO- not a pick 12.Maybe a pick 17 or later.
  18. WATTS should play as a roving tall forward- similar to what he is currently doing.Ditto jurrah- however both have the ability to adapt to any position as it requires.
  19. Definatey a project player whom I feel will be picked up around pick 22 or later.
  20. He is however the makings of a very good footballer IMO whom would be ideal as a backstop for Jamar and a target as a tall forward.
  21. Maybe and most likely wishful thinking.
  22. I accept your point totally, however, as Panos was picked as the best full forward in his year doesn't mean any player is suited. All I am saying is, generally, most of the 22 are picked and the top 12 are usually from the All-Australian team.Darling was picked in the year before but seemed not to produce last year to get into the team again.May have gone backwards or others caught up with him.This is similar to Jack Fitzpatrick whom we picked up for pick 50.He was outstanding as an Under 16 but dropped off basically due to ill health.Starting to pick himself back up.
  23. The club will pick the best & most suited player to add to our list.I definately think he will be there at 12.He didn't even make the All Australian team,being: 2010 Under-18 All-Australian Team Defenders: Ben Jacobs (Vic Metro), Matt Watson (Vic Metro), Dyson Heppell (Vic Country), Shaun Atley (VC), Patrick McCarthy (SA), Brodie Smith (SA) View highlights Midfielders: Jared Polec (SA), Daniel Gorringe (SA), Andrew Gaff (Vic Metro), Mitch Hallahan (Vic Country), Anthony Miles (NSW/ACT), Tom Liberatore (Vic Metro) View highlights Forwards: Harley Bennell (WA), Lucas Cook (Vic Country), Adam Treloar (Vic Country), Jayden Pitt (Vic Country), Steven May (NT), Josh Caddy (Vic Metro) View highlights Interchange: Sam Day (SA), Josh Bruce (NSW/ACT), Josh Green (TAS), Sam Darley (TAS) Josh Caddy or Andrew Gaff would be my pick at 12 if still there.
  24. Find this post unfitting at this time.Talk about a player putting his body on the line -wow and came out with a fractured back. JS would not accept him being traded IMO. Gutsy and determined and I wish we had a few more like him.GO Jonsey GO.Also his best friend is our ex captain and confidant to Jim Stynes-Greg Healy.
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