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Little Goffy

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Everything posted by Little Goffy

  1. The club made a commitment to not compromise on the football department. We're not throwing money away, but we are putting up the cash to give ourselves every chance - most visibly the two development coaches, a big step up on the resources we committed during the Daniher era. Two development coaches is a big investment. But it could reap huge rewards too. Who knows, it may already be responsible for helping Garland, Warnock and Chris Johnson into regular AFL appearances. Jamar's improvement, Sylvia's improvement, Paul Johnson, Buckley, Valenti, Martin, Dunn - how many of these might not have made the progress they made this year if they hadn't had that dedicated support? It's the right call, for sure. Can you imagine if the club had all these draft picks and young players but wasn't making big investments in development? We'd be a dead club walking.
  2. There is definately another event planned for $500-plus donators. Info to come out shortly.
  3. Any thoughts people have on whether they'd get there more often if there was a Demons outlet in the city? Do you think less full-on supporters might be more inclined to drop in? It's a bit of a hike a the moment, I think.
  4. I'm recruiting for position... Though I repect your 'best available talent' approach!
  5. My count keeps both Zomer and Spencer - because of the changes we will be able to have a total of eight rookie selections, six of them being new. Prendergast will have a ball with the speculative picks.
  6. In order, and selecting for position - Norm Smith. Robbie Flower. Jim Stynes. Any arguments?
  7. Ok, a moment to clarify two things; 1) I've seen the media get this wrong a couple of times, so here goes - the $5million debt quoted is actually for the end of this year, including, this is important; including, the projected $2m loss from this year. The million dollars from tonight knocks it down to four million. The other million I'm sure we'll raise by the end of the year (including the 100k from foxtel) will get it back down to three million. 2) There was no 'payout' to MacNamee. The money paid to him was ordinary salary for his time while at the club. The board learnt from the lesson of Steve Harris' payout and set the contract terms specifically to manage that issue. Mr. Peter Spargo, the board member/acting CEO, is currently filling the role without payment. Send him a card - thanks to him the club is actually saving about a grand a day for sacking MacNamee. To be henceforth known as the 'Spargonator', 'Spargonaut', 'Spargman' or simply 'Spargsy'.Banner of 'Spargos a legend' or 'all hail the Sparg' would be appropriate. Peter Spargo - currently second in awesomeness only to Jim Stynes himself. His profile - Peter is the Managing Director and owner of family companies associated in the oil industry, and now involved property development. He currently employs over 200 staff. Peter holds a Bachelor of Economics and all his working life been associated with retail businesses. He is well versed in all aspects of business and is well placed to identify revenue opportunities for the club. He is a life long Melbourne supporter and has a strong family connection with the Melbourne Cricket Club. Peter currently is an MCC member. Peter is also involved with community football associated with the Prahran Junior FC. He has coached for many years and his family is a major sponsor. Peter and his family are commercial sponsors of our club and have been the Elite Sponsor of David Neitz for many years. Peter is married with four sons, all Demons.
  8. One thing is for sure, even if Jimmy is just a figurehead president (which I don't think for a moment) he'll make damn sure he's the best one going around.
  9. Oh, quick addition - Trading draft picks for Fraser, Didak and Shaw? A loser, a [censored], and a LIE-ability. Let's get Jeff Bloody Kennett as the new CEO while we're at it.
  10. Ok, I had written an even longer version but that was just ridiculous - here goes. Ruck stocks low, as ever - keep Jamar even if he is once again a back-up ruckman. His performances have improved this year, and since White was dropped. Note tackling. Sure retirements - Neitz, Yze, Holland. (3) Probable retirements - White. (+1 =4) Delisted kids - Bode, Weetra (+2 =6) In some danger - Bell, Newton, Carroll, (lets say 1 goes = 7) (note that Carroll is contracted for 09, as is Meesen) So, at present seven draft picks. Valenti and Wonaeamirri promoted, five draft picks. Obviously we keep one up our sleeve for pick 1 or 2 in the preseason. Four draft picks. Assuming the ladder stays as it is, and we don't win 3 of our last four games, draft picks will be - 1, 17, 19, 35. Plus preseason 1. In moving on one of Bell, Newton or Carroll we may try to advance pick 35 to pick 20-something. We will also then have six rookie list places minimum - two freed by delisted Veterans, two added by the 'compensation' rookie picks due to the compromised drafts to come, and two because Valenti and Wonaeamirri get promoted. Final analysis of this scenario - Four players from the first or second round of a highly regarded draft, plus the best available uncontracted player in the country, plus six rookie list additions. -will replace- Seven players who have, with due respect to their often illustrious careers, played an average of five games each this year. How does that sound to you guys?
  11. Still troubles be the number of times it was Wonaeamirri left alone up forward. That is not a 'high percentage' structure.
  12. Yeah, come on, Monfries dropped the knees and tilted forward as Green was tackling him, there was bugger all Green could've done about it except abandon the tackle. For what it's worth, it was very obvious on television, might not have looked so clear cut at the ground. Nothin like a slow-mo replay to make clear that someone started to slide under of their own accord. Chalk up another dive for the bombers. Don't ever go doubting it's firm within their culture.
  13. It's a toss-up between travelling a long way vs having to constantly jump from place to place for different kinds of training, team meetings, and so on. It would probably mean less travel time for leadership group and coaches in particular. And never underestimate the annoyance of constantly having to plan and double-check you're schedule. Some Demon players have literally turned up at the wrong place because they missed an update message. They'll be right.
  14. Mortons efficiency is a funny one. He does a lot of kicks that are off line, but generally in terms of over-doing the 'to the advantage of' factor. So the target often gets the ball anyway, they just tend to be under a bit more pressure than they should be. Mix that in with a couple of truly ugly looking 'slaps' at the ball which go anywhere and nowhere, it makes a bad impression. It's interesting - when I watched the pre-season practice sessions up here in Canberra there were two things you immediately noticed about Cale - very very good at working free and finding space, and occasionally his foot turns to sausage mince when he kicks. It even sounds bad. Oh, I suppose three things - he's a skinny teenage kid. Can't wait till he's in his early twenties and become Reiwolt-sized and developed a reliable kicking action!
  15. My gut feeling is that over the next few years Warnock will kind of fill the role of Carrol & Holland have held for the last few. Should get at least a dozen games each year for half a decade, with some full years like 08. By then he'll be about 30 and can retire pretty satisfied.
  16. BINGO!!! They absolutely must make clear that the aftermatch function will include a big screen of the opening ceremony. for the record, I'm making the trip down to Melbourne, partly as a protest against how damn boring opening and over-hyped opening ceremonies are. I can see Bruce McAveny now - 'and now we come to the 13th century Mongol invasion, oh... beautifully done, the slaughtered peasant are so evocative of China's rich culture... and the Great Leap Forward! CLEVERRRRRR!!!'
  17. Jamar has been performing well in the last few weeks. Getting a lot of hitouts now. And they seem to be a little more effective than they used to be. Hell, we killed essendon in the clearances on saturday so something must be going right. His posession counts are now routinely into double figures, where not so long ago double figures were a rare occurance. And my personal favourite thing about Jamar is the tackling - how many ruckmen are there, really, who are in the top 50 for tackles/game in the AFL, with more than four a match? Throw in the cameo contested marking up forward and he is now a very handy player. I'd say his contribution right now (in what we might have to call the 'post-white' era) is up by a half on what it was ten weeks ago.
  18. Olympic opening ceremony starts, and will be broadcast, immediately after the Geelong-Melbourne game. That's why the game is live against the gate too. I think there would be just enough time for anyone really desperate to get home and watch the ceremony. I hate Olympic ceremonies and I'm making a point of travelling down to Melbourne for the game as a direct act of avoidance. As well as to celebrate the 150 years. Haven't the AFL done a mighty job of promoting that little event out of all proportion. But seriously, choosing to watch the opening ceremony over a game of football makes about as much sense to me as choosing to watch the pre-match entertainment and then skipping the grand final. The gate itself could go either way, but we should get plenty of TV exposure. This is an important one to make a good showing for on the field.
  19. I practically wept when I saw the article Last few days have been rough, full of just plain antagonistic journos having a go, FatPrick Smith, the Crickey article... there was also the suggestion that the Debt Demolition event was undersubscribed, which had be really worried. Now we're looking at a million at least from the 'big players' this coming tuesday. Hopefully we'll clear another million from the general supporters. Then there's the 100k from Foxtel. I'm throwing together a fundraiser myself - poker night, low stakes of clourse, winner takes all in the form of a tax deductable donation made to the club in their name. Hopefully that'll be worth a couple of hundred maybe.
  20. AAAAARRGGHHH! Pet peeve. I hate it, absolutely hate it, whenever people talk about 'x player will never be in a premiership team.' Garbage. Utter garbage. I can't even be bothered elaborating, yet again. Half of West Coast's list are premiership players, and we're still a decent look-in at knocking them down for the spoon. Lots of these players have been exposed once a core of brilliance was removed. There's absoultely no rule that says 'all players must be at least as good as blah' to win a premiership. It's the cheapest and most meaningless way to write off a player.
  21. hmmm... I wouldn't call that a Melbourne hater. Just someone very conscious of the other struggles going on, not least in the Casey area. The benefits to Casey are substantial if we do set up a tenancy down there, but only if we follow through properly. Casey would be mad to accept us if all we do is have a kick on their oval, but given that we're talking about Casey as a key new home area surely there's a very positive and enduring relationship to be built. In this case, Casey would be mad to knock us back. If we're serious about the new direction, getting out from the tower which so many of our off-field leaders have felt comfortable in, and getting involved in the community, then both Casey and the Melbourne Football club will get big wins out of this relationship. Personally, I think it'd be a handy if we made a pledge not to parachute 100 poker machines into the area, which is probably a legitimate concern for the locals.
  22. Yep, MacNamee was a mistake. Though I'll qualify that by saying it's not because MacNamee is a fool or anything like that. His plans and public talk was very much in tune with the last board - the board that kept on celebrating the 'Range Rover snow bunny' stereotype like it made us the 'elite club'. Targeting Brown is the main tanglible thing we have to chew on when thinking about it, and what it says to me is that he just hadn't grasped the current situation. The fact that he persisted with it even against the inclinations of the Footy department makes me think there was a train wreck waiting to happen there. I must admit, I'm relieved there was no termination payout, just the three months salary. The fact that it's a hundred thousand dollars anyway makes me think; if someone gets paid a grand a day I'd expect something more in three months. Meanwhile. The Spargonaut takes on the job pro bono. Legend.
  23. It was also good to see that he's co-founder and still involved in the 'Media Team' organisation, which provides media training and advice at discounted / pro bono rates for not-for-profit organisations. A brain and a conscience. Pushing the limits of the advertising industry. Don't anyone doubt for a moment, this new board has talent on every line. When I read the Bios and did some background checking, it was the best I've ever felt about the security of the club's future. Come what may.
  24. Neitz has already announced his retirement, and Yze is widely expected to no longer be playing for the Demons at the end of the year. As I understand it, each of these veteran list players changes the number of rookies we can list - with both moving on we would be entitled to two additional rookies. Given that we surely wont have salary cap pressure for at least a year or two, I'd assume the extra rookies is the way we would go. With Wonaeamirri definately getting promoted, and Valenti a possibility, we could be looking at four rookie picks regardless of whose delisted. Also, can anyone fill me in on when the extra two 'compensation' rookies which the traditional clubs will be allowed while the new clubs are being introduced comes into effect? Could we be looking at an 8-person rookie list for 2009!?
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