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Little Goffy

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Everything posted by Little Goffy

  1. Ah ha. That's reassuring that we only have to use our NEXT pick AFTER the other club's nominated pick. Meanwhile, the list of father-son selections is pretty impressive. I guess it would be given that historically they are all players anticipated to go before the third round. Matthew Richardson I didn't know about. Or Matthew Scarlett. C'mon all you Vineys and Stynes and Lyons and Grinters and Lovetts and Tingays and Smiths. Hmm... how would another round of Febey twins go with the father-son rule? Two bids? Or could we get both with one?
  2. FFS Is this guy the president of Hawthorn or some kind of Melbourne FC anti-chairman?
  3. Heh heh. We'll be the last team to get a decent run at the top draft picks before Gold Coast and Bogan take all the early selections. Then we'll have half a dozen father-son selections to keep the wheel turning. Dream the incredible dream. But imagine the horror if, say, the Gold Coast just kept on outbidding us for a F/S selection, Is there an upper limit - eg, once you've committed a second round selection or better, you can't be outbid any further?
  4. Yeah, I can't see Casey saying no in the end. They appear to want assurances that we're serious about our commitment to getting involved down there - Since the club strategy is thinking of Casey as a major growth area for us, and a key area we should be involved in, I think they will gradually feel more comfortable with the arrangements. As for Canberra, belzebub is right - it'll never be a major operation simply because Canberra doesn't have the following to support a full team, and also has basically every club represented in their mix. Moslty the crowds will be people who want to catch some football, but hate Sydney and don't like going up to Sydney for the boring games played for a soulless club. A lot of people in Canberra hate the Swans. It's good fun.
  5. Well... Spencer is a rookie, right? Or at least a specualtive selection. Jamar seems to have reached his limit, and may well not be with Melbourne next year. White could be retired by next year, or at least within a year or two is likely. Meesen hardly is looking like cluttering our first ruck spot, now, does he? PJ is a versatile big-man who will support the ruck but moslty be a heavy utility. Naitanui and Warnock don't actually play for us yet. So in response to your concern about having so many ruckmen - we could just as easily be looking at ZERO rucks for next year as seven! I'd rather have Warnock, Naitanui and PJ (in descending order of ruck time %) than the current collection. Concerned a bit by Warnock's stats and hit-outs to advantage, definately. But on the bright side his brother went from ok VFL player to solid AFL player in the space of about eight weeks, at the age of 24, so I wouldn't write Robbie off at all. Personally, I have a gut feeling this years PSD will be an interesting one, and that it would be worth snaring R. Warnock in exchange for a late pick, just cos it's nice to Freo...
  6. It's the ultimate legacy of this AFL administration. They've given the AFL community a nasty edge. I manage to direct my hatred to Demetriou, and still hold an affection for the other small clubs. But it's still a fact, I would sigh with relief if North or the Dogs got moved. I even get an unhappy satisfaction from the likelihood that the North Membership surge is what stockbrokers call a 'dead cat bounce'.
  7. One extra home game to Canberra On the one hand. it's a commitment to sell one extra home game to Canberra. On the other hand, it's a commitment to sell just one extra home game to Canberra. I'm ok with that. An extra $300,000 will take the edge off losing money from the CBF. And I'm sure Port or Freo would be delighted to play in the capital... Everyone on here from Canberra (there seems to be a few of us) get on down to Manuka this sunday, will friends, if this is happening we've got to make this work for us and bring in a bigger crowd than the Dogs in Darwin to stay ahead of their attendence average! Meanwhile, on the Youth Blockbuster the National Youth Week 2009 dates are - Sat, 30th March to Sunday, 5th of April. Which gives the option of playing a Youth Game as either an opening or closing marquee event for National Youth Week, right at the start of the season to give us some exposure and a boosted crowd. PERFECT. Absolute GOLD!
  8. Yes, Carlton have had a load of picks, but remember they have also butchered quite a few high selections (even more than we did 2000-2002!) and have collected a few basic players rather than stars with other highish picks. And you have to remember there is also a huge hole in the Blues recruiting history due to both the draft penalties they suffered and the attempts to recycle players to cover the immediate problem. Not all of these players below are duds, obviously, but let's not suggest it isn't possible to do quite a bit better with these picks. As well as Judd (which was effectively 3 high draft picks spent), Murphy, Gibbs and Kreuzer there has been the following players, none of whom you could call stars, frankly. Eg. 2006 pick 17 Shaun Hampson pick 19 Shaun Grigg 2005 pick 4 Joshua Kennedy (is now "one third" of Chris Judd) pick 20 Paul Bower 2004 pick 9 Jordon Russell pick 25 Adam Hartlett 2003 pick 2 Andrew Walker (and that's it for early picks for them this year) 2002 (no early picks) 2001 (no early picks) 2000 pick 4 Luke Livingston pick 11 Trent Sporn pick 15 Simon Wiggins After you look at this list, tell me where Carlton would be if just a few of their best players were hurt? Gone. Gone... and Gone. Recruit better than Carlton, YES WE CAN!
  9. I don't think anyone will be surprised to discover that I'm a big fan of Brad Green. It was odd - I actually thought he had a pretty quiet run for most of the Richmond game. But then he just got stuck into some contested marks, backing into packs, and came up with a few important pieces of play, too. He did things that have obviously got a few people's respect. He's obviously setting out to earn respect, too. I'd back him as the next captain, but always there is just so much you don't see or know. I wanna be in the inner circle dammit!
  10. It's a backward step to play more games in Canberra than we already do. But there's no problem selling a game against say, Freo or Port. That's where the greatest financial difference is made - and where the fewest suporters will be annoyed. I think one should be it though. We have to assert ourselves in Melbourne and make our homes games work for us, not avoid the issue.
  11. I'm starting to think that Jamar and Carroll will be Melbourne's parting gift to Sandy. Jamar in particular has shown great performances at VFL level, but never quite delivered at AFL. Carroll is an alright player who can handle AFL, but just doesn't quite fit where we need him to and will probably have more fun at VFL level anyway!
  12. Despite all the doom and gloom we copped from the media, even before the season started. Despite all the terrible trashings we've copped on the field. With 300 new members signing up this week, we might just pass last years record membership Herald Sun Article Meanwhile, our attendences are still going ok, somehow! In the other Herald Article online today, the Adelaide boss has a go at us for suggesting that our history is worth something (possibly implying that Adelaide is a cobbled-together team with no tradition, built as a franchise, hell, they were the Camry Crows in their frickin theme song). BUT as a side note the article mentioned "The Bulldogs have collected $10.1m in ASDs since 2002, the Kangaroos $7.2m since 2003 and the Dees $6m since 2004." Those six million are a big issue, though we could've handed much of it back for some decent fixtures. But the Dog's ten million leaves me wondering why we have been so heavily targeted? We've been sorting out our own stadium arrangements while the Dog's were the major beneficiary of some glorious pork-barreling that landed a $30m multi-sport facility in the west, courtesy of the Federal government (marginal electorate country, y'know). I only bring up the contrast since our memberships and attendences, at the bottom of the ladder with one win and a % of not quite 61, are running higher than the Dogs who have just one loss, and a % of 129. It'll be interesting to see how the attendces pan out in the next three weeks - both teams play brisbane in melbourne, and then play home-away games (Canberra for us, Darwin for the Dogs). We can keep ahead of them even with the Canberra game, I guess is the message. Fingers crossed for one of those bright glorious winter days in Canberra, as opposed to one of those 'snot freeze in your nose' piercing winds and sleet days.
  13. REALLY SIMPLE THING TO DO - WEAR YOUR SCARF, BEANIE, AND ANY OTHER GEAR YOU'RE COMFORTABLE WITH. It's been really noticable in Canberra or Sydney, where any AFL fan is pleased to see another, but every time you wear your Melbourne gear it gives a little boost to every other Demons supporter you pass. Sometimes there will be a "Go Demons" as you pass eachother, or whatever. The point is it makes people feel like they are part of something bigger, and something stronger than it seems when you feel alone. Come on, does anyone here NOT get a little bit of a boost whenever they see a demons scarf? Think of it as if each time you wear your scarf, you making a dollar donation to the club.
  14. Man - Jaded, Deanox, DazzleDavey, Yze_Magic all laying the smackdown. Rightly so, given the absurd proposition and it's agressive delivery from Tarzan16. Makes me go all warm and fuzzy - it's the Demonland team, somehow we get along even though we'd probably mostly give eachother the right S$%^ts in real life.
  15. Well, I still thinks it's a storm in a teacup, but people do really seem to be pretty attached to the Demon. That said - the basic insignia of red and blue is much more visable and recognizable, more easily included in any marketing campaign, and easier to include in packaging designs on merchandise. It's also possible to put slogans across the red and blue background for a bold effect. Don't get me wrong, I'm still wearing my old gear (right now actually - that's a warm jumper they make) with the demon logo on it, and I love it. I'm also very attached to the title 'Demons' with all it's history - does anyone thing the Hawthorn coach cae out one day and said 'play like hawks', or Collingwood were called the Magpies for any reason other than it was the only black and white thing they could think of? BUT - the demon logo is too complicated, with pieces, and faces, and stylisations. It simply doesn't do the job as a logo being immediately recognisable with instant impact. Never lose the Demons from our heritage, damn right. But the simpler logo works for me, and I think it would be a waste to go through the process of yet another rebranding.
  16. Tarzan16, you have to understand, you are so far off the mark that people are assuming you're trolling. That's why you are getting such a harsh response. All here acknowledge that Mclean lacks leg speed, and has at times struggled with taggers. But that's just about it. He has been our top player in the packs, makes a good effort to get to contests and has often been the guy who best responded to a turnover up-field - in both awareness and speed of action. He leads the Demonland B&F votes easily for a good reason. His best is decisive and can turn the momentum of a game. His worst appears to be behind him, certainly the poorer patches are become steadily rarer and briefer.
  17. I have a really solid respect for Paul Gardner. Largely due to his leadership the board is no longer a factional, bitter mess. He has raised the bar on what is expected of off-field leaders at the club, in terms of loyalty and commitment to the club ahead of personal vanity. Five years ago, it wouldn't have been a case of a few board members expressing reservations and wanting to see a convincing and clear plan before they stepped aside for the Stynes ticket. It would have been big egos fighting it out to the last drop of (the club's) blood. No resurgence campaign could have ever been effective while the top-level rot was still in place. As far as I'm concerned, Gardner has been patiently breaking rocks so we could have something to build with. How many ways are there to say it - "that man did hard work, without glory, for us".
  18. Justin Koschitzke #23 St Kilda Saints Age: 25yr 8mth Games: 108 Born: September 20, 1982 Height: 197cm Weight: 98kg Position: Forward, Ruck There's his profile for reference. So not drastically old - remember that from 25-27 we have very few players, due to the moslty stuffed 2000-2001 drafts. Mention of Kosi has put a thought in my head. Bruce... for Kosi... gets sold as both players making a new start, maybe a win for both clubs. Definately a risk for both clubs. Bruce is rated higher by the rest of the world than he is on Demonland, that's for sure. It's certainly a good option for us I think, and more dignified than trading a stalwart player for a second or third round draft pick. Still... I'm only moderately impressed by Koschitzke. I wouldn't want to end up with the next Kent Kingsley trade.
  19. Bailey has done well to get a number of players to take decisive steps forward in half a season. Daniher was definately weak when it came to developing young kids. I would suggest that this is a level of micro-management which had to be sacrificed while Daniher was taking on so many other duties. It's worth noting that Bailey has the services of two quite reputable development coaches, Sandringham's former coach Mark Williams and it's Kelly O'donnell for number two (correct me if I'm wrong on O'donnell). This is on top of the Sandy coach, which was all Daniher had in that role during his time. So it's not just Bailey, but the new coaching structure which would be working on this. Credit also to Connolly in this area. But the absolute defining difference to my mind is what Dappa Dan described as transparency - the coach said 'we need to work on the following things and that is what we're going to work on', and then they did. Unfamiliar, but very welcome.
  20. $200k? Holy hell. If I send a thank you card to the club, do you think they could forward it. BIG credit to the guy, not only for the sizable contribution but also for getting the ball rolling. It doesn't take many people 'kicking in' at that scale to make a HUGE and RAPID difference. Also suggests the Stynes-mobile is getting good traction early. I like the team, I like it a lot.
  21. It's "four wins or less" (16 points), not less than five wins. So Richmond's draw comes in to play there. So the only basis Richmond could steal the priority pick at 1 is if they didn't manage to win another game all year. Melbourne x2 Freo at 'g WC at Subi Essendon at 'G. Port at Aami Carlton at 'G. as well as the less likely Brisbane (at the dome though), Adelaide, Geelong and Hawthorn. If Richmond can't manage a win out of that... we'll see them in round 22. Surely we can't lose a priority pick in our last game two years in a row. It would go down in history that we copped almost as much of a penalty for winning two games against tanking opponents, as Carlton did for sustained flagrant breaches of the salary cap. Given that Meloburne winning three more games for the year is optimistic. I'd say I'd love four wins and pick 17 as a bonus. I'm also starting to get the Naitanui bug. Maybe I want pick 1 too... But I'd hardly complain about Hurley coming in, being given the number 9 and told to become the next David Neitz. I can see it now - early career playing at CHB and beating Wayne Carey (sorry.. Lance Franklin) and earning AA honours, then going forward and getting another AA and a Coleman medal. Seriously, given the hype NicNat gets, might as well spruik it up a bit for Hurley as well, just in case.
  22. Davey is an obvious speedster and creater in the midfield, now that he appears to have gathered some form there. Buckley is quick, but very much wait and see. Petterd wasn't too slow, from memory, and he'll be available again soon. Morton can duck and weave surprisingly well and give himself space. At the moment he seems to not quite believe that he's actually got that space and is rushing his kicks a bit. CJ isn't a slow guy, but not super-fast or anything. we'll see how his return to the senior line up goes from next week, given the comments that he is now playing with an extra level of maturity and commitment. We're really hoping for something from Newton once he's back from his injury issues. Miller can keep on being the 'new and somewhat improved' brand of Miller but it's not going to build a forward line. Dunn may be a forward again, as he was for his first season.
  23. Gary Lyon is definately active. Just not on stage, so to speak. He's our corporate relations ninja.
  24. 25 reasons why Mich Malthouse was mystified that Melbourne players would lift for a big game with lots of history and emotion - 2003 2002 1981 1980 1979 1977 1970 1966 1964 1960 1956 1955 1952 1939 1938 1937 1926 1925 1922 1920 1918 1915 1911 1905 1901
  25. Warnock, Garland, Sylvia and both Chris and Paul Johnson have all made very good progress this year, compared to their standard in previous years. Miller, even, has added a bit more to his mediocre games and appears to be having good games more often. Aaron Davey appears to have made the transition to midfield option at last, which failed to occur previously. Not all players have been making such progress, sure. And some of it could just be maturity coming through. But I like what I'm seeing and feel positive about the future. Daniher did his honest best, I have doubt about that, and he set a competitive standard for the most part, but there was always something missing and there were always sustained patches of inexplicable on-field misery. I'm very happy with Bailey, particularly as a first-year coach, and I like the development I'm seeing from the younger players.
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