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Everything posted by praha

  1. They are pitiful. The same issues over and over and over and over again. No rectification at all. How long until we start seriously querying the coaching tactics? I don't understand how new coaches at other clubs to instill improvement, but we play like we have lost major players, and starting a rebuild. It's pathetic stuff. Worst team in the league by a country mile. Awful, awful stuff.
  2. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/afl/expert-opinion/demons-the-afls-homeless-club/story-fncqi9j8-1226354991559 "It's the day-to-day intangibles and those random chats around the watercooler that help build the fabric of a footy club. Players and administrators fight for a flag together - not under separate roofs."
  3. Well, they played the Gold Coast, and the match itself was truly of the lowest quality. I'm still of the opinion that we'll smash both sides rather comfortably, especially by the time we get round to them.
  4. LOL! It switches back and forth with you lot. "We need KPP!" "We need midfielders!"
  5. If it's a wet and soggy night, the stars MIGHT align. But when they did last (Bulldogs, Saints), we still couldn't get over the line. Realistically, I think it's going to be a 6-7 goal loss.
  6. Me too. I just can't imagine him stepping onto the 'G when we play them. Either Sheedy will hold him back for the game, or he'll give him the freedom on the day to run free and collect 40 possessions. I think that if he does play, he'll rip us apart.
  7. I don't disagree that Bailey wasn't the best coach. I'm highlighting rather the confidence portrayed by the players that night. The first few minutes showcases that. I also think I make that clear in my post. "But I'm pretty convinced that Bailey wasn't holding players accountable" I think that was evident. My thoughts exactly, especially that last bit, although I'm willing to give Neeld a chance to showcase what he can do over a 12-24 month period. I'm willing to do that. I just don't see how a new coach can lead to such a drastic change in player confidence, which is where my entire argument stems from.
  8. I know I've been very critical and negative of late. I have taken time to reflect and take in what is going on at the club. But after watching the above video, it's clear that what is wrong with the playing group goes far beyond anything within Neeld's, or anyone else's, reach. The confidence of that young playing group of Brisbane is amazing stuff. It was the best game we had played since 2006, and we absolutely deestroyed (sorry) them from the first bounce. So what has happened? I think it goes deeper than we think, and I'm happy for it to stay within the club as long as it's rectified. I think that the loss at Geelong was indicative of more than some of you may be willing to accept, and I think our performance this year definitely stems from that. These are my thoughts. Feel free to disagree, and I genuinly don't intend on having this seem like a personal attack on the playing group or club. But I'm pretty convinced that Bailey wasn't holding players accountable to the level demanded by the club's powers-that-be (Schwab, perhaps Lyon, too), and this caused the friction between the group, who had otherwise been given the freedom they enjoyed to play the unaccountable football we had become accustomed to watching as fans, that eventuated on that gloomy day. I think this assumption is backed up by Neeld's only subtle, albeit clear rhetoric regarding the playing group's fitness levels, and the amount to which they were able to get away with upon his coming to the club. I don't think we've drafted poorly. In fact, I think Neeld is molding a gameplan around what sort of playing group we have. The problem is accountability, professionalism and committment to the club (and brand), and this is why I've shown frustration at players being seemingly light-hearted at games in which the team is getting belted. I don't think there is a magic wand, and I don't think we'll see a rebound from the bottom as quickly as we did in 1997-1998. I think we're looking at another 2-3 years as a league whipping boy, but I most certainly don't want that time spent on drafting more young, unexperienced players. In every area of the field we have a young, talented player that can lead that area, but it's about building a team around those players (Clark, Jones, Frawley), and I think bringing in experience, ala. the Sydney model, with perhaps a little Collingwood touch, where those familiar with the AFL system understand the professionalism demanded by Neeld, and can come in and help evolve the young players that seem to be so grossly out of confidence.
  9. I admire the optimism, but you're dee-lusional.
  10. I don't think we'll win more than 2-4 games this year. There is a far too big a discrepancy in statistics for us to be anywhere near a win at the moment. I think we'll beat GWS comfortably because our backline and forward is far too experienced, but anything can happen. I've given up on this year and next. I just want to see improvement from here.
  11. http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/208/newsid/135722/default.aspx I was flogged by some after the Geelong game for having a go at Watts for laughing in hysterics when his team was down by 10 goals. This isn't the first time its happened. Has happened quite a few times over the years.
  12. We are performing considerably worse, more consistently, then we did in Bailey's first 7 games. We have never really looked like winning this year. The Dogs and Saints games were always lost causes, because we could never really push ahead and win the extra ball. That's strange, because, on paper, the team is considerably better that in 2008. By a mile. 2010 proved that. More indicative of the playing group, Neeld, the club, or all? You tell me.
  13. Part of the problem is that there always seems to be justification from the club, either literally or insinuated, that one needs to bottom out in order to be successful. Carlton is applied to that rule, but they're not great. Hawthorn, Geelong, Collingwood, Essendon, West Coast, none have had to really bottom out. The Eagles had an off year, but I think that had more to do with off-field issues and a little tanking. They were last one year, premiership contender the next. There is always justification for being crap, and the "short term pain, long term gain" rhetoric kind of says to me that there is a justifiability of bottoming out. I wouldn't have an issue with this if it were the first time - Carlton won its first wooden spoon in the 00s - but the club always does it. It bottoms out, and then has nothing to show for it 5-6 years later. What will we get out of this? Faith comes into it, because the club has never proven it can come out of things successfully. I'm just pushing the faith aside and demanding accountability. A short term gain should be to WIN, not to develop for the LONG TERM gain, if that makes sense. If you can't win games in the short term, where is the logic to suggest you can in the long term? I don't see how that logic needs to be exclusive to the notion of rebuilding. There seems to be very little issue on the act of WINNING, and perhaps TOO much focus on long term. It's very frustrating, because I want to see the team winning and beating teams like Brisbane.
  14. Eh... *shrugs* 0-7, playing considerably worser footy than GWS, GC, quite far removed off the pace. I'm not in this anymore to have faith and just to stick by someome because they've got it tough. You can only have it tough for so long. Get the job done. Melbourne is last on the ladder after 7 rounds. Accountability.
  15. Gotta win next week. No more excuses. We are better than this.
  16. I am absolutely livid. Absolutely LIVID. Last after 7 rounds. What a joke, Melbourne. Awful, awful, insipid rabble.
  17. Funny how whenever people critique the club, the person is a "spud", or a "hack". He's not wrong. None of it's working right now, and maybe change is needed.
  18. To be honest, 0-11 for me will simply be unacceptable for a team that had an average winning margin of 10 goals last season. This team was also smashing sides in 2010. I just don't accept it. If we can't consistently stay within 3-4 goals of opponents, if we keep losing by 7-10 goals, serious questions have to start being asked about Neeld, because this side is not that bad. I just won't accept that. The change has been quite simply mind-boggling. That Geelong game last year changed this club so much. I'm seriously just lost for words at this start to the year. I don't know if I'm alone here, but I am trying really, really hard to find positives. Neeld was so direct after the round 1 game, but then we lose by 100 points and he said he could see positives. I am just bewildered. Seems to me like the club told him to tone it down, especially after media commentary suggesting he was a bit out of his element that first week, and riled with emotion. This is truly an awful, awful team. Melbourne has 946 uncontested possessions all season. An average of 158. The league average us 228. GWS average 217. GC, 209. We are LAST in total possessions, and -45 on average below the second lowest team, Port Adelaide. 14th in clearances (might beat Hawks in this area) An unfit, immature, uneducated side that simply does not know how to get into position, "shoots itself in the foot" (the words of Trengove), and just sometimes play downright stupid football. It seems like its embeded in every player's brain that steps into the club. Really, nothing has changed/improved/evolved since I start supporting in the late 80s. It's just the same ol' ineptness, insipidness. The same old BS. But I don't know why, but there is something about this club that keeps bringing me back. There's something about the "MCG Demons" that does it for me. The club's romantic affiliation with my favourite place on the planet. Only the biggest and best clubs in the WORLD have that sort embeded, historical romantacism. It's reasons like this that Kennett genuinly sees Melbourne as one of his own personal biggest disappointments. A club that SHOULD be flying, but isn't, and hasn't for a long time. Even he would prefer to see Melbourne up and running (or, alternatively, for them to merge). And I'll be there on Friday because I'm a softy. But when this club is bad, it's BADDDDD. Wait... I'm having an epiphany! Melbourne can still MATHEMATICALLY make the finals! STAY POSITIVE EVERYONE! B)
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