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Everything posted by praha

  1. I'd hope that the likes of Clark, Jamar, Moloney, Jones, Frawley can help make easy of GWS and GC, but I'm not so sure anymore.
  2. Anyone. I just want to hear the song post-game. Can't wait to see, albeit on television, the players sing it in the clubrooms after. I'm craving that footage!
  3. Posts like this irritate me. The media's role is to scrutinise. If the club gave nothing to the media, the media would have nothing. You all cry and winge now, but when it's another team you all lap it up and start discussion threads about why that club is so bad. But when it's your own, you point the finger at the media for making something out of nothing, when clearly something is there. The problem is that, going by H_T's posts, suggesting that the club is struggling because it is young and because this is a "rebuild" is chicken feed considering the effort that's actually being executed by older players, that aren't actually bad players. That's indicative of the club, and instead of criticising the media for highlighting the faults and passing opinion, as they have a right (and obligation to) as part of a free press, we should be asking why such media coverage exists in the first place. The hostility towards media these days truly is pathetic and cowardly. People refusing to ask WHY the coverage exists in the first place. So much hate towards journalists here. Should we cut out subjective criticism all together?
  4. Sheahan has every right to be subjective as long as he is true to the facts, which he is. You can't expect him to provide blind faith. His role as a commentator is to scrutinise. He isn't wrong, based on that preview. I'd say what he has to say has more worth than anyone else considering he's a Dees man.
  5. I'll be there, but it'll be a 5-10 goal loss, at the least. I can definitely see a game akin to the Hawthorn game: within 7-8 goals the whole game, before a blowout to the 60-70 point range.
  6. They will start the season 0-11. That's the reality. All we can do have faith in improved performances. However, if this is the case, they may go into the GWS game as underdogs, depending on how they perform leading up to that match. If they lose to GWS, Neeld will lose his job.
  7. I think there was always a possibility of starting 1-11. Of all the loses, the one against Brisbane is probably the most frustrating because they do not have a better list than us. You can drill home all you like about our players, but I won't accept that their list is better. The difference was Black and senior midfielders, and they spanked us. However, we have being downright spanked from the word go in almost every area. 0-11 is one thing, but to be so far off the mark is truly awful. We are the worst team by a country mile.
  8. Unfortunately I think this entire saga is more indicative of the club than of certain players. A lot of people stop short of the leaders and tell them to [censored] off if they don't like the situation, without really knowing what's happening, or even asking why it is they are the way they are. The way I see it, a football club is no different than any other organisation. You have young people coming in with undergraduate education -- in the case of footballers: underage, amateur-level football -- and you need to educate these people about the level of professionalism dictated by an organisation run by adults. If someone comes into the club and concludes that the current leadership group is not sufficient, that they get away with too much, don't train to the level required, and don't quite instill the level of professionalism required, do we blame the players that don't know any differently and have been taught to act this way from the moment they were drafted, or do we blame the players simply because they're footballers on high salaries? I almost exclusively foot the blame onto the football club. I acknowledge that it is clearly trying to turn the tide, but it shouldn't have been the way it was for as long as it was. The club had dire facilities for decades and it wasn't addressed. The clubs finances haven't been secured until just recently, and even still we are dead last when it comes to things like social media. Our President said that, despite on-field problems, our membership has only dropped off a bit, as if to suggest that on-field performance dictates membership numbers. Someone started a thread earlier this year about membership numbers and why they had fallen, and everyone got on his/her back. I think we need to go beyond the playing group and start asking series questions about the club. I don't trust a word that comes out of anyone's mouth, and I am not longer instilling blind faith in anyone anymore, including players, young and old. It's simply results. I'll still be at the games, but beyond that, they'll only truly get my support once they start acting like a professional outlet. In that regard, boy do they have a long way to go. Again, I'll ask: why, if it is the case, are senior players revolting against the current regime? It's incomprehensible.
  9. I thought he spoke well, as a President. We didn't learn anything different. I think you'd have to be a dimwit not to realise that certain players have been hostile to the regime, and disappointed at exclusion from leadership group. You can't expect him to be open and direct. He was always going to be diplomatic. That's his role. In discussing the leadership group, it was clear that older players didn't take kindly to it. There will be a lot of changes at seasons end, and I'm certain we'll sign a big name.
  10. The club is right back at square one. Time to accept that and move on. No point having a cry about it anymore.
  11. All of this. The coach must shoulder some of the blame in all of this. At quarter-time Neeld said players weren't implementing what they had been told to. Why is that the case?
  12. Yeah, but the team's 0-8, worst team in the league. I am not giving someone respect where it's not due. Respect would be to win 6-7 games for the year, beat a few top-8 sides. I haven't seen one ounce of improvement since round 1, so I am not blindly supporting anyone anymore. From his own mouth: no more blind faith. Only results will get my support behind this guy. It's hard? Poor guy, really. But get the job done.
  13. I like the idea of staying in the car park. Occupy MCG?
  14. It's just a guy telling us stuff we already know. It was the first time he'd seen us play, and was telling it as it is. Nothing will change. The club is right at the start of a rebuild. It's time to accept that.
  15. Robert Walls has had a go in another non-story today, but he isn't wrong. Pretty much called them out and said Schwab had gone into hiding at a time when the club needed him the most. I don't disagree. I think he means that Schwab was everywhere when things were looking rosy, but as soon as things went sour (186), he's gone into a hole. Whether that is purposeful or simply to avoid the scrutiny, I'm not sure, but the club's brand is truly in tatters now, and at the end of the day you can only blame the CEO for that. Sometimes things go beyond the football field. His posts on here were pretty patronising as well. Like the man was frustrated.
  16. While Carlton played very poorly, the Blues are still a 10-goal better side than us because of their midfield, injuries or not. They will smack us.
  17. I think the similarities are clear. The team seemed especially uninterested last night. This has got nothing to do with gameplan, skills. The commentary team said it best: on paper this team seems to have the goods, but they're just not getting it done. I don't see why a team with players like Jones, Clark, Moloney, Davey, Frawley, Watts, can be so bad. We might baulk at those players, but they're only seen in a bad light because they play for a bad team. They are all good players, and all (except for maybe Moloney) would have a place in a top side, including Davey. This is a club issue. If the players can't execute, there has to be a reason. Commentary in the past suggesting the players got away with too much under Bailey says a lot, and it seems now that this is a subconcious, perhaps unintentional protest from a team that doesn't know how to adapt, because it's been let off the hook too often.
  18. That he was sorry and didn't mean for it to look like he was laughing.
  19. He wasn't fit and shouldn't have been playing imo.
  20. Nothing will fix this. Te club itself is just a rabble. If players aren't prepared to execute, says a lot about the club, more than the playing group and coaching staff. A good culture makes players, even bad ones, WANT to play for the guernsey.
  21. Oh the LULZ! *facepalm*
  22. Ladies and gentlemen, your [censored] for the evening! It really frustrates me when people live in fairy land and thing it's still the 1980s where the only things that matter for a football club are the on field performances. It's quite clear, beyond resonable doubt, that there are issue far beyond any coaches capabilities at the club. When a coach says the players aren't listening and following simple instructions, it's quite obvious that the players aren't doing their job. So the question is: why? Time to start seriously questioning the football CLUB as an organisation.
  23. Pathetic. Time to start asking questions and seeking accountability. Making an average score team look like a superstar team.
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