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Everything posted by DV8

  1. Not even for the 'loane ranger ? watt if ?
  2. Peanuts hey. No wonder they lost the Grand Final, they must be all monkeys. They say, you get what you pay for.
  3. No, they are not. 2018 1st rnd pick, plus a little something. That is all, she wrote.
  4. There should be a summary of all rumours at the head of each page, with a link to the post.
  5. Don't know M, unless we ask/try. The suns need experience, maturity, to help steer them. Tyson could be ready to step up in leadership, & pay-scale.
  6. Lets get that trade done. I would add Tyson to that Watts deal. Tyson & Watts + p27 to the Suns for p2 + p33 ?
  7. them the pies and the bummers.
  8. No connection to the blues then? And they're poky little venues?
  9. Spot on btdemon. Motlop, no thanks. No way.
  10. If this blew up, then the players would have had the wrong attitude. As we have had in the past, to allow soft play in our jumper. We are doing the right thing, for team, club, & the player himself, before its too late.
  11. culture... when the culture has gone bad, its takes a long time to rid it from the threads of the club. Years and years. It cannot be removed surgically alone. But that's the start of it. Because the people who carry that poor culture on-board, do not realise they are carriers of it. By bad, I mean lazy, part committed, a tolerance of soft, and acceptance of that norm within the club walls. And also outside the clubs walls. within the support base. It creeps in when things are cosy, & before you know, its taken hold. Self protection & defensive attitudes are the foundations of this thing.
  12. I don't want us to lose Jesse. I think he will be a top player for us as we get ourselves into gear. He seems to me the type of person who cares about whether he lets you down, or not, so will always give his all. The gestures are nothing more than frustration on his part, most likely feels like he has under performed?
  13. Fishing, for inside Information? So they can scuttle us.
  14. You must be able to see the difference now at the club. the hard physical stakes on-field, show the level of desire & commitment to your footy & the club. It's obvious we are developing now, the first real group since the turn of the century.
  15. He sounds good, I don't know anything about Sam Gibson, but those stats at least are pretty high. Maybe the club can work it out with Gaff, for him to stay with Eagles til next year. for free agency?
  16. If watts was a cricketer? He would be a leg side batsmen & spin bowler.
  17. If that's the case, they are probably just rumour mongering. I don't think Jesse would want to move away from his family.
  18. Nah, he was minding someones kids, a parent, lee.
  19. No, way overs. we have to stay tough in negotiations. We are trying to improve, but you don't improve much, when you receive goods with one hand while paying with the other; & the seller has their hand in your back pocket at the same time. Time for this club to grow up & play hardball. No more pushovers.
  20. Ah, where was this post Dirts? I didn't see it ? Also I wouldn't give two 1st's, for Lever, one 1st & a player, is plenty.
  21. Andrew Gaff is 25. And Lachie Neale is 24 http://finalsiren.com/PlayerCompare.asp?SeasonID=&PlayerName1=Lachie+Neale&PlayerName2=Andrew+Gaff&PlayerName3=&PlayerName4=&Compare=Compare&SelectedPlayers=
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