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Everything posted by DV8

  1. And nothing to do with Fitzy, and the AFL owing the blues? Simple, self imposed ban on those clubs, the past powers of the last 25years. Who bought premierships from other clubs, Via taking their players.
  2. there ya go. Its' not what you know, it's who you do !
  3. We don't have to boost their numbers, when we, and much of the comp have been dudded over the decades. boost the underdog, not the greedy.
  4. Where is the, 'rectus femoris' ? Sounds like a lingering injury?
  5. Channel 7 is taking us Dees supporters for granted. Its time to instill a ban on watching 7 footy. When Melbourne isn't given a fair go at free to air. I call on all red blooded Dees, to NOT watch the bummers on key night time slots. Why should WE ADD to the bummer viewing profile, whilst we get Sunday evening games? Think and act. Don't watch bummers, & pies in prime time. We just boost them up.
  6. Also troublesome in packs, around wandering boots. But is it the toe, or an ankle? These days with so much mis-information, its really hard to know what the truth is. But the reality is, its really tough to ruck with buggered feet. And to play CHF. Imperative we don't take risks before the season even starts. You can play with a cracked rib. You can play with a crack in the jaw. But try to run and jump in a game, with only one good foot, let alone having to kick on the run.
  7. yep, they sure were Flying HIGH around 2005. 'acker' couldn't understand it? The Eagles running power. How strong it had become, almost overnight.
  8. Yup We don't NEED TMc right now, with our backups. But We do NEED TMc late in the season, fully fit; heading towards September, Springtime footy. Its a must, we need his marking power & his running power, to cover the miles. I don't care if he misses the next 6 weeks, as long as we get him right and in Full running fitness, come the half way mark. He is now one of our major keys to any success we might experience, come finals.
  9. Only a toe, kept Frost out for around 6 months. It troubled him for more than 12 months. Conservative with injuries especially early season is crucial. We can take risks if need be later in the season IF we are desperate. I would rather have Tmc cheery ripe, before he comes into the side. I don't want him tormented by this injury, all through the season. Viney came back too soon last year, didn't end well. Gawn came back too soon last year, didn't end well. Watts came back under rehabbed last year, stuffed our season. Didn't end well. Its no surprise that our momentum went into a downward spiral, when these players started to return to the team, all too soon. 2017 didn't end well for the Mfc.
  10. Do you think they always strap the injured area? Why strap deep bruising, unless your putting padding over the bruised area?
  11. The very same reason, we should not play players in Rnd 1, who have injuries, or are NQR. TMc on both fronts, with the toe and the late start to preseason, after both ankles operated on. So fitness can be better, and soreness needs to improve. Same Viney. You can't win a final in March; but we can surely wreck our whole season by going in NQR.
  12. Not really. They (tigers) are more mentally tough on the the physical stuff, dishing it out, & receiving it as well (physically & mentally). We probably are stronger on the 'focus side' traditionally, compared to the Tiges. Both clubs were weak mentally, but for differing reasons. Richmond the club has never been hesitant to break our the physicality, traditionally, and their club, players & supporters, all relish that. This area is our biggest hurdle to get over. Bringing the physicality, the physical intensity is our biggest hurdle, and we are easily satisfied with our efforts. Too easily satisfied. Insatiable is NOT a word I would use about the Mfc. The camps allow the club to develop leaders in all areas & to lead in tall the ways our clubs has been lacking in. This is what the camps are all about leadership/responsibility, under the worst pressure.
  13. I would definately leave TMc out for this one. One more week to get right. Please Mfc. Don't risk him in Rnd-1. We have plenty who can fulfill the role for one game.
  14. I imagine its only a bit of bone bruising. They're protecting him from further knocks to that area, until game day. IMO, consider him a Lock!
  15. Forget the Snow, that is a dead loss if that happens. They'll all head north for the winter.
  16. To me the bright side out of this is we don't need TMc as much. He is more likely top worsen the toe issue in the wet contested slog, and the opposition will look for every opportunity to get at it. We can play a smaller forwardline with bulk, including Pedo in. Give TMc the extra week to get right. These conditions would have been just right for Viney but he's not ready. IMO we need bulky forwards, and our speedsters. Those that are opportunists of the spilt mark. I wonder how JKH would go in these conditions? I think the Wet, brings their guns back to us, a bit. I can see Buggster in on one of their mids.
  17. Well if that is the case, the point remains. We still need to be doing these type training camps more than most, needing this sort of training regime. We would be dragging the bottom of the AFL ladder in terms of being one of the AFL's harder clubs. So this sort of camp is just what the Doctor ordered, for our Mfc ailments. We should be doing this camp, every end of Pre-Season. .
  18. So why then do the Special forces put their men through these trials, & the SOGies as well. They are the elite of their Skills, they have to be, the standouts. So we here are worried about a couple of little injuries, and some sleepless nights during the course? really? Or are we worried that some players may decide to leave the club, because its all too tough? Do we want to be the Big Winners, or do we want to be the best AFL host team, as we've been for so many decades? A lot of players got rich from us,. that would not have cut the September mustard, in most Grand Finals. . Our problem hasn't been to top up a talented list; its been to get them playing to win flags. To remain disciplined to that cause. To not party during the week. To be single minded with the ultimate prize in focus. And because of this, lacking the desire needed to develop our recruits into men, real stars, instead of spectacular players fond of the camera. This is where our players have developed into, doing the spectacular, instead of doing the winning. Our young recruits all want to do that spectacular thing, instead of busting their arzes all game, every game. This is our collective failure. And this is the bathwater experience, & this is what we continue to achieve. 'The spectacles' of the competition. .
  19. This is exactly what we (Mfc) need, to sort out who will stand up under adversity; you know one who left last year would not cope with that scenario, and these camps sort out the tough players we can rely on most. And they aid in teaching some young ones where they need to get to. Its an exploration deep into athletes psyches to see how deep their commitment level is, and where it falls away. It is this sort of venture that will help us find the leaders we need to look to, Who Will in time, help us change our cosy culture into one more like the Hawks battle hardened culture, & the Swans, new Cats modern day culture.
  20. Richmond in season 2017, lost a total of 7 games from 26 games played. Melbourne lost 10 games, from 23 played. Richmond finished with a healthy percentage of 118.29% Melbourne fished with a percentage of 105.22% One camp does not change mental strength much, just as one Pre-Season does not build an AFL player into elite AFL level aerobic fitness. Its one step towards that end. Doing nothing results in nothing. Doing as you've always done when not achieving, is most likely going to result in the same. This club has to learn to change its mindset. If it ever wants to achieve the biggest prize, its says it wants to fight for. Playing safe is not going to cut it. Blaming the umps, blaming the weather, blaming some curse, is not going to help achieve anything, apart from more disappointments .
  21. Not every Club/team has a need to improve their hardness. All clubs will have their better points and all will have their sore points. Ours traditionally have been being too nice, too generous with the opposition, & being reluctant to trade with heavy hits & meanness on-field. We like it when the game is played around the wings as a traditional strength, with outside runners. It looks great around the Mcg wings, when we've carried the footy, in bygone era's. But the name of the game is winning Premierships. Something that is a decided weakness in our past half century.
  22. It won't. A cracked collar bone doesn't leave a player unable to maintain leg fitness & condition, nor aerobically. After a few days the player can continue to run. If we're concerned about injuries at the expence of being hardened tough competitive hombre's, then we shouldn't tackle at training, we shouldn't go for high marks at training, we shouldn't push one another over. etc. The special training camps are setup to find an advantage over the comp. It works for the Melbourne Storm and they are now one of the power clubs of the NRL, with Premiership Cups to browse. Our Mfc methods of 50 odd years, are not something to others to follow. So we need to change, & to harden up.
  23. fiddle-faht footy. This is an issue for the whole club imo, because it seems that when pressure is on us, applied, or sometimes when we just feel pressured, we do exactly this. fiddle-faht footy. We have to stop over thinking things and play with instinct, & with some level of spontaneity. Waiting for something to happen, when we hold the footy, is the ultimate of not-taking responsibility. If you do not hold the initiative, then the opposition must have it.
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