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Everything posted by DV8

  1. I'll raise you! Two bruces, a green & a white For a fit 'n' healthy Judd.
  2. The 'Moose' McGuire 'reckons millsy should play @ half back.
  3. The other way around mate, if they can play like that then ask yourself why have'nt they. It's no use having players who can play, but don't put in. WHY? If they don't keep up this higher standard to which they're capable, then they should go & we'll find others who'll put in for the club.
  4. He's finally stepped up to the plate & delivered. Where have you been all this time Brad. Don't go hiding again after this, the fans now know what standard you can deliver at & should expect nor tolerate anything less from you.
  5. I'd luv to see the boy from Byron wipe out Wayne Carey down around ol' richmond town
  6. Don't you think that says a lot.
  7. G'day John, it's great to hear of you, I was an onfield participent with you throughout your time there. I hope things are going well for you & your family????????.
  8. I wasn't feeling well, with the dreaded lurgie thats gettin' about, so I wasn't feeling really social & prefer not to spread it where our players may inadvertantly be exposed.
  9. I think I saw you there 'WJ', who were the demonlanders you were with. Matthew Warnock - he's athletic & can kick nicely. He took time to develope at sandy & no doubt he'll take a little time to do the same in the AFL, as expected. Stefan Martin I've now seen play 2 or 3 times & he can kick better than he looked yesterday, that kick from directly below me was tightish in the pocket with that strong wind blowing strongly across him would be enough to give any young 6'-8" beanpole the yips...
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