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Everything posted by DV8

  1. Puopolo? so maybe shiel is on the market. The afl is killing grass roots footy, because of the saturation on TV. Sorry, the money is destroying the game, from the grass roots end. So kids are playing Jnr's, but the 2nd tier seniors, is dying from suffocation. As is country footy. TV saturation steals from the code, because people have had more than their fill, before leaving home.
  2. Revolver doors at the bummers, in stringer, out goddard, soon enough.
  3. Kelly is too expensive. bidding for him is crazy stakes. We can find our own. But Shiel is worth looking at.
  4. Mcguire's short Lease on presidency. Some might say he's got buckley's chance, holding that post?
  5. v' tamari https://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Frbb85.files.wordpress.com%2F2012%2F02%2Fbrianshumway12.jpg%3Fw%3D646&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Frbb85.wordpress.com%2F2012%2F02%2F08%2Fbrian-shumway-black-girl%2Falisha-19-nanuet-ny%2F&docid=jgAN6lnUFTPODM&tbnid=td-x7iWVHKI8BM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiZ8bXdnZrWAhVHyLwKHXFPA4I4ZBAzCCgoJTAl..i&w=646&h=650&client=firefox-b&bih=1063&biw=1920&q=eclectic skinny&ved=0ahUKEwiZ8bXdnZrWAhVHyLwKHXFPA4I4ZBAzCCgoJTAl&iact=mrc&uact=8
  6. Garland to the Pies Pendlebury to the Crows Lever to Melbourne. Dunn deal.
  7. Macca was there when Stringer was recruited, wasn't he? Macca coached them in 2012, 13, & 14. Stringer started playing senior AFL games in 2013. So Macca coached him for 2 years. He should know him well. He is talented, but a difficult proposition I reckon, if Bevo is OK with him leaving. Straight swap, Watts for Stringer ?
  8. Sounds like a job for Clarko & the Whawks. And they're not that big on defending anyway, are they?
  9. I've changed my mind. His averages are quite good, & he's only 24. With Jones maybe 3 seasons left, maybe we can maintain Tyson.
  10. I'd have to imagine it pre-drinks. Don't think I could afterwards.
  11. 2020 the best of the lot. So we better wait until then, before using our ND picks.
  12. Don't know about talk of the picks, but i'm sure that talks would be going ahead with many teams, & most rumours are based in at least a little bit of truth. Just because they don't often come off, does not mean that the people in question are not in discussions. And also we have Journo's, & player agents using the forums to deliberately spread rumours for an agenda, to spread a message, or dig for information via their posts.
  13. Posted by "Still waiting", in this thread, [Posted Monday at 01:47 PM ].
  14. But we don't have to agree to play him. There is a thread over at BigFooty, suggesting JW was out and about a few weeks back. And was said to be the "Life of the Party". I think the club maybe has 'drawn a line, in sand,' where Jack is concerned? https://www.bigfooty.com/forum/threads/jack-watts-to-the-dockers.1176058/page-4
  15. No of course not. I'm going on what the rumours are suggesting. Where there's smoke there's fire. That doesn't mean things will happen, but you can betcha they are real & talks are happening.
  16. what I mean in throwing the chequebook, is to outbid the Hawks for Whitfield's services. Even if he's mentally committed. We should try to change his mind.
  17. Reckon we should throw our ChequeBook at Lachie Whitfield and see what he does with it.
  18. P28-30. Thats a rubbish deal. Better they give us they're 1st pick, in the 2018 National Draft. OK. We'll give them Watts & our Pick10. for the Saints Pick 7 in 2017 NDraft, & the Saints 2nd Rnd pick in the 2018 NDraft.
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