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Everything posted by DV8

  1. http://finalsiren.com/MatchDetails.asp?GameID=7875&Code=8fe7745680143c6e54012245afd3b8ab
  2. I the future sometime, I'd like to see Brayshaw down back. Asa hair happarent
  3. We cannot afford senior players taking the game off, anytime. If we are to make finals for the 1st time in 12 years? Disappointment. very.
  4. Frost forward would have been handy with his pace, & marking Or bringing the ball to ground, inside our 50. A defensive tall forward ?
  5. It always seems to happen, that when Our players make some sort of on-field statement, & start feeling comfortable and secure, then they slack right off. Could it be that Jeffy is just too happy with his footy and position in the side?
  6. MbS. Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Has he 'announced himself' to the world. https://theintercept.com/2018/03/21/jared-kushner-saudi-crown-prince-mohammed-bin-salman/ It is said that the next war will start in Asia. And the New Leader will be known to the West, prior to his newfound ambition. It's said the King of the South will go, against the King of the North ? Could it be? https://stepfeed.com/mbs-says-saudi-arabia-will-build-a-nuclear-weapon-if-iran-does-3756 I will be watching this with a lot of interest.
  7. It's called a Band-Aid. They're not talking about the team on the day. Its more than that. deeper. All I can say is the club had better hurry-up, and find a home base; because people are sick of giving, and 'being taken'. see: multinationals, politicians, taxes, etc, etc. people want contract, want to feel they belong, and want that proven. they don't want to be shut out by fences and locked gates. they don't want separate after match get-togethers based on money or cloth. they want a sort of, e-quality. this is the one constant failing
  8. Marking the footy consistently is a great pressure relief valve. They can't touch us when we mark the footy. If under the pump, the ability to catch the ball under pressure is a get out of jail free card.
  9. We won't win a flag with Vince &/or Lewis on the field. But they are needed, whilst we are all so inexperienced, footy uneducated. They are they're to lead the right way, & to teach and stabilise, but they are looong in tooth. We need Sloane and maybe one other yet, to replace these 2 Veterans. We won't do much of anything until Viney's about 26Yrs of age. Thats when IMO, our list will really come of age.
  10. This is what I thought that we were short one tall. But thought the brains trust is going for a strong running side. But the Cats won to much 1st touch's. And the structure, with our defence too open, for too long.
  11. Welcome to the club 'df'. I've been feeling that way for 15Yrs. Not the question of list depth, but just a cynic, about when if ever we will learn to overcome this Clubs frailties;... rather than the players that go out there so much, because both parts are key. It's the environmental culture that is the common thread in all Eras teams... since the the time of the demise our our last leaders who won us flags. It is the only part of the club that has never been turned over & freshened up. And it has effect on players, of all Era's. And the crowds emotions come across very clearly on game-days, so any negativeness is 'amplified' directly to the players... just as hunger is relayed to the Tigers players when the smell of 'footy blood' is in the AIR. The Tiger Army turn it on like a ZULU War Cry. And their players respond.
  12. That's why he needs game into him, for more experience, as does Hannan. I think the side showed a lot of fight to get back in touch on a number of occasions. These 2 are probably our most natural half-forward players, and skilled. They need plenty games, to get up to speed in that spot.
  13. I think by the structure of the side picked, that we want to be (the footy dept') a more offence based team this year... to sacrifice a little defence, to be more threatening on the scoreboard. I hope this is not a membership drive strategy. Great and strong defence/pressure, is a proven finals winning strategy. I don't want us to go back to the style of demons of the mid 2000's. With little interest in true defence and pressure.
  14. I have no doubt that he will show something, and then, show plenty. I'm in no out-standing hurry for that to happen. As I reckon that when he does come on, he will be just what Dr ordered. And then we will be a more complete outfit.
  15. I would say that only Picket and JKH did not deserve the whipping they copped. Pickets was torn a new one by supporters on the no bruise bandwagon of that time. He was umpired out of the game. Nowadays its common place to crash bodies just not the sacrosanct head. Hello J Selwood, you lookin' at moi? JKH is just an honest toiler who has no preconceptions on his ticket, accept that he knows he has to be a bloody heard worker to make it. As did Nibbler, just over 12 months back.
  16. I like them both, and I think they both will have their strengths and weaknesses shown up in good time. I think we (Mfc), pick the team week by week, on line of form. I think these 2 could play flank, pocket, wing. So all is a unfinished D's Omelette as yet. No doubt the ingredients will change according to what we have available, on most occasions.
  17. Morton, Bennell, Cook, Gysberts, before them Pickett copped a lot from fans. And many who did deserve some, were loved & untouchable by fans.
  18. No, too soon for him. He doesn't have any form, or confidence yet. He'd be a lamb to slaughter. Now is not the time, but if you want to fast track him, maybe start playing him at key defence in the VFL. Just for a while, to get him running at the ball & with the ball. And kicking on the run. And also a run on the ball. Get his physical momentum moving, & confidence.
  19. I've just seen the Cats team. No Danger. So that spells danger for us. We better turn up to play. We're at our best when we feel our backs are to the wall. You might be right, Re Gawn in the hole.
  20. I'm wondering if the Rucks, including Pedo, are to help out down back this week?
  21. watts is amping up ports deci-belles.
  22. The thing that Viney brings, that TMc doesn't, is a fierceness, a volatility at the contest 2nd to none. His leadership is a Genuine Loss. That tenacious attitude like a Pig Dog, to bring the bigger bodies to ground. And to heel, when they get out of hand... see rance. TMc is far, far too much a gentlemen, to his detriment as a leader. .
  23. just anticipation M_9. He's readying himself for a mark in the finals series.
  24. Money, and a chance to win the flag. Before he's done. Also comes home to Vic. He misses his long lost sister? Mountain Air ?
  25. Wadd about St Patrick's day ?
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