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Everything posted by DV8

  1. TMc because he is a tall forward/follower. We dodn't carry many key talls, So Tmc being our most mature, Pedo aside is a big element of the team. Also the thing not often stated is when breaking it down, we lack enough players taking enough marks during games. A TMc specialty. Add to that a great runner, and he is a genuine key, to the team.
  2. Hang on his grandad was a follower, a rugged follower, and powerful mark. With attitude. ran straight lines. Lets see what we get first, before we make any rash predictions on a lad, who has played 2 seasons, and is yet to become an adult. I suggest that bambi will turn into a buffalo.
  3. just entering his 3rd year. had another ankle Op. Lets start to expect, after the half way mark. Do we want to help, or hinder him? I reckon this kid ( 20Yrs_8Mths ) to this point, just needs a bit of faith shown. He's a big lad ( Height: 195cm_Weight: 97kg ) who needs some more muscle, and a little help from his mates.
  4. I don't think the hounds need to be baying at all. As I said, we don't really have any hangers-on's, any longer, any non-committed to the cause. All we have left now, is young fellas, who want to be their best. We have so many young players in our best 22, we need another 28Yr old soon, to replace the 31 Yrs+ players nearing the end. We need the leadership and maturity because our 25's plus, are not all that great. the good older players are spread too thin. So we're in no real hurry for more youngsters in the 22, unless they crash the bloody wall right down.
  5. I thought Melksham had been going really well? And he's not in, nor Tyson? I'm finding that hard to comprehend. Running through our team again, there is none who might take a backward step.
  6. I just looked thru our list for a whipping boy. We don't have ANY anymore. No list cloggers. All footballers. No athletes really so much, anymore. thankfully, we have finally arrived to this point, where all we have down the bottom, are players who are trying to adjust their bodies to withstand the rigors of AFL footy. So these down there, are talented but with issues to overcome, if they can. These are players we rolled the dice on. . So with this, lets cut back on the whipping of the underdogs, and save it up, IF any of the others don't show the courage, or the commitment we should expect, from Demon players. Hopefully we won't need to bring out the boots to kick anyone. We are all past most of that pain, of the last 13 years. Now is the time to put that energy into booing the Opposition, the Umps when required, & into screaming out for the D's to go hard.
  7. I think Frost will play looking at this. Maybe Lew, and one other are in some doubt? I reckon Melksham, Tyson & Frost will be in, surely.
  8. Weide will be a great player for us. He just needs time to grow into his frame, as most big men do. Be patient, he will excite. Not every player comes on like a Judd or Daniel Talia, not even Hodge or Mitchell did. But I would have either of those 2, over Judd. The fact they've been IN demand at the end of their careers, says a lot really. about Culture/Leadership.
  9. He's has an operation on his ankle, so has not long started back into Pre-Season work? He will be at Casey for a while, but by mid-season, It's then time to start with some expectations of this young man. Not before mid season as he works his new body onto some sort of form. He is just at the start of filling out his frame, so give him some time. Latter half of the year, we should be expecting him to take some control at VFL level. Also, I'm hopeful of Keilty to start some good form by mid season the new breed of young fellas. The thing I would really like to see/hear, is young King. I'd like to hear of him taking some strides along in the VFL, this year.
  10. Yep has to be a quality runner first up. Someone said Kelly, I don't know if can afford him. And for a loong term Kelly contract.. And similarly Lynch I'd love that Tall Forward 2nd ruck. But again can we really afford, & do we with need him now with Tmc doing his thing ? I think now we need to add run/carry with skill, and pace. Not in one player, but to start to install these attributes into our list, but without sacrificing any hardness, that we have rebuilt somewhat back into our jumper.
  11. And this should be a reflection of outsiders, wanting to come IN. free agents we're waiting for you. Please, wipe your feet at the door, and come in for a coffee & Smashed Avo' sandwich.
  12. The future, they're futures, & our clubs future in finals. Are you suggesting we should play them, even if they aren't right? The thing is, we get stronger by playing other young fellas, while these guys get themselves right. Even if that is a knock on 2018 finals campaign, it is still a strength, for our tomorrows. I don't believe we will not be in the hunt for a finals berth this year, and feel confident that we will be charging them down, come July. If that is with Viney & TMc, I don't know, but we are so much more than these 2 lads.
  13. I imagine the boys frame would be very handy inside the center square at the bounce, on occasions. A solid very low centre of gravity. He would literally be a bull coming at the ball.
  14. Just as long as it's not 'Gangnam Style' oh wise one.
  15. Yes but the key is the kids then learn from great players, within a winning competative culture/environment. from the masters. This creates are strong culture that can last for some time. We have struggled for such a long time, the culture of kindness is the only thing that has survived since the 60's, and that is counter to being hard-arzed tough ruthless team. This has to change if we want the club/team to become what we desire. winners & ruthless at the game.
  16. Better to recruit attitude/hunger than to try to invent it into some like a bennell, morton, cook, gysberts. onanonanonanon.....
  17. The thing with Sloane is, he is ready right now, for the type of footy we want to play in finals. He has about 4 Yrs left on career +/-,,, so accounting wise that's a good thing IMO, for our other young guns coming through, as when Sloane is cooling off his career, we will have dollars unlocked for others rising within our list. The key is to draft another young running mid at the same time, who will develop over the next 3-4Yrs whilst Sloane is flying. This is my wish for the club.
  18. Well yeah, I reckon they a doing the accounting now, so they can workout what War-chest we have left, to go after a fee-agent.
  19. Beef-cakes Bluey. He looks a little like 'Lingy' there. Just needs a couple more pounds, and a mullet.
  20. Well done 'Blue'. And 'go you good thing'. PS: is your foot still OK ?
  21. Agreed, but this will shorten TMc's season; which in itself, is great for the latter part of the year, IMV. Rnd-12 - 2017, we were 6 wins - 24Pts, entering the bye. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_AFL_season#Ladder_progression I feel sure we should surpass that. http://www.melbournefc.com.au/Team/fixture-and-results
  22. They may have ordered him of feet, I would hope. Now it's your game, IF he did not ??????
  23. I here they plan on putting it towards the EOSTrip. But he's gotta get back for the land of the sugar plum, & bring the money with him first.
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