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Everything posted by DV8

  1. of course i have when I was younger and fearful; and I regret them now. Nothing is as good as being honest with the ones you Love. Lies are just further deception. And the poorer our society is with them... white lies, black lies, yellow lies, little, big, politically correct ones, all the same. Deception. It destroys trust amongst all people. relationships. Remember this old beaut....... White Man speak with Forked Tougue. Forked Tongue is a good analogy, because if its Serpents in our Society we want, we're getting our wish. Not a very good place to bring up kids in, these days. I will not sacrifice integrity now, for anything. Life hurts, its painful at times. But lies weaken all of us, & the things that bond us all together.
  2. Thats where i was going, 'with the more attacking setups', as most teams seem to be trialing in some way. Maybe the AFL have said to clubs,,, you guys play a more attacking footy style, or we will have to further reduce the rotations per game. The ball is in your half. Against the cats, it (the more attacking setups) didn't work well for us, and so we changed setups & halted them, but couldn't quite make the difference back up. We are trialing many things atmo, whilst still trying to win the points; Salem, Lever, Wagner. Next year we will probably be without Lewis, and Jones, Garlett, etc will be another year older, as will Vince. We have to develop the replacements now, to get them skilled up. I can see Pedo getting another one year contract, after this one. I hope Lewis stays with the D's, & plays at Casey as a playing assistant coach, to help guide our young players close up.
  3. I just saw the video, a twist on the nipple, would be worse than that. And they charged him $1500.00_ I think he should challenge that.
  4. Bugga the Browlow, we want Silver Cups. Brownlow's dime a dozen, in comparison.
  5. Black, White, White, Black.... Yella. all the same, all soft & smooth inside. Aren't we lucky no one wears Knickerbocker shorts out there, dc.
  6. As McCartney has been suggested of saying to one of our supporters they are trying to teach players in positions. So its a bit difficult to judge coaches on assumptions of what we think is taking place. ie: some players seem out of position, when in reality the players are being taught to play different roles in those positions. so ?????
  7. They lost they're way after they moved out Sheedy. Then started to rebuild under Knights, then they shafted him, for Hird. The rest is now well written. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Knights#Coaching_career The saga adminis-trators even hoisted the old administrators out of the way, so the new admin could implement the things they did do. None of that was to do with the outside club supporter attitude, but simply bad administration, and greediness. And the rest is history now.
  8. They should, and they have to. Its pointless having one dimensional players.better to lose the occasional game now, developing the players to be well skilled players; than to go on loosing in finals matches as we've done not so long ago. The all out attacking game seems to be being tried out by most clubs, atmo, and I wonder if this is an AFL direction. Last week we got the defence balance wrong and we payed dearly. Better after adjustments in the 2nd half. But too late.
  9. I won't even bother opening this video as I am well aware of the Tigers history of sacking coaches, end on end. And the damage they did to themselves. No continuity in a footy club, is as bad as tolerating garbage from the club. Why is it you didn't quote a club like the bombers, cbf? They get very snaky when the club becomes weak. Or are you about just sticking to your thoughts, without having to see change at the Demons, for fear of, 'anything', just change ? The trouble with the club is its not willing to change, to get stronger. It has always lacked the courage to get a home base, (the swimming centre), or to pay players the going rates back in the 60's, or to chase after players we need often enough. It had became a cheap skate club. Wouldn't spend or give anything for better facilities for the players to work-out within. etc. We strangled ourselves. And this club has traditionally tried to put all eggs in one basket. To make a difference (tilbrook). When the real problem was, the club had just lost the real desire, and inner fire to be at the top again, whatever it took. It lost the fighting spirit from the top, to beat all comers. And since (the latter 60's) those attitudes have prevailed, within a majority of remaining supporters unknowing that they had become accustomed to failing ways. Now is it any wonder we struggle to have ruthless ways, as a club, as a team. Instead, we get political correctness. The club is trying to change, but it needs to change more-so from within itself,,, than the playing list, etc. The list mirrors the attitudes of the whole club. KAMA. we get back, what we give out.
  10. I believe it because I know that it occurs. And when someone comes out in this forum, saying just that, via a player's information. I take that with respect. The poster is putting themselves in the firing line. Going out on the limb. There was no malice in the post, nor was there a hint of trying to be disruptive. Just honesty. The more honest we all are, the less this sort of games-playing behind the scenes, will occur. Its not the messenger that is at fault. Its the deceptive games played in business;,, that is the Fault.
  11. No, you've got it wrong CBF. You have the cart before the Ass again. probably taking the clubs n membership hopes as the catalyst. This clubs supporters have been too tolerant of under-performing for decades. Other clubs get highly jacked off when their clubs start to slide, and that is what has made them Power clubs. With this comes one-eyed supporters who are fiercely loyal yet angry, at that clubs failures. These type supporters also put in a lot of money to their club, out of the supporter pride in the colours. We have collectively been too placid, too tolerant and too disappointed and go away with a whimper. Thats what we get back from our players when things are bad. This Is almost a mirror view of the ways of the supporters, left clinging on to a club who is struggling to keep its head above water level. The attitudes surrounding this club have to change, we need to more feral, demanding success. Not self imploding,,, but by putting the leaders under pressure; the admins, the coaches the senior players. What we traditionally do, is put our loved players up on pedestals. And worship them like gods, even if they wouldn't get a game in a Power clubs side. It happens too much. We have to demand More. Just not of our under 22's. As long as they show some fire, some willingness. Some deesire.
  12. Its not just clubs that play mind-games with players & put out feelers, Its also player managers at contract time, to threaten clubs for more dollars.
  13. If they reported every whisper of clubs feelers, at end of season, they would end up with no cred, because most of these feelers end up with nothing happening, because the players club isn't serious; but want to create a little insecurity in lazy player X. Ttrying to shake them out of lethargy. See Watts at end of Roos 2nd season, Watts dropped for last game. Whispers about watts trade scenarios's. Watts 3rd Roosy season is a beaut. Sign contract extension. Goody's first year and watts is back to not Putin-in, again. ta-ta. It happens. every end of year.
  14. Have we really sold integrity & honesty right down the sewer, in the name of professionalism & big bucks.? Isn't it hard to trust people in today's society. why is that I wonder with political correctness taking over everything and lying to someones face an accepted habit. Truth is we should be able to be taken for our word. How has such a positive and beneficial thing, been lost in fine-print, and so-called, being not hurtful ? The damage done in not hurting people's feelings, via Political-Correctness is intolerable. We are wrecking our ways of life. With open honesty comes better behaviors, and a more knowing society, which keeps people in better mental health. Trust is her biggest Key to a healthy society.
  15. Can't stand the bloke, what he did; but Aussies do appreciate stuff. He needs some acknowledgement.
  16. Whoever the worst players were in that period should be chopped back to Casey. No point letting them continue a bad footy behavior and stay in the side. They have to learn that lack of focus & intensity, will not be allowed any longer in RednBlue. We are Re-bilding for premierships, not sheep farms for the boys... time to give something back, you elite sports people.
  17. When Bugg is in the side, we tend to play better/win. Even if he doesn't star on the stats sheet. Start lever on the wing defensive end. with Frost on Waite. Lever to push back across half back sweeping. Our half forwards can push up high.
  18. He does jr. But he needs to 'kick the door in' prior to. He hasn't played a game for points, just yet. I would wait until after the 1st game in the VFL, and see how he goes under some heat first.
  19. It happens at every club every year. Putting feelers out. Sometimes its dunn to put a rocket under a player, who is coasting along. So mostly, not serious in those occasions. Players most times do not know when a club puts feelers out, Re the player. But other clubs can try the wedge the player, telling them their club is shopping them. It happens a lot and not many deals get done.
  20. Yeah, heart flutters have given way to numbing disbelief, at the way we switch down our minds & intensity. We can never win finals, playing anything like this. Typical Melbournefc attitude, during games when we take a lead. We sit back in the armchair, and want table service. This is the Melbourne attitude, in its rawest form. This IS what destroys this club. Nil killer instinct, Far too nice. We need players, who want blood.
  21. The feebleness is the players disappearance, and not really reacting to stop opponents run on. We sit back, and let them back in. Speaking of a habitual trait. The end result last night showed how far we are ahead of the Lions, at this stage, yet we let them come right back from 6 goals down, to level with us; instead of us keeping our foot on their necks. We should have won by 10 goals last nigh,t with the 1st half play we had brought with us. We should have buried that team last night, and the non-ability in our players heads, to not Fulfill that, is a REAL concern.
  22. I agree we show the ability to fightback now, compared to the post 2010 era, but even in the early 2000's we weren't all that good at lifting, against a team that was keeping its foot on our neck. This is a habit of Melbourne teams that have tended to be front runners. good in the easy going. bad against Real Pressure teams. found out in finals. Yesterday we played a team of kids. We have a few years on them. This is what I want to see from this club/team. a club team that will maintain the pressure on oppositions sides until they break. What worries me is that even tho we might rebuild the list, we still might have those traditional Melbourne flaws of being too soft to bury opponents. (individuals and teams). TMac and Viney; we cannot keep making excuses when a couple of senior players are out. 2 out of 22 . Its just that we HAVE to Expect More,,,, if we are to ever do better. This club has done very well at making many players wealthy, and they didn't achieve, or perform at their absolute possible best, most professional, for us. Yet we still herald them as champs. champs of what? nice boys club. It has to change, or we will continue putting out more, and more, of the same as in our past.
  23. Hunt has to learn to be more than one dimensional. As does Salem. So many of our young players are One dimensional at the moment and we will have to teach them before we win any silverware. I agree that the back structure is challenging some players, but that's footy. Frost coming in, would mean we can use him all over the ground, choose at the time. He can drop back, or go forward as decoy and play defensive tall feeding our small players, or even chop-out in the ruck, swap with Pedo.
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