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Everything posted by Longsufferingnomore

  1. I don't know whether we need another Cale Morton topic but it is reported today that he has suffered a slight medial strain on Saturday at his home. Poor Cale. Just when it looked like some of that missing potential was coming to the fore he is out for two matches. I personally was looking forward to him starting off well in Brisbane. Sooth all you nay sayers!
  2. I thought it was interesting reading when Neeld said that it was the hardest job to tell the players who had missed out on being retained on the leadership groupand that they all took it differently. I would have thought that Beamer would have taken it the hardest, Greeny may have realised that he is more important to the Club without the leaders weight on his shoulders, Davey maybe a few truths hurt and Rivers - not sure.
  3. Jack you are right about Cale. After his very bad year last year he took on all the criticisms and got a personal trainer prior to the start of training. I think Cale will have a different year this year for a number of reasons and a few of you should back off with the comments or at least give him a chance. Go find another whipping boy.
  4. My apologies I was reporting what I was told by someone in the FD.
  5. Exactly Redleg what would that have achieved - apart from embarrasing the Board and Cam. I think everyone is forgetting that we have put faith in the Board to get the Club back on track and that obviously includes dealing with whatever issues there were last year with Cam and FD. I personally want to believe that these issues have now been dealt with. If I know anything about Don is that he does not shirk the hard issues. Can we move on. Who was asked not to ask questions about 2011. Our group certainly were not asked. One question I would have liked to ask was what is happening with the medical department. (Thought of it after) I have subsequently learnt that the Club is in the middle of interviewing candidates.
  6. I tend to agree with Savoy with regard to Neeld but would not go to the extent of saying that the Club is pathetic. The question on culture was asked in a very agressive manner and was obviously preconceived as he was holding a piece of paper with his question written down. He was always going to be angry with any answer that he got. We all know that the "culture" at the Club was lacking but I believe we all have different interpretations of what "culture" actually is - is it the players/FD (previous) commitment or acceptance of mediocrity or is the culture of the Club/members. I dont know what this person was actually attacking and he was attacking. The way the question was put would have put the Board members on the back foot and in the circumstances I think it was answered suitably. As KD said Don agreed to debate the question after. Poor Cam got the bullet as Don was doing interviews. With regard to Neeld I agree he was at best simplistic in his speech, even his description of the new boys, well he could have given us a little bit more information. I got the feeling that he didnt want to promise the world but even an indication of what level we are aiming at ie the 8 would have been something more than what we got. For a Coach's first AGM it was an opportunity missed. To allow those passionate members get a glimpse of where we are tracking would have been more appropriate. Even a word on Liam's injury or some individual PB's being beaten etc would have wetted the appetite of those there. He certainly was not giving anything away on leadership either although I certainly believe he has already made his mind up. He said that that he been told that he was too serious and that he should lighten up. Maybe that is what we have - a coach who coaches single mindedly without distraction. Probably a good thing. Despite all of this I was happy that there were no big statements and as someone else said all in all the AGM was of a Club getting on and doing its business. I did like Craig's brief but illuminating reason for choosing Melbourne. On another note did anyone see Chris Connelly?
  7. Dont think it has been reported here but it was also put to the Board that they should consider discussing with the MCC the possibility of a statue of Jimmy being erected outside the ground. MCC officials were at the AGM. A great expression of Melbourne's not just Demons, admiration and respect for a truly great man. Probably more apt now than ever.
  8. It certainly was flat (even the singing at the end) but I really put that down to finding out that Jim wasn't there because he was having another operation Yesterday. Many were there to say goodbye to Jim as President. CS certainly wasnt the same CS we are used to. He was almost circumspect in the way he presented. I am sure that he is a very clever CEO but that the blow up last year has left a few wounds which need time to heal. He certainly has lost a lot of weight!. The question by a member on the culture of the club I think was handled as best as it could in the venue with multiple media outlets there. Don mentioned that the Club had set out to be a more inclusive Club which he believed had been achieved (and I am sure we all would agree here). To my mind the gentleman was questioning the player culture and I dont believe the AGM is a place where that can be discussed with all the players in attendance. I did see same gentlemen concerned waiting to talk with Cam after the AGM so he may have got his answer then. If he is a member here maybe he could enlighten all of us. I was disappointed that more wasnt made of Garry Lyons work with the Club and it took a member to stand up at question time to thank both Garry and Todd before they were thanked on behalf of the Board. Don has been a surprise to some as to how well he has handled Jim's and his own position. I left feeling very confident that we are back on track as a Club. It is where we should have been at the beginning of last year. There was very little raz-ma-taz, ra ra-ing. It was down to earth, lets get on with the job, cant wait to get to round 1 kind of stuff. Russel Howcroft reminded all that the first chance to see the boys play is Feb 17 at Casey so get down there.
  9. Le Beau Cheval any relation to Vite Cheval - Good horse in its day
  10. Rather than trawl through 10 pages can someone confirm when the captain and leadership group will be announced.
  11. Can someone listen to the discussion with Jake Niall about our "apparent" leadership crisis and report back. Unable to listen.
  12. C - Grimes VC - Trenners/Moloney LG - Jones. Jamar. Rivers, Green. Watts/McKenzie
  13. Just noticed updated membership at 21927. At 24 Jan 2011 we were 22396. Given all the changes (for the good- hopefully) I would have thought this years membership would have been ahead of the tally for 2011. Surely this is disappointing.
  14. Does anyone wonder about Clark tweeting his thoughts about Greeny to the world. I wonder how Brad feels about his "skipper days prob. over". Alternatively has Brad indicated that he would prefer not to be captain. Has anyone seen any tweets from Brad to indicate this. Don't make Jack T Captain. All the world knows that it is his for the taking when the time is ripe. Just not now. Let him concentrate on his game this year and if necessary step in if Grimsey is injured. I still believe that Jamar is the smokey. He is held in high regard by FD.
  15. A little tweety bird has indicated that a certain unnameable has had a reoccurence of a problem with a certain knee. Our thoughts are with him
  16. What Dean Wallis did was IMO even more disgraceful because he knew he was retiring and was untouchable. What happened that day was a premeditated massacre. I still feel sick when seeing Simmonds lying there and the Ox losing it and absolutely going ballistic at Wallis. Everyone appreciates a player that is hard at the ball but that day they crossed the line and I put the blame squarely on Sheedy.
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