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Everything posted by Longsufferingnomore

  1. With regard to the relationship between DLR and CS, I have also had this confirmed almost from the "horses mouth". Although DLR is known to be high maintenance, this is concerning that the relationship got to the point where he no longer wants anything to do with the club, until CS has gone. Why didnt someone else step in because in these times no one can afford to lose any sponsor. (Just on another note and because I cant be bothered starting another topic heard yesterday from Carlscum insider that CJ's shoulder maybe a little bit more serious than they are letting on at the moment)
  2. Outstanding - hope the Club sees this!
  3. He talked about all the support he got from the other players then he disses them by saying one of the reasons he left was because of the disharmony between different groups of players. Oh please you little twerp.
  4. Getting the boot or disgusted with GWS sham and walked.I was deleted some months ago when I said that the look on "Mums" face when he was drafted said it all. Comments were made then by supporters who noted how unhappy she looked. He was never going to stay. We never had a chance. Obviously the Manager works for all the family. Will he get his percentage from Dads pay packet.
  5. Has anyone mentioned here that Rawlings flew up to see Clark to convince him to come to the Demons. Sorry if it has been mentioned - couldnt be bothered to read 6 pages.
  6. Even the day he was picked the look on Scully's mothers face was a story in itself. It was as if the unbelievable had happened.There was no loyalty to the Club from day one.
  7. If that is the case and he did go and see DB during the season then if there was credence to his complaints then why didnt DB crack the whip and do something about it. DB = too much like a friend = soft
  8. If he was "gawn" why turn up at the B & F. Be rubbing salt into a very nasty wound. Surely every man and his dog will be asking the question that he doesn't want to answer, yet.
  9. Send this to the Club just in case they haven't already seen it. That is fantastic.
  10. So WM what is your gut feel then. He obviously hasn't told you one way or the other what he is doing but as you must have got to know him over the year, you must have a feeling as to which way he is going to go. No one reads this rubbish so feel confident to let loose!!!
  11. I liked his comment re Port Adelaide when queried by reporter about the state that Port were in. He retorted that Melbourne were in a far worse position not so long ago. We're still waiting for our 9 million. He is a joke.
  12. Listening to 3AW this morning Neil Mitchell relayed the following information that he had heard and that was that Eade had had informal talks with Collingwood with regard to the Director of Football position. He then went on to question how Malthouse would feel about that if he doesnt already know and does that mean if it is true that Malthouse may still be on the move - could we by chance see Mick in the red and the blue. Just passing it on for what it is worth. Only time will tell.
  13. Please tell me to what benefit would it be to air all our dirty linen in the public. How is that going to help us attract new sponsorship/memberships next year. Gary is not just there for the footy department as the problems were somewhat between the FD and GA so whatever he takes back to the Board will impact on both dept's. The Board will deal with it in-house and that is exactly where it should stay. I am sure tidbits will come out and there will be speculation just like there is with Eddie and Malthouse but strong clubs do not discuss internal problems with the Media. I for one am happy for it to stay in-house despite wanting to know what the exact problems are just as desperately like everyone here.
  14. Iagree Ned. Whilst I was watching I kept thinking why is Gerard pushing this after Sheahan was so catagoric that Malthouse would not coach. Me thinks Gerard knows something that he is not telling any of us.He also kept saying that Melbournes coaching position was filled so what did that mean.
  15. After Malthouse came out and said that they would be resting players in the last game and that the game didnt mean anything anyway, well, to me that sounds just like tanking. Again the AFL turn a blind eye to anything Eddiewood. Why havent the press taken this up. They were hot on us but its OK to tank for the finals. Am I being precious here or is anyone else pi..ed off. I know I have to just suck it up but geez there is one rule for some and another rule for others.
  16. Geez if they can afford it surely we can. Someone said here that NZ has a high altitude training facility. Lets use that. ADLR V NZDLR would be better than USDLR.
  17. Tim Lane has shown again how biased he is. The article in todays age (sorry technically challenged so no link)is another example how Lane has either developed short term memory deficencies or just so terribly unbalanced in his writings. To mention James Frawley going off and not Fev in 2007 etc etc etc. OK write about tanking but at least give a balanced view of the last 10 years.
  18. Not so sure that they didnt put their hands up or just were not asked.
  19. Did anyone realistically expect to win today. We were hoping for at a minimum a better performance than last week. I was hoping to see some competitiveness, an eagerness to fight for the ball. I dont understand how any supporter were expecting us to turnaround after the shellacking they have received in the press all week, in every paper, in all the media forums. They were being blamed for the coach's sacking. Todd was never going to achieve some miraculous makeover. We now have to be brutally honest with ourselves that the good teams have got even better and most of our young boys have stalled in their development (with the exception of Watts, Trengove and Tappy). We have little on-field leadership. We now write off 2011 and start again. The skinny teenagers get in the gym and work their guts out over the summer. We sort out off field problems (really sort them out and not paper over them). We continue to support our team. Dont call me soft for accepting todays result. I felt sick watching it but at least it was not the horror show of last week. They are a shattered group of men/boys at the moment and they need our support whilst they are working their way out of it.
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