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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. Given how we have performed this year, i wouldn't expect us to win many more games this season. Kreuzer and Cotchin are the 2 gems of the draft. There is no way that Kreuzer will drop to number 2 in the draft. If we were to finish 2nd last, no doubt we will pick up Cotchin, he is too good to overlook. If we were to finish 3rd last, there would be a number of possible players we could pick. The top 2 is Kreuzer > kilometres > Cotchin > Miles Cotchin ain't afraid to go in and get the ball himself, would add class to our midfield, and pace to boot. We could possibly trade 1 of TJ, Green or Bruce and get a decent pick for them (1st rounder). If we were to get a PP as well, we could have picks 2-3, 10-15, 18 PP, 20-21. The draft doesn't have great depth this year, but there will still be some good players left at 2nd and 3rd rounds of the draft. With some players dropping down the order, we could pick up quite a few youngsters with a decent future ahead of them. This would further complement our developing group of talented youngsters that could bring the MFC it's first premiership in decades, as well as kick-starting our re-building phase (however big or small).
  2. Robbo's naivety may and should come back to haunt him. A team touted as top 4, yet we are 2nd last on the ladder and will finish in the bottom 2-3. Heads will roll as they should, and for a player to say that no drastic action will be taken (implying no action needs to be taken) is very disconcerting. Too many players at the MFC don't fully understand that playing football is their job. Usually what happens when u fail, is you get sacked. No major changes Robbo??? LOL, mate for that ignorance, i wouldn't mind you being threatened to have your head put on the chopping block.
  3. Robbo's naivety may and should come back to haunt him. A team touted as top 4, yet we are 2nd last on the ladder and will finish in the bottom 2-3. Heads will roll as they should, and for a player to say that no drastic action will be taken (implying no action needs to be taken) is very disconcerting. Too many players at the MFC fully understand that playing football is their job. Usually what happens when u fail, is you get sacked. No major changes Robbo??? LOL, mate for that ignorance, i wouldn't mind you being threatened to have your head put on the chopping block.
  4. I couldn't really give a stuff if Robbo endorses the coach or not! As suggested earlier in the thread, maybe he is part of the problem. First he endorses Daniher, only for him to resign, now he has endorsed Riley. If the new MFC coach was to be a boot, i wouldn't be surprised if Robbo came out and said that he endorses the boot as well. We could have 3 separate endorsements from Robbo within 3 months.
  5. Right you are Gouga. The amount of revenue generated by Collingwood fans turning up to any game at the MCG would far outweigh playing the game at Skilled. Besides, if Geelong were to make the finals, like they definately will this year, in their opinion, the more you play at the G, the better it is come September.
  6. This season has got a lot of 1990 about it. There are teams up there in the top 4 that could win it, but at the start we thought couldn't (Hawks and Roos, and somewhat Geelong). Then there are the teams that we expected to more than likely win the cup (Freo, Eagles) and there are teams that did alright last year, that are really pressing for a top 4 and ultimately a serious shot at winning the cup. There are quite a few teams that could win it this year, they just need to be playing the right type of footy at the right time of year. Very similar to 1990. Although we won't be in the finals, like we were in '90.
  7. it also shows how quickly the premiership window for a team opens and closes (not saying that West Coast's is closing). But when your team has a chance, you need to put everything on the line to win the bloody thing. Something Melbourne have not been able to do for some time.
  8. The MFC need: - A young ruckman to replace White as #1 ruck - A CHF - A quick midfielder, that also goes in a gets it - A tall back around 196cm (who is also agile), to tackle the gorillas or hold down CHB Come draft and trade time the best choices to fill those roles - Robert Warnock (trade) - Lachlan Henderson (draft) - Trent Cothcin (if he is available) - Tom Collier (draft, even though he is only 192cm) Realistically we would only be able to get 1 or 2 of them, 3 if we're extremely lucky
  9. Danny Hughes!!! Long have i been on this guy's bandwagon. I always wanted to see him across the HF line with CJ across the HB line. I had a vision that these 2 would rule the flanks. CJ is letting me down a bit, but Danny has a lovely long kick, and is deceptively taller than what he looks. He can jump too! I wouldn't mind seeing him as our crumber in the forward line. He's quick doesn't mind getting in there, and he also provides another legitimate target in the forward line. Of all the rookies i would keep Neaves and Hughes.
  10. I would have thought Schwartz was rather good. Even after he had 3 knee reconstructions, he turned out to be one of our best CHF's in quite some time.
  11. Totally agree Herb. Sure, he has pulled some absolute rippers, but so have pretty much every other team and their respective recruiting managers. Look at Goodes and O'Keefe for Sydney, Kerr for the Weagles, etc... CAC is very good, but so too are many other recruiter's. Somehow i think i can see our list improving, even when CAC leaves (whenever that may be).
  12. Masten from WA is said to be a very good midfielder. Runs hard all day, prolific ball winner and doesn't mind going in and getting it himself. 1 & 2 for this years draft will be Kreuzer then Cotchin, by a mile.
  13. Rebecca Twigley. In all seriousness though, Garry Lyon. But it ain't gonna happen.
  14. 1) Scott Thompson, Jeff Farmer, Peter Walsh 2) Brad Miller, Ryan Ferguson, Adem Yze 3) McLean, Davey, Rivers
  15. typo, i should say i'm not too fond of that idea
  16. I'm too fond of that idea. Sure Reiwoldt would be a big up, but Thomas would be twice as big a negative. Plus Thomas has ruled himself out with his comments on PG (thank god).
  17. I'm not so sure on Voss becoming coach next year, if Daniher is to step down. I'd offer him an assistant coaching job no doubt. My concern is that he would be a bit wet behind the ears, too new to the coaching scene. But hey, he couldn't do worse than what Daniher has done so far this year.
  18. i don't know how i'd go watching Melbourne win only 8 games over the course of 2 years.
  19. i hope that the MFC, come trading time don't trade away our early round 1 draft pick, or any other round 1 draft pick, if we were to get one through trade. In order to get a quality player through trade, which is becoming more and more impossible, we should get rid of questionable players (ie. Bruce, Green, TJ, etc....) and second round draft picks. As much as it pains me to say it, what this year has shown is our relative low level of depth. We need to re-build. I t is stupid to think that we could go all the way next year with a 30+ old no.1 ruckman and rely on our 33 yo FF to kick the majority of our goals. In order to contend over a number of years, we need to have a group of quality players for that period of time. Look at the lists of the Lions, Swans and Eagles during their glory years. A number of star players. Hawthorn will be at that stage soon too. We need to start that stage now, not in another 2-3 years time when the majority of our senior decent players retire.
  20. It would be good if Rama was able to make his way into the bumber side this week. As it would really give them a spark, and it would truly ask our players to give 200% this week in order to at least compete, let alone win. With Rama in the team it would make it that much harder to win the game. Both teams would have something to play for (besides staying in the top 4 for the bumbers). It will really test us to see where we are at. I too think it is pathetic that it takes the coaches head on the chopping block for us to perform. We have been there all too often, which really shows that although the club is trying to change its softness, it really hasn't. It is even worse now that as stated, Daniher will be coaching for his job, not coaching for the MFC's interests next year and development of the younger players. To me it is so very clear, we rated ourselves a good chance to make top 4, now we won't even make the 8. A huge step backwards, which can only result in 1 thing. A NEW COACH Stuff the review, Daniher should go at the end of the year, regardless of any further results. And don't list injuries as an excuse. St. Kilda have been plagued by them for over 3 years now, but look what they can do (win at Perth). 10 years of Daniher reign is enough. If he is kept, we will be having the same arguments next year or god forbid in another 2 or 3 years time.
  21. Paul Gardner made accurate comments about many of the Melbourne supporters. Many leave when the going gets tough (we all know the stereotypical cr@p). The last time i went to Buller was 10 years ago, when i was a wee boy. I am an optimist, and believe that we will definately bounce back next year. But when Gardner comes out and has a go at the supporters for not turning up, i ask him, why should we when the team gives such an inept performance like Friday night. Why should we go support the team if they will not give a 100% effort? Why should we waste our time watching crap like that against Richmond? How a team can go from playing such crap football for the majority of 9 rounds, then play 2 great games, and within 1.5 weeks give the worst effort of the season is beyond me. I have never felt so hollow after a loss than i did last Friday night. After building such a promising list then to be let down like we have been in '07 is so far beyond disappointing. And for the reason of many supporters not turning up, apart from a highly rated team doing so sh!t, 43 years (sorry it will now be 44 years) might have an effect on the commitment of supporters, Paul. Especially when the players aren't willing to give 100% to the club, and most importantly the fans.
  22. IMO, all we need is a FF to replace Neitz, A CHF coz Frosty definitely ain't it, another decent midfielder, A no.1 ruckman, big bodied CHB and a FB (Carol ain't it). So all we need is a spine. Surely that can't be too hard to find! Can it???
  23. Would John Northey still be up for coaching the dees? LOL Now that i think about it, it ain't too bad an idea. At least he would make the boys toughen up
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