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Cheap Seats

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Everything posted by Cheap Seats

  1. Sadly you're probably spot on. I dont agree McLardy is to blame - the MFC needs to become relavent again. We need to win games and [censored] other clubs off. Not board spills and coaxh sakings - look at Port they look like a joke right now and thst is what you are purposing!!!
  2. RR - i find those allegations staggering. To take on an opinion is one thing but to say it was the CEOs fault we recruited poorly is laughable. No wonder Failo were a joke for so long. Why bother hiring staff when ine man does the whole job?? Afterall who has ever heard of supporters bagging out ex footy club personell????
  3. Cook has been in the system a couple years - 2010 draft off the top of my head (not really sure cbf looking it up) Clark, Magner, Sellar have all been good contributors this year (all debatable at what level but have shown more then guys on the list for multiple years) Tynan, Taggart look promising I'm not sure who esle was drafted in 2011 - you can't say Neeld hasn't started to develop something. Anyway my point is jury is out - People judging Neeld on this year are kidding themselves. We all need someonw to blame for this crap - At the moment it is not soely Neeld. On the same lodgic - Clarkson & Bomber Thompson should have both been sacked a long time ago
  4. I think we are doing ok off field at the moment............ But it wouldn't suprise me either!! Agree totally with this!
  5. No I haven't bought any spin - I see exactly where we sit - pretty f@*kin low I was very frustrated with lack of execution and the multiple poor decisions by players against Norf on the weekend. I can't comment if they were contributed by coaching philopsophies or rules but they were an embaressment. For me I personally think Neeld is giving certian players a chance to prove themselves at AFL level - afteralll we are talking about people and their livelyhoods here. I also think it's our senior players who are our worst offenders in the inability to execute or lead and that is why some of them find themselves out of the leadership group. Look I may be wrong I am not fussed if I am.......... What I have seen from Neeld is he has brought toughness and good recruiting (Mitch Clark looks the goods and the jury is out on the recruits) But my point is I am prepared to back Neeld for a couple more seasons so he can implement his philosphy
  6. Just for shits and gigs I will contribute...... I guess the problem with philosophy is that it never holds up in practice. To explain my statements - it's fine to have an idea or a way you want your team to play it's getting the team to execute it is the real challenge. No shite we've had a bad year - there are a number of reasons you can list why. (injuries, form, poor leadership, poor preparation, players simply not good enough to compete at AFL standard) Whatever reason you can think of has happened to this club this year. Back to your point - Neeld hasn't chosen his crop of players to implement his philosophy of football on. The few players he has brought in (Mitch Clark, and the draftees look promising) they've shown a little. This club needs to harden the f*@k up and stick together - give Neeld a chance to implement his style and philosophy otherwise we will continue down the same path going nowhere.
  7. I'm not judging public statements to the media made by players..... it's their true feelings behind closed doors that are more disturbing
  8. Off field is not the problem brother................ Keep your politics to yo self
  9. There is a lot of hysteria on this site............. Need the win this week though.............
  10. I know no one gives a shite what I think.......... but i'll add my 2 cents I back Neeld - he hasn't had the cattle this year - and when things started looking up injuries set in. People will say players haven't developed and the game plan is shite - Yes that is all true.... my basic reasons are the majority of our list is not good enough (senior players) and the game plane cannot be implemented if player can't execute. People don't realise how far behing this list is - we are on GC & GWS level of development.....Hopefully next year with another preseason and some good recruiting can pay some dividends. Teams are not going to donate us wins - we need to stick to a plan, we need to give Neeld a chance.
  11. I don't agree 100% with all but a real good summary!!!
  12. This Most people here won't know Riv - top bloke no doubt - Lacks leadership and lacks the hard nails win at all costs spirit I know we are short of experienced bloke but I would move Rivo on. Don't get me wrong top bloke, but I don't know how to put this - he doesn't care
  13. I am all for Neeld improving our list - either through the draft or trading All you dooms sayers relax - you aren't making the decisions. If Neeld's first year of bringing Clark in is anything to by- I am prepared to back his decisions 100% PS - for all of you who want improvement now - you need experienced players to win games - going to the draft will not bring instant success
  14. A lot of boys will benefit from another pre-season under Neeld - Magner and Couch being two Glad to see Couchy get a go - all the best little man! If true that Moloney is out - could be the end of Beamer at the MFC!!!
  15. Would be happy to see Beamer continue his career somewhere else - I think his time might be up at Deeland has been a great servant I hope the club does the right thing by him even if he does leave this year. All the best Beamer!!
  16. I believe Fev's pie budget may be a sticking point in the contract negotiations. You do forget how good the big fella was, can kick the pill.
  17. No very good - I was trying to work out if it was Cale bashing or just a judgement. I don't disagree entirely with your opinion on Cale- there is no doubt he has been poor along with a lot of our list I have no problems saying that. What is worth debating is who is worth persisting with and who is expendable. I personally think Cale has some qualities that wroth developing an persisting with... but time will tell.
  18. Haha very well played Sheedy - just as a side note I will be there and won't boo $cully - I think he did us a favor by leaving
  19. I hope you can apply the same strict criteria for judgement on a few other players who haven't made it this year who have been at the club a few years and made zero impact - Dunn, Petterd, Bate, Spencer etc
  20. Haha really enjoyed that comment!!! There is a lot of shite talked about us at the moment - a lot of it is crap. But we can't dodge it either - we aren't good enough at the moment and deserve the scrutiny It would be a bigger blunder bu the club not to address the 'issues' and deal with them at the end of this year
  21. I'll start by saying I don't know............ But personally I assume there is a big problem at the club at the moment and it has built up over the last 12 months. The sooner the clean out happens the happier I will be. Whoever or whatever the issues is/are they need to f'off and let this club rebuild with everyone pulling in the one direction - winning f'n football games. I am sick of the ego shite at the club - get rid of 'em
  22. the last bit was meant to say - players need to accept the new mantra or f'off stupid I phone I cbf haha
  23. That is a joke right????............ I am not sure if i understand your post correctly but Neelds game plan is (all be it a different version) of team playing contested foory who have a defensive edge eg: Pies, Cats, Crows, Swan, etc contested, defensively minded foooty (note I do realise the Crows are very offensive but contested footy is a big part of their mantra) So your completely off the mark if your arguing that..... The style he wants to introduce to the MFC is a proven way to play conistant winning football and finals footy winning finals footy If you are saying his methods are wrong surely this is only speculation???? It takes time to implement these new mantra's the MFC has lacked under Bailey and Daniher.... I'm with Neeld 100% - But you are right he needs to be judged to be kept accountable - players need to jump on of f'off
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