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John Dee

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Everything posted by John Dee

  1. Not strictly true. The vast majority play college football, but some go directly from high school. Of the ones that go to college, some of them do not complete their college degrees befor leaving to go to the NFL.
  2. Gap years should be advocated on a case by case basis. My son was born on Grand Final day and took on University witout a gap year and did very well. My daughter, precocious little thing that she was, was born on the first day of the season. She took a gap year, with my full support, and also did very well at University.
  3. As a former denizen of Sydney, I would say that the four codes are referred to as League, Rugby, AFL and soccer. Footy is/was hardly ever used up there. The soccer people are trying to get everybody to refer to them as football, I say stuf 'em,.
  4. The FD had to leave Evans, Nicholson and Lawrence on the rookie list rather than delist another player. With a veteran on our list, Green, we lose a rookie spot. This is balanced out with being able to nominate a rookie to be elevated to the full list before the start of the season. Last year it was Juice.
  5. I share your pain, I have oft looked on in frustration as an opposition player breaks away from a contest and runs on to the next contest, or to be a free man, while our player just stands there, seemingly content with having provided said contest.
  6. I am an inveterate Daily Show fan, and anybody who is also will be unable to stop a certain Daily Show term slipping out.
  7. I am sure that there is an accountant or two out there who can explain it fully. Yes, it is a balance sheet item, but it will show up on one side and must be matched by something on the other side. This will result in an extra-ordinary item that will produce an inflated profit. If you could do the same deal year after year, it would not be extra-ordinary. Melbourne have always been pretty good about these sorts of things and are usually up front with the underlying profit/loss without extra-ordinary items.
  8. Didn't Cook have a hip operation during the break?
  9. Train it from Gardiner station, by far the best solution. The train fare is peanuts compared to the toll plus the parking, and quicker too.
  10. The projected profit at this stage is as a result of the acquisition of the Bentleigh Club. This is an extra-ordinary item and we will need to see the adjusted profit before we can be fully satisfied. I expect that that will show a small profit, but it will provide far more of an indication of the club's finances.
  11. It all depends on how quickly you can get to the SE Freeway. Once you are on it, Casey is not all that far away timewise.
  12. He is no longer with us on a full or part-time basis, but I thought he was still with us on a consultancy basis.
  13. Debt in and of itself is not the issue. If you go into debt spending money on items that do not cover the accrued debt with either income or asset recoupment, you are on the highway to ruin. The Bentleigh club acqusition covers the debt on the asset side many times over, and has promise to do so with income as well. It is simply not a problem. The Filth have an enormous debt by any other club's standards, but it is not a problem to them as the assets acquired by the debt cover the costs.
  14. I used to love the reserves. We would get to the G at about half-time in the reserves, and watch a game and a half of football. One of the things that is forgotten in this argument is that the reserve game allieviated any form of queue to get in. People arrived in dribs and drabs from about 11AM onwards, and anybody could just walk up and gain almost instant admittance.
  15. This is a classic example of the little bloke having five minutes to prove himself and the big bloke 5 years.
  16. Yes. Players can be on the Rookie list for three years, but to get the third year you have to run the gauntlet of waiting until all of the other clubs have had a chance to select them in the draft. Nicho, and ,I think. Evans would not last until we could get them back.
  17. Sure, Gawn is taller than Jamar, but, if you look at the photo, you will see that Jamar's back foot is on the ground and he is stretching out, whereas Gawn is mid-stride and off the ground.. This simply means that photos like this can be quite deceiving.
  18. OP is one of those things that needs to be carefully managed. Trust the club on this one, they are probably just easing those who had had any sign of OP in the past into a long season..
  19. Some clanger that. Is he apart from the Fitness Team, or is he a part of the Fitness Team.
  20. I'm using Firefox, and it works ok. I listened to the poscasts of MN the other day.
  21. I saw a couple of Casey's early games when Spencer was first-ruck with Gawn spelling him as second-ruck. They absolutely cleaned up and worked very well as a tandem. One match in particular was against Geelong who had Blake, West and Vardy playing for them. Spencer is definately a keeper, and it will be interesting to see how he recovers from his knee reconstruction. I rate Gawn very highly, but I would have Spencer in front of him at the moment.
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