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John Dee

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Everything posted by John Dee

  1. There is nothing wrong at all with our alignment with Casey at the moment. Bringing up the past to support an argument about the future is all well and good when it is appropriate but it is not so with Casey prior to this year. If you have been to Casey games, you will see Casey playing the same game plan that MFC are trying to play. The new development coaches that MFC have added to the staff this year are, effectively, assistant coaches at Casey. Both Casey and MFC are on the same page. Brett Lovett was obviously given this brief, and is doing it very well. Then there is the bigger picture. Casey is the fastest growing municipality in the country. Casey Council and MFC have spent a lot of money upgrading Casey Fields. Casey is a big part of our future. I realise that things change but I am not about advocating the club shits in its own nest by mindlessly following what it perceives to be the current trend.
  2. After round 11 clubs can play an extra rookie on a week by week basis; no requirements to elevate them to the main list.
  3. The father/son bidding is before trade week just to stop that sort of thing from happening,
  4. John Dee

    It's Time!

    If you want to face cold hard facts, then that is not a bugle he is playing, it is a trumpet. He is therefore a trumpeter, not a bugler.
  5. There is a glut of quality backmen at the moment. I have seen a few Casey ganes this year and the two best Melbourne listed players were always Davis at centre-half-back and Sheahan at full-back.
  6. Nicho's shot was probably a goal but until we get proper goal line techology we are not going to get them all correct. The blown call at the Mets game was a beauty. The ball landed squarely in the middle of the line, leaving a clear baseball sized mark, and the umpire blithely signalled a foul ball. For those who don't know, baseball is like tennis, any part of the ball touching the line makes it a fair ball.
  7. 6. Rivers 5, Grimes 4. Watts 3. Jones 2. Garland 1. Jamar
  8. He broke the tendon as did Harvey. Not the foot per se.
  9. It's not so much as love for Martin, it's hate for Sellar!
  10. 6 Jones 5 Watts 4 Blease 3 Grimes 2 Frawley 1 Rivers
  11. I am well aware of Watts' deficencies but I am also aware of Natanui's. I would still take Watts in a heartbeat. Ten possessions a match and bugger all goals has the pundits slavering over what, the old athletic highlight!
  12. 6 Clark 5 Frawley 4 Magner 3 Jones 2 Bartram 1 Garland
  13. I have seen a few Casey games this year and the emergence of Sheahan has been a real highlight. I cannot see the sense of him being demoted to the Development team, if it happens.
  14. Blease was terrific all day. From memory, all three of his goals were kicked on the non-preferred foot. I would have given Bennel BOG for Casey; Goldtstein BOG for game. .
  15. The seniors didn't play last week, he was in the development squad for match practice, as was Spencer.
  16. Google is your friend. Copy the last part of the web address, story-?????????, into the Google search panel, and then click on the returned link.
  17. Magner Jones Clark McDonald Trengove Rivers
  18. To have not stood up and acted as we did would have left us in a worse position in the long run. We are in a pretty good financial position at the moment, although we will take a huge hit this year. We will come out of this. BTW There are a lot of proud Fitzroy supporters out there.
  19. This is where you stand up. You have either got priciples or not, no other choice.
  20. I dropped along to Casey last evening ans saw a really good game of football, nip and tuck all night with the home time turning around a last quarter deficit to get home by a narrow margin. The last quarter went over 33 minutes and with Casey in front, we couldn't understand why they wouldn't blow the siren. I got there just as the minutes silence for Big Jim was breaking up, and they had sold out of records, so I was unsure of a lot of players. I don't know what number Sheahan is, but if he was the guy who shut down Skinner, he did well. Skinner looked as if he was going to win the game on his own. Casey lost the ruck contest convincingly, but with Gysberts and Couch won the clearances. I was on the outer wing, Morton didn't venture over there until the last quarter, so I didn't pick up his number until then, don't think he did much. Strauss was good, coming along nicely. Grimes was Grimes, particularly on-on-one he seems to be always on thr correct side of the contest, don't know about his match fitness though. Wats was very good. I don't know if he will ever be a key position player, but he is an exquisitely gifted footballer. Some of his work in a confined space is just sheer brilliance. I would give him BOG from Gysberts and then Couch. Fitzpatrick gets an honourable mention; for a big bloke, his ground level skils are impressive, just needs to hang onto the marks. Tynan is a real goer and looks a beauty.
  21. Not strictly true. The vast majority play college football, but some go directly from high school. Of the ones that go to college, some of them do not complete their college degrees befor leaving to go to the NFL.
  22. Gap years should be advocated on a case by case basis. My son was born on Grand Final day and took on University witout a gap year and did very well. My daughter, precocious little thing that she was, was born on the first day of the season. She took a gap year, with my full support, and also did very well at University.
  23. As a former denizen of Sydney, I would say that the four codes are referred to as League, Rugby, AFL and soccer. Footy is/was hardly ever used up there. The soccer people are trying to get everybody to refer to them as football, I say stuf 'em,.
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