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John Dee

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Everything posted by John Dee

  1. I heard Garnham on morning show on SEN. He admitted that he is a paid consultant for Essendon. When asked a direct question about whether he had anything in writing about AOD9604 not being banned, he attempted to dissemble but could not say yes. When the subject of the 'mexico' drug was bought up, he said that he had an idea what it might have been. After the interview was over, Maher and company mused over the question that they did not ask him - If he was a party to the Switkowski report, why was the supposed ASADA advice not in it? It wasn't in it because they have nothing in writing. They are in trouble for their shocking governence; why can the Essendon apologists not see this is a real mystery. A doctor employed by the club cannot tell the players what drugs they were injected with. He just has an idea what they might have been ...
  2. Out : Strauss, Bleese, Byrnes In : Taggert, Jetta, Frawley
  3. 6. Viney 5. McKenzie 4. Kent 3. Sylvia 2. Garland 1. McDonald
  4. 1 N.Jones - plenty of touches but just wish he'd stop running around the back for easy handball. He gets the ball first; do you want him to stop that too?
  5. www.melbournematters.com.au I have had a look at it; ambivalent.
  6. Back on the topic : Do we deserve draft assistance? No, no team does, however the AFL has given draft assistance to many teams in the past. History will show that the automatic priority pick for lowly performance was the stupidest thing the AFL ever did. The pick being given at the whim of the commision should have always been the way to go. Do I want our team do get draft assistance? You betcha, and the fact that it would upset the other 17 teams is one of the main reasons I want it!
  7. Frawley out is a big out. Every time I have been down to see Casey, I have been impressed with Davis' defensive capabilities. His disposal is questionable at best but defensively he is very good. I just wish we would play him at the top level once or twice; you never know. I am so over Pederson, Sellar, Gillies et al ...
  8. 6. Dunn - I can't believe it!! 5. Frawley 4. Gawn 3. N Jones 2. Sylvia 1. McDonald
  9. On the Couch is just about my favourite footy show; really looking forward to this one!
  10. I know we need midfielders. Tall forwards are in demand because they win games for you. With Clark's recent history, I wouldn't be counting on him. Watts will not be a key forward. Having Hogan and Dawes as key forwards with Fitzpatrick and Clark who can double as credible ruck options is a future I do not want to give up.
  11. I can't believe that there are people on here that want to trade Fitzy after we have put in the hard yards and he is just starting to show us how good he could be. FFS, what gets into some people. My daughter, a hard marker, finally relented last weekend and told me that she wanted to take back all of the derogatory things she had said about Fitzy in the past. She is now on his bandwagon!
  12. Bartoli might not be the flashiest tennis player but she has got guts and competitiveness in spades. If the Melbourne players had that, we would win every week.
  13. Sylvia is a free agent. Whilst technically he can be traded, it is a very remote possibility. He would become a veteran, which is another wrinkle. I hope we just make him a reasonable offer and wish him well, should he not accept it; no baragining.
  14. 6. Fitzpatrick 5. Garland 4. Terlich 3. Watts 2. M Jones 1. Dawes
  15. I have seen but a few highlights of the U-18 carnival and I hope we pick this guy up.
  16. He did not tee up Brock. There was another player, I can't remember who, that was going to be on that night. That player could not come and Brock was organised as the replacement.
  17. There is a reason why 200cm players go late in the draft. They take a long time to come on, if at all. Fitzy is progressing nicely and, given an injiry free run, should play for the rest of the year. He will, IMHO, not get to his best for another 18-24 months.
  18. I definately got this one wrong, I could not understand why we paid what were, I thought, massive overs for him. Now I can't understand how the Filth were happy to ditch him for the Q Stick; the Q certainly doesn't stand for quality! Dawes is, by all accounts, a very smart cookie. Hearing him speak and hearing about how he is percieved by the players and the club, leads me to think we have had a massive win here.
  19. I am unsure about Magner's availability; he was upgraded for Grimes, who was put on the long term injury list. If Grimes is to even play VFL, Magner must go back to being a rookie. How this sits with the availability of rookies after round 11, with Clisby as our nominated rookie ... As I said, I am unsure. Having said that, I would have Magner in in a heartbeat. Our midfield got pushed around all night, not just in the last twenty minutes.
  20. 6. Watts 5. Terlich 4. Dawes 3. Roman 2. Crawley 1. Nicholson
  21. 6. Garland 5. McDonald 4. N Jones 3. Spencer 2. Watts 1. Terlich
  22. I can't believe that they have dropped Maister; he always kills us.
  23. I'd love to get a priority pick even though I think history will show that priority picks were the greatest mistake of all time. The fact that all of the other clubs are bleating about it makes me believe that they know it is going to happen.
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