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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. probably have turned into us !!
  2. OK some links and some reading for those interested. Ill attempt a brief precis: AOD-9604 , Allegations, Opinions and Doping , So what ?? from article: "What this means is that a substance that does not meet the government therapeutic drug regulatory guidelines for humans of at least one country would fall within this section. What this also means is that if a drug that has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the US but not by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia would presumably fail under S0. The anaesthetic drug of Etomidate is an example that may fit into this situation (although not been reported in sport use). Similarly, the fact that the Romanian Ministry of Health has previously approved the use of Humanofort (containing thymosin beta-4) as a nutritive supplement in humans potentially means that thymosin beta-4 may not qualify under section S0 of the prohibited list." Another link referencing AOD-9694 granted GRAS for use as additive "Metabolic has recently achieved a self-affirmed GRAS (Generally Recognised As Safe) status (conditional on a journal publication of existing safety data) which allows the marketing of AOD9604 into the US market. This means that AOD9604 can be legally added to foods, drinks, nutraceuticals & dietary supplements." Now even though essentially the USFDA has granted tacit approval via the GRAS of AOD-9604 for use in creams, foods , cosmetics this does not give a green light to use as per WADA code. I don't think the WADA code differentiates between absorbtion and injection in terms of banned /prohibited or otherwise. The delivery methods only really go to efficiencies. fmd its hard to make heads or tails out of all this..
  3. Red.. I'll try and track it down. I noted elsewhere and some time ago that it was the USFDA that allowed some approval for topical creams with AOD9604. There are some therapeutical products and quite some cosmetic that come into these categories. I havent noticed any approval tacit or otherwise from WADA on this as in their view ( my reading ) whether subtucaneous or topical a substance banned is banned. or..A substance not approved, is not aproved.
  4. Id probably be of the same mind... make or break though.. Either they DO show the improvements that have been promised...or...
  5. thats an interesting observation
  6. Pretty much agree.I dont know how much better or worse this lot would be for him or without him. Im not overly enamored with our overall fitness but it might just be the players. So much wrong , how do you single out anything ?
  7. Even if to err on the side of caution Im with WJ...lets organise the bye with Darwin
  8. I reckon I get more for my taxes...just saying that really ought not even be a consideration !!
  9. pretty much....two beers better
  10. anyone else see the irony of playing our last game for the year on Dad's day and it was a dad's joke that got us int a pickle ...lol
  11. that sort of trumps evreything doesnt it
  12. careful what you wish for DC lol
  13. I would say the Filth are quite adept at finishing out a game... I dont think thats by accident OD I hear a lot about altitude training and very little about heat training. I will say that both take it out of you and make you work harder. Youd think a couple of running machines and bikes in a big sauna might to the trick though...lol
  14. I shouldnt pick...but know youre ok with it.. Ready for the preseason DC ?
  15. They want a gruelling walk.... Tengboche !! Mind the Yaks !!
  16. quicker than Autocol too !! ( there are days huh ..lol )
  17. yeah but what about Lynden ( speaking of spelling ) ?? lol
  18. He certainly comes across well. We'll know soon enough
  19. good pickup dd36
  20. Dont joke Red...we know where joking leads !!!
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