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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Get out of here......done t you know stats are the be all and end all....they're like a gospel to their disciples !! Sums up Dunn pretty well though. Mutton dressed up as lamb ...sts
  2. yeah...used for what though....cant remember..lol
  3. why speculate...?? what else do we do here lol
  4. this guy wants a word with you OLD reckons yore taking the pidd !!
  5. similar actually. The plate stickers are there I admit season was empty after that Essendon game ....The irony !!!
  6. Yep...lets spend a fortnight doing nothing else other than learning how to kick properly....just that.
  7. Hird, Thompson,Little , Burnside... make you want to
  8. Cant wait for Thompson and Hird to start their revisionist memoirs.. farenheit 451 anyone ?
  9. And some folk still think Burnside is beyond rebuke. laughable
  10. People , dont you understand... Essendon are VICTIMS in all this... well ask them....
  11. Will be very interesting to see if anyone else puts up their hand. This is raw pure leadership. Hope for us yet...
  12. it just rolls over.....a painless charitable donation
  13. I reckon we were dumb enough to keep records....so yeah !!! lol
  14. "Always next year "
  15. The Good....That these two take the initiative The Bad....that the club isnt doing it as a whole. Well done though Dawes and Clark ( sound like expeditionary adventure pioneers lol )
  16. Youd have to think most of the playing list were in the program. Cant be many that will be free and clear.
  17. love the way the arrogant shlts are already talking of next seasons finals !! earth to windyhill....who's going to be in that team ?
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