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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. The fact is Rhino you know f&ck all. Be cautious when quantifying others emphasis on KNOW you like others summise....unless you know...you DONT Your arguments sound like they are based on knowns !!! they cant be unless ....are they ?? tread carefully oh btw simples !!!
  2. now theres an idea
  3. Unfortunately Robbie F is far close to actuality than the many ,who are medicated in perpetuity by their lifelong allegiance to a mob who dont deserve it.
  4. hearing ...no ongoing discussions....yes
  5. i now think Craig does NOT want the top job nor as keen today to even mentor as he might have been prior to yesterdays debacle. I sense he feels we really are a basketcase of a list, nowhere near afl standard and possibly a bridge too far to retain his interest and energy. cant blame the guy. can't blame anyone for steering clear. We really are the greatest challenge in this game for a coach ....or anyone.
  6. in all fairness to Jaded Maurie weve had to suck it up a lot longer than JV !!
  7. cant see them getting any more than a year.Curiosity thing to me is I seem to remember something about a two player clause. This invokes a ban on the team . Happy to have this illuminated
  8. Well they played 2goals better than I thought......where's the Bollinger !!!
  9. Now theres a bit of left field thinking. Not nearly as barmy as some might think. Right now what happens, happens to teh club as a whole. Whats coming though will get very personal and might produce a whole different fall out.
  10. Id take Burns or Smithers, getting both might be a bit rich !!!
  11. naaaaa... tell 'im 'e's dreaming !!!
  12. someone else is influencing it now....who knows
  13. deep breath, deeper breath Go enjoy your bday and we'l see you for the draft Its always darkest before the dawn......gonna be bloody bright when the sun shines huh !!!
  14. didnt you say this last year too lol
  15. anyone go to the game ?
  16. Been saying that all along...its a crock
  17. i think if Craig it will be in partnership with aspiring intern. Ill wait before getting too carried away in either judgements.
  18. pretty fair swap then lol But in all seriousness Im not really sure id go anywhere near them. Still, If they trade it encourages others to move. Thats fine
  19. well..Id take Goddard for JW but I digress.lol
  20. the players are time bombs though
  21. Especially when it took us only a short whiles to figure it out lol There not a happy lot at windy Hill me thinks, poor darlings
  22. You would have to think that inaction is all but the same as the transgression itself. Did he (Reid ) follow up his lettter ? Doesnt look like it. He has his own professional ethical duty of care as per his oath and the standards under which he operates as a Medical Practioner. He knew enough to write in the first place , then what...sits on it ? this is, sadly for Bruce Reid, not out of the question. The ASADA report might have something to say about medical supervision of the program, as might individual players as patients. Reid is a good guy and would be completely shell shocked as he viewed the carnage. I suspect he regrets not walking out. He still supports Hird. My, how remorseful !!!
  23. Keep in mind though, not that I have any real compassion here, just acknowledging it, there is a ticking time bomb. When WADA/ASADA do finally take aim there will ( ought to be ) a fair number of players marched off the turf. From this same set of players any who might trade out or walk might become fruit of the poisoned tree in respect to their possible future homes. I would be very hesistant about looking at any Essendon player unless you think is worth paying 3 years for 2 years play !! ( etc ) If and when that happens Messendon suddenly wont have any magoos. I wonder what contingency the VFL have and what they think of this. This isnt over even if the AFL strike a deal tonight. tic toc
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