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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. why not.can be no announcement whilst Craig at helm. That would i imagine finish at around 7pm Sunday. Monday is good to go ?
  2. lets not get too carried away boys and girls. Could just be a Charlie Brown moment !!
  3. roll on Monday
  4. thankyou
  5. close thread lol Eade out of it
  6. kicking it up to 4% now huh HH
  7. forgive me am in a car up the Hume. lol relying on you lot
  8. what was this chat /interview on ?
  9. when was this ?
  10. Roos hasnt actually ever ruled himself out. Why should we . Its just be a semantics marathon of Olympic nature . If we say it we're guessing ...if she says it, its oohs and ahs !! still reckon monday at 9
  11. but i thought this time we were only looking IN the box not outside ?
  12. talk about putting the mockers .....
  13. yep all guessing interesting to sleuth though
  14. then....as opposed to ?? lol
  15. well you can only play to who turns up and he nailed it.....then us !!!
  16. Id be thinking come 9.00 am Monday there be no impediment to announce the new coach.
  17. the outrage jrmac ? couldn't hear it under the din of Demonising !!!
  18. jazza just because peters cried wolf doesn't mean at some time there isnt actually a wolf
  19. thick is plottening as we speak/write
  20. maybe he intends to coach in a lesser serious manner
  21. and then there were three !!
  22. who does your daughter barrack for ?? lol
  23. he can take the train all the way to pakenham for all I care !!
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