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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Thats called fishing Sue. But it supposes much. You then require potential candidates ( assistants) to be prepared to show their cards before all else. id suspect any Coach to be worth his salt would privately be sussing out his running mates. Its getting mighty close to D day . Youd think someone would have been called back for a possible 2nd chat ? something's very odd..lol
  2. well... maybe. There's nothing possibly incorrect about that which you put, but its a somewhat odd thing to be doing as yuo suggest , unless.. I mean what are they doing otherwise, fishing ? I mean , who goes shopping for tyres before you know the car they're going on ?
  3. think hard about what you just wrote !
  4. I feel the biggest mistake anyone can make in adjudging a player is to only provide the context of the team he's in. Whilst I perfectly appreciate that is his only working environment it often does nothing to really qualify their relative ability to the game itself. Dunn does some good workmanlike work and has some pretty obvious brain fades all the whiles he only doing so in an abysmal lineup. Some probably quite rightly feel hes currently starting 22 at the Dees but thats surely an indication of just how rank we are as to how good he might be. Can't think of too may other teams he'd get a game at let alone start with. Whilst he is looked upon as fair in our list we wont get too far. Its not meant as a slight just an observation. We have very few real AFL grade players. Damning isn't it.
  5. havent you heard 55, there are some just a little pregnant and a little bit dead !!
  6. Cheating is as cheating does
  7. Jude Bolton. Fantastic player, that we could have 2 or 3 like him. However Im not particularly au fait with any of his abilities as a coach. He may well possess these. Has he any aspirations to coach, has he practiced in any shape or form these ? My point is simply that what invariably happens here on these board and the second some half way ( or better ) decent player pulls off the boots for the last time people suddenly want them as a coach for us without any thought ( it seems ) as to their qualifications to be such. Most players looking to further their AFL involvement will have undertaken ( or seek to do such ) coaching education and formal qualifying in this area.
  8. just by way of comparison, simply ordering it does ? Pretty much the same in the context of things.
  9. Red, youve said it yourself. We're at different ends of town wrt this game
  10. We need better players than Dunn. If this is as good as we have, then its as good as we are. It sounds rather cliche I admit, but weve become a team that is cliche for failure. Change requires...well, change.
  11. WJ I just want this season to end. I wanted it over from the 15 min mark of the Messendon game. Its been yet another exercise in masochism. In fact thats what MFC means Im sure Masochism For Clods !!
  12. I can only comment on what is D26...Hes at Melbourne and hes done not a lot !!
  13. great minds Old...great minds
  14. gone ?? did he ever really get going ??
  15. 11.2 Consequences for Team Sports If more than two members of a team in a Team Sport are found to have committed an anti-doping rule violation during an Event Period, the ruling body of the Event shall impose an appropriate sanction on the team (e.g., loss of points, Disqualification from a Competition or Event, or other sanction) in addition to any Consequences imposed upon the individual Athletes committing the anti-doping rule violation.
  16. Yepp.. Im sure hes only in the midfield because were so short of them.
  17. so no Messendon players have ever hird of the internet ? wow
  18. Why do some seem to think that this or that player will make an excellent coach the minute he hangs up his boots ?
  19. No, but we might gain one for being one !!
  20. A powerful horse Red... how many Watts ?
  21. You're fooling yourself Rhino, even you understands English, You bring others up to order yet you DONT like being called to task : suck it up buddy. Oh sorry that wouldn't be up to your taste. Understand the slight... . can you? its that you want to superimpose your suppositions as facts. They are not. Sorry bud you're not the super-poser that you suppose. No-one actually knows. Comprehend ?
  22. Rhino..what do you KNOW ?? even you cant misinterpret !! actually you will. You KNOW NOTHING !! absolutely nothing . Thing is. No one does. You however like to place yourself on some higher plain.. we're not so stupid.. hand off i suggest
  23. can i say this....well you would know,. that you know all
  24. mate you are a doofus personified. You fail to read..You just kneejerk What do you KNOW ?? what CAN you know ?? shlt all I suggest . No one does .we all 'think". You however suggest you know You are without doubt beoynd castigation
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