Whilst I really wouldnt hold out for anything. Would there in all seriousness be much harm in inviting him to train in the preseason ? what harm...really
Essentially I agree with RR, and how could you not. This simply is what its about.
I find myself very conflicted about this guy. Talk about the adage "Everything or Nothing !!"
This aint Hollywood however.
A salivating idea on one hand, a preposterous reality on the other.
Red , I think its an open cheque book up there. Special fund for this, ambassadorships for that. Then theres the "having to play in western sydney" allowance.
AFL learnt from Messendon......."whatever it takes"
Roosey with Sheahan and Healey
The links suggests 600000 but Roos gives no indication of such at all.
thsts a fair and reasonable point. It actually goes to my reason for starting a topic on other board as to the methodology of Roos at this end of the season as to garnering new faces.Ie what does he go for