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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Have we heard from that bloke who skipped town ?? roflmao
  2. because the history of sports has been so attentive and caring in this respect. Diesel says hi btw Bail ought to retire for the sake of his family ,even if he cant see it for himself.
  3. To be honest our jumper ought to have a yoke, not a sash....reminds me to much of that other mess of a mob !!
  4. This isnt too difficult to digest.....he's a thug....getting his come uppence !!
  5. NQR....not even close !!!
  6. it may be imperceivable to some but he list is taking a whole new direction. I like it. You can already see the foundations of the cull list next year. yeah yeah I know., harsh thinking but i bet the FD already have such a thing. everyone picked this year can play footy, they can kick, they can use the ball.They might not be the utmost sparkling gems but they will be jewels in our next crack !! mark my words
  7. lol...its ok...we will 'develop' him
  8. finishing higher than Messendon is a given........
  9. we are tragics arent we... go on....admit it....who else kept checking all day ...lol you know what I mean!!! lol
  10. Just to annoy Old !! lol now with just a little bit of imagination, a squinted eye ( or three) one might even think they are already wearing this jumper ?? Uncanny !!!
  11. see, i knew all that pessimism was all an act
  12. The mystery remains, ( Magner) why elevate to not play. its just odd. That he was delisted, not so much. Why Nifty got another look in..god only knows ( and the FD ) as though its not unheard of I cant really see him going far short of some epithany and a giant step up...But hey it might happen...and lotto...and.....
  13. i thought they already had !! lol Ive heard its very much my way or the highway with dear ol' Fig
  14. I think the sooki lala treatment is just the medias spin. I see Jolly as a straight up and down sort whos just calling it as he sees it. And it does sound very much like Buckleys mo ( form all accounts )
  15. who's coaching our rucks currently ?
  16. at the risk of going at a tangent I'll just say theres a theme.. Roos et al have taken a few taller mobiles . I tend to agree with The Master in that we have looked to ensure a certain level of ability takes the field each week.
  17. i have a suspicion the club is going to go shopping for KP's next year, supposedly more fish on offer. This year is about taller , bigger runners.....theres been a theme
  18. Without necessarily seeking recourse to blame, for in reality it doesnt serve much of a purpose today ,other than some sort of historical marker, I tend to agree that we are coming off a low point but that in itself inst a true marker of our real 'base' . I'd put that a bit higher than we were performing at. My view is this past season we really ought to have won 4-5 games. We actually blew it in a few instances. Im forecasting dramatic change , not some semi imperceivable incremental betterment. At worst 8-9 wins.. at best....wtfk !! With a midfield that works. We will be a very different outfit. Im not saying stars, shines, eclipses....just one that works !! Momentum killed us in more than a handful of games this year. Games where a seeming parity was blown out of the water by oppositions 5, 6, 7, 8, goal blitzes which then blew out our candle. That wont happen in 14. yes, yes, I acknowledge its easy to be fast and loose with expectation come this 'giddy' time of year. The element that will change all is the mindsets of the players. If they are 'switched on' and positive then all hell could break out ( in a good way for us ) If we can get at least 75-80% of our fwds on park each week that will be a huge headache for opposition coachs.. Few teams have depth to cover all the bases.. Our backs are ok and will relish an easing of the pressure that a new 'working " midfield will afford. The effectiveness of our own ability to rebound on the half back will take leaps. This will flow through the midfield where instead of running out of puff, out of direction or just out of confidence the ball will be moved quickly down the pointy end. The stunned mullet effect , our seeming acceptance to appear like bunnies in headlights will be gone. The likes of Cross, Vince, Jones together with whomever will steady the way. I accept the scepticism. I thin we'll play Ok next year...In fact im sure of it.
  19. They were indeed quite yummy !! A very enjoyable evening cheers gents Mum's the word
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