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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Anyone else see the irony....... We couldn't like Nashers post lol
  2. Theres a dim sim ilarity about these posts
  3. I think the good Doctor 'borrowed " it
  4. nahh....can pretty well imagine !!
  5. you picked the wong day huh WJ !!
  6. clash strip
  7. and before anyone asks " yeah....but what about the front of Adelaide and the back of the redback Demon ? "
  8. but if you must....then the "redback" jumper solves this
  9. and the problem is ?
  10. point being...if anyone here...stooges or otherwise were to say ...burn a Bambang doll or tear up a Koran , there'd be all mighty hell to pay. I dont look to tar all with a brush.. Just those in position to influence
  11. too much
  12. given this is the AFL's idea of fixing a clash ( which wasnt there in the first place ) then Id never get past the interview !! lol
  13. We're learning how to play footy again. it worries me some that we have had to but acknowledging where you are ( like an alcoholic ) is the first step to recovery. That we were getting so many of the basics of the 'new game' wrong is really just amazing , bordering on the ludicrous. Give these lads the tools ( skills, plan, and confidence ) to play the game and we WILL see a very different team take the paddock in 2014. Roos has even quietly at times , almost cryptically , suggested we may 'surprise" a few in 14. It seems Roos will intstill in this team the desire to play GOOD footy as opposed to being afraid of playing BAD footy.
  14. I think , like, we cant, in all good conscience in this day and age impose our collective wills on a button. It needs to find its own sense of fit and how it can better server the greater humanity, i mean, like it should develop its own persona.... peace out
  15. it is isnt it.. sometimes solutions...are ....simple
  16. maybe the last one..lol Over time much has been made of the clash we have with Carlton. This in reality is about as close to a real argument as you get imho. I rather like elements of our jumper. I like the yoke. I like the colours..I detest white as for me it has no place there. Its a compromise that in reality neednt occur. What if you simply changed out one panel of our jumper.. the rear navy...for red. its still very Melbourne..99% of all supposed clashes disappear again..imho.
  17. Someone is bound to ask the Normal and reversed jumpers. I quickly deepened the yoke of the reverse to closer match.. its a bit rough, apologies
  18. its not too bad a look really ... If its ok for the filth to swap their black and white around, why not us
  19. no i didnt !! I wont go there..lol...its like that "Scottish play thing "
  20. against my better judgement.... i feel unclean and must now have a shower forgive me fellow Demonlanders (
  21. Ah yes, in an ideal world the golden rule ought to prevail. Its an ideal I myself wish to go by unfortunately with some they seem to implore a tarnished version of silver plate instead. There is nothing about that country that screams to one, trust us. By country i again mean the gov of it. I have great respect for a people who happily burn our flags and effigies(?). Inspires a warm fuzzy feeling !!
  22. The Filth used have a lot of signage on that oval. Yes the little building is a Toilet...not a Tardis !!
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