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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. I dont think Vlad's game to take them on...WADA will...but I cant help but feel Vlad's running interference
  2. is it a toothless tiger though....just roars at other, smaller animals in a game of bluff ?
  3. Yes strangely I agree the process was similar. That in itself could speak volumes about those committing as much of the skulduggery as the supposed transgressors. Some may view the omission ( re pay( hird)) as simple oversight. I wonder though, seriously. Not much about anything the league does ever seems logical or straightforward but more often than not seems scented with the aroma of agenda.
  4. No, still pretty quiet on the footy front !!
  5. Youve no doubt heard the expression.... "First Impressions " ??
  6. There's no colour in either situation
  7. And yet strangely often companies will go to great lengths to remind staff that they will indeed be the face of the company when dealing with the public/customers so AD which way would you like it ?
  8. i reckon we could reel off half a dozen names with impunity Old.. still, they will be calling Casey home this year I imagine anyway
  9. we've of the same thinking I feel. I do still smell a rat...big time. Was this 'purposely " left of the written agreement ? plausible deniability etc. I still think something very shonky occurred re that call of Vlads way back to that little Messendon soiree !!
  10. what penalty Old...arent they going to get away with it all scott free ?? or are you coming to this side of the st ? lol
  11. AFL: No pay for Hird was a verbal guarantee see this is why you always get it in writing !!! lol you geese AFL
  12. dont worry Old....bound to be another turn over of players again this time next year. maybe only 8-9 though funny though apparently wee have TWO Mitch Clisby's at present !!
  13. no watch...therefore no alarm !!
  14. In all seriousness..as explained to lil girl ..Cars are expensive I dont lose sleep over saving thousands. I dont really care about the salesperson.. Im polite but firm. i dont budge. its my money I can walk away. its their choice..they can work for the com..its what they do after all. I suppose its an interesting position though with a sponsor who sells cars. I mean some poor scmucks pay the sticker price, thats their decision I guess. I would feel no more beholding to an AHG dealer than any other.. I might out of loyalty to the club at least give them a chance to make an offer. After that ...all bets off, unless AHG want to pay my mortgage etc
  15. Was quite funny really...daughter asked later of it all " why are you so hard on them?" Laughed my face off almost. Had to explain to young lass..Im not hard, as I explained to said salesman I'm dead easy to deal with. Just give me exactly what i want., lets start from that point and move forward....and no BS !!
  16. you cant play nice at car yards ..lol You can be polite... but you cant give then too much lee way.
  17. Theres an easy buying technique with cars... just keep one eye permanently peeled on the door.. make the bastards work for it... and screw them down....then walk away.. and wait for the call..lol That was technique used to get daughters new car ( shes paying btw ) but doesnt like the dance...I find it fun
  18. wouldnt have particularly thought so Old...transient ones...well ...lol
  19. Old... not sure what to suggest mate. Id communicate your experience to someone at AHG. in nice way.. along lines of you tried to support a sponsor but left flat by experience etc be interesting to hear their reply
  20. I quite enjoyed my Hertz discount recently maybe you need to go tougher on your pricing there Old
  21. no...ive been under a rock for the last ten years .. That this was the outcome is truly contentious on many fronts, the least of which is actually the guilt of what. Please dont compare the issue of list management with the scurrilous actions as taken by EFC. We rolled, needlessly in my view. Essendon are negotiating where none ought to be able. If nothing else I sit in awe of their gall and in contempt of the league.
  22. i dont dislike Adelaide as a team....their supporters at home however are invariably feral !!
  23. as you know I have family members who are Messy ones . This is not about them, this is about a club that seems to think it can operate beyond the fence and with utter contempt for all else ( arguably not alone..carlscum fit that description also )
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